Super Healer

Chapter 3034

After solving all the problems of the sword snow sect and making sure that there were no problems in terms of safety, Chu Feng left the world of cutting snow sect and returned to the temple of King Wu.

The temple world is very quiet in the middle of the night. Especially with the strength of the Chu wind and the closing of the Xiuzhen world, the people in the temple world are more awed by the Chu wind, so they are very quiet at night and try not to disturb the Chu wind.

"The master is back."

Chu Feng just went to the back garden, white lotus came from one side, saw Chu wind, white lotus rushed to meet up: "need something?"

Chu Feng stretched his hands and feet: "let me soak in water."

In the past two days, I have been busy with all kinds of things, and I haven't had time to relax. Especially with the continuous progress of the countdown to extinction, Chu Feng's heart has never really relaxed. What is the way of heaven? This is what Chu Feng thinks most now.

White lotus soon put the water, as always to serve the Chu wind, but do not know why, white lotus feel Chu wind and before is not the same.

In the bath, sitting behind Chu Feng, she took a towel to help Chu Feng wipe it. Seeing Chu Feng still had no movement, she just closed her eyes and didn't know what she was thinking there. She narrowed her eyes and bit her lips.

Finally, he spoke cautiously: "master, did Bai He do something wrong?"

Chu Feng opened his eyes and temporarily withdrew his thoughts: "how can you say that?"

"You treat me as if you were the same again." Bai he lowered his head, and his voice was small enough to hear Chu Feng: "are you worried about Bai He asking for your status, so you deliberately distance yourself from me?"

Chu Feng was slightly stunned, but he really didn't care about this. At the moment, Bai He said that he seemed to have no passion for Bai He after he left the dream. As a woman, Bai He must have felt it. Inevitably, he would have such an idea.

However, Chu Feng asked, although he had the idea of possession, he would not be too persistent. The reason why he began to be crazy was because the soul of the dream was attached to her.

Passing a trace of bitter smile, if Bai He knew, he would be very angry, right?

Of course, Chu Feng would not let Bai he know. He turned around and took Bai He's hand: "you think too much, but now there are a lot of things. The Xiuzhen world has completely set out to fight me to the end. Nothingness has also intervened in these things, but I have no way to collapse the nihility."

"So, it's not that I have any opinion about you, it's just that I'm really busy."

Bai He raised his head and looked at Chu Feng seriously. She couldn't see whether what Chu Feng said was true or not. She only knew that if Chu Feng didn't want her own life, she could live well, but it was definitely not the life she wanted.

Because her greatest wish is to accompany Chu Feng, watching him come to the world, and then stand behind him, proud of such a master.

Although all of her has been given to Chu Feng, Bai He is very aware of her position, and it is impossible to compete with the rest of Chu Feng's beauties. As long as she can follow Chu Feng's side and be his maid, Bai He's heart will be very satisfied.

Staring at Chu Feng's eyes, Bai He nodded heavily.

Chu Feng also did not say what, bubble after let white lotus clean up, called her to rest.

After Bai He left, Chu Feng raised his hand and a picture appeared in front of him. In the picture, the Lord of the Kingdom appeared. Chu Feng directly said: "the countdown to the world may not be long. I have taken back the supreme throne, and the ten divine tools can be gathered at any time. What is the way of heaven? Do you really not know?"

The original intention of Chu Feng is to slowly understand all this, but now the countdown to extinction has been opened. If we can't eliminate nothingness before the fate order is reshaped, then everything will change dramatically.

Since ancient times, Chu Feng knows that it has experienced many eras. For many people, the collapse of an era is inevitable in history. However, in this era, Chu Feng has the responsibility to ensure the safety of this era. After all, this era has its own relatives, Hongyan and brothers.

"I am not the supreme, how can I know the way of heaven?"

The master sighed softly: "it's the devil. Do you think the way you are going and the way you choose is correct?"

Chu Feng's eyes condensed: "what do you mean?"

"There are too many fetters." The master of the world was silent for a moment, threw out a sentence, and then continued: "although I don't know what is heaven's way, I believe that if you want to become a strong person, you can't have too many fetters. If you have too many fetters, you will have an impact on your perseverance. What kind of qualifications do you have to be a strong person if you can't make yourself tough enough?

In the seven cosmic eras I have experienced, most of the people who can acquire great power are those who have little fetters. I seldom see people who cherish the memory of the world like God, and the strong people who worry too much about you. "

As for what the world Lord said, Chu Feng was a little clear, but it didn't seem to be very clear: "can you speak more carefully?"

"Whatever you want!" The master of the world did not falter, but directly said, "the most important thing for a strong man is to follow his will. If he has too many fetters and worries, his potential development will be affected. If he looks forward to the future, do you think he can achieve the supreme position?"Chu Feng is silent. This time, he can understand what the LORD said.

Looking back on what I've done, it seems that I really think about a lot of things. Even now, what I'm thinking about is the security of the whole world, the safety of relatives, beauties and brothers. What I want to do is to become stronger, eliminate nothingness and prevent the extinction of the world.

The more I think about these things, the more I think about them, the more irritable my heart will be, because even if I think about them, I can't seem to find a solution.

As you please, everyone knows the truth, but how many people can do it?

Chu Feng knows that a person who thinks too much will affect his own development, but how to do to be able to put down all this, calmly to face all the world?

The vision is more a smooth, there is a trace of puzzled: "the world Lord, a person is merciless, can be powerful?"

"It doesn't mean you have to be ruthless." With a faint smile, the master of the world said to Chu Feng, "when it should be, you should treat it calmly. If you can't change it, then you can let it go. It's like Chang'e's affair. If you can make it, then let her live. If you can't, then accept the fact."

"It's a very difficult state of mind to understand, but if you can feel it, maybe you can be calm and calm in the search for heaven's way, and you will be a lot more suddenly."

Chu Feng nodded gently, raised his hand and closed the conversation with the world Master. He went to lie on the bed, thinking about what the world Lord and himself had said just now.

If a person has too many fetters and can't do as he pleases, he will always be hindered by some obstacles on the way of the strong. These ties may not have much at ordinary times, but they will become a fatal weakness on top of major events.

Just a person, how can you do since you have feelings, and can be calm and open?

Chu Feng closed his eyes and reflected on what he had just said to himself. He could feel that even the master of the world could not do this. It was just his understanding, or that his father, the Supreme Master of all ages, told him.

Do you want to be able to take it or put it down?

Chu Feng seems to have caught something, and it seems that it is still a little bit close. In his mind, something seems to appear, but if he wants to capture it, it is almost so meaningful.

As time went by, Chu Feng, who had not slept all night, suddenly opened his eyes and sat up with a gentle smile on his face: "I understand."

At this moment, Chu Feng's heart was suddenly enlightened. He had already understood what the world Lord meant.

I also know that these days, I am adding pressure to myself. I can't let go of many things. I worry about the conspiracy of nothingness. What I think is that if I can't stop nothingness, what kind of disaster will Wanjie bear and what will happen to her relatives, friends and beauties!

These things seem to be sentimental and righteous, but for Chu Feng at this time, it is a fatal emotion, because this is not an ordinary time, but a very dangerous moment.

What the master of the world said, Chu Feng also fully understood that ruthlessness is not a kind of saying, but a person becomes more easygoing and casual. If you can get what you can get, you don't ask for what you can't afford. Because under the promotion of the era, it's not that you can solve problems if you think too much.

On the contrary, if you think too much, you can only leave too many obstacles in your heart, and these obstacles will become fatal weaknesses when they are important.

Calm to face all the things that happen now, everything with fate, do everything to listen to the destiny, seems to be a kind of disregard, take a step to see a step, but such a person, can go further, on the road can also feel more.

Chu Feng closed his eyes and thought for a while, and found that his mood is not so heavy now, the invisible pressure on his body has also dissipated a lot, as if a lot of things are nothing.

The conspiracy of nothingness is to gain dignity, otherwise it is to destroy the world.

Chu Feng began to think about whether to stop nothingness, but now he has no such worries. He treats it with a posture of listening to the fate of heaven. If he can stop nihility, he will give Wanjie a stable life.

If we can't stop nothingness, it's also a fate. In a big deal, we will die together and disappear in the world.

Why insist, why insist, follow your heart!

After thinking about it, Chu Feng fully understood how to do it. Everything was done with his own heart and the most real idea. Don't worry too much. Go ahead, walk past, and if you can't, bury them together!

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