Super Healer

Chapter 3035

At the beginning of the rising sun, Chu Feng suddenly issued a call to call on the forces under his banner. For a time, the wind and clouds were surging in all directions.

Until noon, all the hermit adjudication offices under the banner of Chu Feng arrived in the temple world. The power of the former four great forces, including Juesha sect, Lingyun sect, Dan sect and refining utensil sect, has basically arrived, and at least all of them have brought the existence above the mid demigod period.

In the same way, the five sages also began to close the cleaning up of the Xiuzhen world and returned to the temple world. This was the first time that Chu Feng summoned all the forces under his banner. All the people's eyes were cast on the temple world, and they were wondering what Chu Feng would do next.

In such a tense atmosphere, all the core personnel came into the temple of King Wu. When the sun was approaching, all the people came out, and then they started how to come and how to leave now.

When everyone was in a trance, Chu Feng also issued a formal announcement. From today on, however, he started a war against the Xiuzhen world. Except for the renxuezong, those who did not surrender would be killed!

At the beginning, Chu Feng had already declared a war against the Xiuzhen world, but this time everyone could feel that Chu Feng was really coming. Otherwise, why should he worry about his people?

Many people began to get excited. If Chu Fengzhen started a war on the Xiuzhen world, it would be the most powerful war since the new era, because the peak power of each family is sage.

Although the first World War of saints will bring many uncertain factors to the world, it does not hinder people's expectation at this moment. Even many people hope that Chu Feng will be the final winner. In this way, the cultivators will disappear completely from this era and will no longer be able to share the resources of the world with them.

After everyone left, Zhang yun'er, Chang'e, or Lu Wan in the temple of King Wu all looked at Chu Feng with puzzled eyes.

According to the current strength of Chu Feng, even if the three have already arranged a defensive array, even if the saints can resist it, but as long as Chu Feng starts to do so, he can definitely break their defense and annihilate them in the shortest time.

There was no need to mobilize the forces under the banner. However, they all felt that Chu Feng was exaggerating.

Chu Feng saw everyone curiously looking at himself, Wen Run said with a smile: "is it strange that I mobilize so many people to do?"

Chang'e and others all nodded slightly to express their doubts.

Although Chu Feng's strength is not weak, there is still a huge gap compared with the three masters in the Xiuzhen world. Because the power of the hidden world judgment center and the temple world is only the power of the peak divine realm, the three masters can easily pull out an army composed of the divine realm.

In such a situation of great disparity in power, the most important thing Chu Feng should do is to send out the demon Kingdom army. The 100000 demon Kingdom army should go out together. The three of them are not enough to crush. It is only a matter of time before they are destroyed.

However, Chu Feng is now superfluous, a simple way not to use, but to make things complicated, may also add unnecessary losses, everyone's heart is not very clear.

Quite a bit, take off your pants and fart.

Chu Feng smiles, of course, he knows what is in everyone's mind. He has absolute strength to destroy the three of them. Why should he make such a fuss.

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Feng faintly opened his mouth: "the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry!"

With four simple words, Chu Feng didn't say anything more. He believed that with everyone's intelligence, he could definitely think of something. He stood up and walked back to the garden, leaving behind the people who were still thinking.

When Chu Feng left for a long time, Lu Wan sighed and said, "maybe we think it's too simple."

Chu Feng has just said very clearly, the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry!

He does have the strength to crush the Xiuzhen world, but Chu Feng has no absolute assurance to let the three of them miss the net. After all, there are a large number of powerful people in the divine realm. If one of them leaves one or two carelessly, it will be a disaster for the whole world.

After all, in the ten thousand realms, except for the Xiuzhen world and the demon god world, there are only a few strong divine realms.

At that time, Chu Feng destroyed the three masters of the Xiuzhen world, but those who missed the net attacked those around him out of revenge. How many people could resist it and how many people could Chu Feng protect?

It seems that Chu Feng really complicates a simple thing, but it is also the best way, because in this way, it will not let the Xiuzhen world jump over the wall in a hurry, so as to annihilate the three families to the greatest extent, and can well prevent the disaster.

Thinking of Chu Feng's thoughts, everyone's faces can't stand a red. Originally, everyone is not a fool. On the contrary, they are very smart women. They just follow Chu Feng's side, and most of the things are undertaken by Chu Feng. They don't like to use their brains any more.

Looking at the back garden, everyone scattered in twos and threes. Unexpectedly, Chu Feng decided to destroy the Xiuzhen realm gradually. Of course, they could only support it.

When most of the people left, Yihong, who came out of the demon world, saw that there was no one left, and then went back to the garden.

Just walked in, I saw Chu Feng lying on the grass, carefree and carefree. With a grass in his mouth, he couldn't stop smiling bitterly. If it was someone else in Chu Feng's position, I'm sure he couldn't show such a relaxed posture.Looking at the current Chu Feng seems to have no sense of crisis at all. Yihong doesn't know whether Chu Feng's psychology is too strong or his absolute confidence in his strength.

However, Yihong didn't think about these things much. He went to sit beside Chu Feng and naturally pulled up one hand of Chu Feng and massaged there: "actually, what you're worried about is not a dog jumping over a wall?"

Chu Feng is closed eyes, smell speech opened his eyes and looked at the side of Yihong: "how can you say that?"

"An intuition." Yihong thought for a moment, and his eyes were clear and said his own judgment: "because you have the devil's field, you can cover a planet. When you start, you only need to expand the demon field to prevent the fish from escaping the net. So you say that the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry. It seems that you are worried about the bloody revenge of the fish, but I don't think so."

"You are not even afraid that the Xiuzhen world will be the first to take the initiative. How can you worry about some revenge later?"

Blinking his eyes, leaning on Hong showed a playful look: "after all, the people under your banner have a little strength. If you are not important, you will not be regarded as the object of revenge. If you are important to you, you will certainly have arrangements. You are worried that the dog will jump off the wall and retaliate afterwards. That is not normal."

Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly, looking at Yihong and shaking his head slightly: "if you don't know that you really exist, it's this era. I almost doubt that you are a period with Wan'er."

"That's right. I never worry about any Revenge of the Xiuzhen world, nor any conspiracy of them, because I've arranged the army of the demon world for a long time. As long as one of the three people leaves their world, the only one who meets them is death."

Leaning on Hong's mouth, he saw Chu Feng didn't hide himself, and his face was also smiling: "what are you worried about?"

"It's not worry, it's just a kind of caution." Chufeng gentle smile, if it was before yesterday, there will be some concerns, but now he is more in accordance with his own heart to do, give himself too much fetters, not conducive to the pursuit of the illusory, but it is really the way of heaven.

As for today's arrangement, it's just that Chu Feng distracts the attention of the three of them. The reason why he doesn't destroy them immediately is not to worry about their being forced to jump over the wall.

Move a bit, lean on the elastic thigh of Yihong and say, "actually, I'm just looking at what nihility wants to do."

The four ancestors were taken away by nothingness, which Chu Feng will never forget. Nihilism is a stinky girl who can't get up early. If it takes away the four ancestors, it must be valuable. Otherwise, nihility will not do these useless works.

Chu Feng didn't worry about anyone in the Xiuzhen world, but he was alert to nothingness. He could not think more about the future of nihilism to win over the world. However, before that day, Chu Feng didn't want nihilism to be too smooth.

Instead of crushing the Xiuzhen world and taking a slow attitude, Chu Feng wanted to see what plot there was to take the four ancestors away from nothingness. If it could be revealed in this process, it would be directly destroyed.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't show up. Chu Feng can control the Xiuzhen world one by one in the process of boiling frogs in warm water. Although the Xiuzhen world should not appear in this era, it is inevitable that they appear.

Maybe the people in the upper class of each family should be damned, but it is undeniable that there are good people in every family. Especially after knowing the power of all living beings from the world Master, Chu Feng paid more attention to hundreds of millions of creatures.

Therefore, on the issue of the Xiuzhen realm, Chu Feng does not want to kill them. Of course, if they can't really surrender to themselves, Chu Feng doesn't mind letting them disappear in this world forever.

This is Chu Feng's idea now, take a step to see a step, consider too much, just let oneself too fidgety just.

Yihong looked at Chu Feng curiously, and obviously felt that every time she saw Chu Feng, she could find that he was different from the last time. However, what was the difference? Yihong didn't know. She was just a god of creation. It was certainly not easy to see through Chu Feng's inner thoughts.

But Yi Hong is not that kind of ox horn sharp person, just want to guess Chu Feng's idea.

Dispersed the idea, leaning Hong lowered his head, and a smile appeared on her beautiful face: "have a rest early tonight, and I'll come to look for you."

Look at the face close at hand, Chu Feng smile: "good."

This time, Yihong was really stunned. If it was in the past, Chu Feng must say that it was inappropriate. As if he was so cheerful now, Yihong had never seen it. He blinked his eyes and felt that it was a little unreal.

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