Super Healer

Chapter 2993


Kardashan was stunned by her personality, strength and support. Who would it be?

Although kardashan is a villain, she knows very well that after being crushed by the demons, many of the protoss have died. Among the remaining people, the overall strength is almost no longer stronger than her own, and her moral character will not be said. Who will be stronger than herself alone?

What's more, public support? If you really want to choose a Protoss leader and choose among the protoss, who else is more suitable than yourself?

Not only did Kardashian think so, but all the protoss who were summoned had similar thoughts.

They don't recognize kardashan's character, but they won't say anything about her strength. After all, no matter how kardashan is, she is also a subordinate God. Now that satina is missing, she is almost the strongest person in the Protoss. Besides her, who can be more suitable?

Everyone looked at Chu Feng with puzzled eyes, and kardashan was even more annoyed. At first, Chu Feng didn't say that, but now she showed that she had never supported herself, which made kadaishan very uncomfortable.

It seems that the person in charge has a higher status, but she is not interested in it at all. Because when she was in charge, she was also above ten thousand people. Now she is despised by others. If she just keeps her status unchanged, she can't accept it.

Chu Feng didn't care what kardashan thought, because no matter how the latter thought, she could only take it according to her own thinking, and she had no way out.

He turned his head and called to the king of God's Palace: "come out!"

Everyone's eyes were all focused on the temple of God King. Hearing the footsteps coming from inside, everyone became curious. Kardashan was even more hostile. Chu Feng would never let Oriental people dominate the spirit world. But who else in the spirit world has such qualifications to become a new God King?

"Ah, William!"

Finally, a figure appeared in the public's line of sight, when the people who came out, the people present were very surprised.

William, the son of Luo Chengzhu, once the first city master star, naturally knew him, but the latter was the peak cultivation of demigod in the later period. How could he dominate the western world?

Some Protoss leaders at the peak of the demigod period are very puzzled. If it is to let William, who is so powerful, become the leader of protoss, it is better to let kardashan go. At least the latter is a lower God, and even the strong one can be the leader of the Protoss. That's a joke.

Kardashan also responded and hummed, "little wind, are you kidding us? How can William be the leader of the protoss? "

The rest of the protoss also nodded slightly. Naturally, they were sure of William's character, which was much better than kardashan. If they could become the leader of the protoss, they would support it, but the strength was too low. Even if they became the God King with the support of Chu Feng, how many people would be convinced?

"At least I think he's better than you."

Chufeng chufeng smiles gently and doesn't care about kardashan's almost killing eyes: "character and strength are all above you. The most important thing is, if you compete with William, I believe you will support William more?"

Kardashian's face moved her. Sure enough, she saw all the protoss nodding there. If they wanted to choose one of them, they would rather William be king of the Protoss.

In her eyes, kardashan was angry in her heart and knew that she was really fooled by Chu Feng, because she began to kill the guard of the God King's palace. Now in the hearts of these Protoss, she has no character to speak of. It is definitely impossible to support her to become the king of the Protoss.

Kardashan clenched her pink fist and slowly loosened it. She knew that even if she knew that she had been played by Chu Feng, she could only bear it.

"Let's see. I don't have to say that I use you to control the spirit world."

Chu Feng patted William on the shoulder and did not pay attention to the dissatisfied kadaishan: "I believe that when they know your strength, they will sincerely hope that you will become the master of the spirit world and the king of the western world."

William nodded gently and went forward to face the people. In the curious look of everyone, William suddenly burst out his amazing momentum. A strong breath of God of nature surged between heaven and earth, completely enveloping the whole temple of God.

At first, there was a slight contempt in his eyes. He even felt that Chu Feng made William go to the top to control the spirit world. At the moment, all of them changed color.

God of creation! When did William become God of nature?

People's brains seem to be short circuited. They are very clear about what kind of cultivation William is. Not long ago, it was only the peak of the late demigod. If it were not for the relationship between satina and William, he would have been killed when the city Lord of Stella collapsed.

But at that time, William, who was only the peak of demigod, how could he become the God of nature? When was the birth of God of nature so simple?

All the protoss were shocked beyond measure. Kardashan opened her mouth in surprise, as if she was studying some noble musical instrument. She blinked her eyes to see if it was her own illusion. But the fact is that William is indeed a powerful God of creation, and it is hard to fake that strong breath.However, when the king of cassan was confused, how could it be regarded as the most important thing for William to achieve in a short time?

What did she think of? Kardashan's eyes looked at Chu Feng, who was standing there with a faint smile. She was sure that all this must be caused by Chu Feng, but how did he do it to improve William's cultivation?

It was a little strange at that time that he was in the temple of King Wu. All of them were gods, and their aptitude was better than their own. At that time, it seemed that everything was due to the Chu wind.

At this time, all the protoss were kneeling on the ground. William was the right person in their hearts to compare with kadaishan. They were also sure of their moral character. Now they are still a terrible God of creation. If such a person wants to become a leader of the protoss, even without the support of Chu Feng, they can only comply with it.

What's more, now that William still has the support of Chu Feng, they know what to do without any words: "God King!"

The voice reverberated in the sky above the God King Hall. William showed his strength and became a new God King without any hindrance. Chu Feng knew in his eyes that he had come to the spirit world. Then even if satina came back, he could not return to heaven.

Because the protoss will not accept that a man who has practiced sorcery will become the king of the Protoss. The era of satyana is really over this time.

Chu Feng didn't disturb anything. He quietly turned around and walked into the palace of God. William had grown up. He knew how to do some things and let William dominate the western world. Chu Feng believed that this was the right choice.

After Chu Feng left, kardashan saw that William was telling everyone to get up. She clenched her lips and did not want to admit that she had not got anything, so she turned around and followed Chu Feng to go in. Now William has become the king of gods. If she wants to have a better future, she can only hold chufeng's thigh.

After the palace of God, Chu Feng just sat down and kardashan followed him. Her face was full of anger: "little wind, are you playing with me like this? What do you say when you use me? "

Chu Feng smiles, and the anger toward kadaishan is expected: "what did I say? I don't seem to have given you any assurance? "

"You Kardashan looked angry. She raised her finger and pointed to Chu Feng. She realized that it was wrong. She put it down and said coldly: "last time I asked you whether the future leader of the protoss is me, whether you want to support me to the top. Do you think it is not obvious? What do you mean by supporting William to the top

"I did say that." Chu Feng nodded and didn't deny what he had said. When kardashan's face relaxed and Chu Feng didn't repudiate, Chu Feng's words deflected: "what I said is very obvious, but I didn't say to support you to become the God King. Don't you know what it means obviously?"

"But I don't know. I don't blame you, but now I've made it clear. Do you understand?"

Kardashan looked at Chu Feng with consternation. Slowly, she finally reacted.

When she asked Chu Feng, wasn't Chu Feng's answer obvious? At first, kardashan thought that chufeng meant that she must have become the king of the protoss, but now it seems that kadaishan knew she was really fooled by chufeng.

What he said is obvious, can be positive words, can be negative words to her, for example, it is obviously not to support you.

But hate oneself at that time did not think of this layer, will be silly to be used by Chu Feng, look at Chu Feng eyes did not hide her anger: "Chu Feng, you are a jerk, bullying a girl is what skill?"

"Are you still a girl?" Chu Feng asked a question with a smile, but he didn't continue to pester with kadaishan: "and although you are not the God King, you are also the existence of thousands of people under one person. I believe that as long as you do things seriously, no one will do anything to you. William's character is there. Are you worried that he will bully you?"

Naturally, kardashan knew that William would not bully herself, but now she felt that she had been bullied by Chu Feng.

Cold face: "well, don't say this, then you said that as long as nagula died, let me be your woman, nagula died long ago, this is still not true."

This woman is really caught almost to the benefit of ah!

Chu Feng also knew that he could not be so polite to her, and his eyes were slightly cold: "nagula died. Satyana has no accident. Naturally, I will keep my promise. But don't forget what happened afterwards. Do you dare to tell me these things? Do you think I don't know who you helped satina oppress me?"

As soon as she felt Chu Feng's anger rising, she immediately lowered her head and knew that she was too angry. How could she compete with Chu Feng?

Chu fengleng snorted and stood up: "do your work well. I will be in the spirit world in the next few days. You can help William stabilize the spirit world."

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