Super Healer

Chapter 3100

Chu Feng not only wanted to win the Luo family, but also to ensure that there was no sequelae.

Therefore, in the case that the demon Kingdom army could not enter the Luo family, Chu Feng didn't want to do it even if he could kill all the people in the core layer such as Luojia mountain, because when the time came, there would be a fish in the net, and the consequences would be very serious, and he could not take into account the whole world.

Although there is still no way to break the battle, Chu Feng has nothing to worry about, because having a person like Luo Yu is a kind of harvest for Chu Feng.

No matter the Pu family, the blade snow sect, or the Luo family in the future, Chu Feng will not control it in person, because for them, he is an outsider after all, which is far better than his own. Although he knows that he is standing behind, on the surface, their hearts will not be so depressed.

As the new day passed again, Chu Feng stayed at Luo Yu's place and never went out. Luo Yu knew that his status in Luo's family was average, so he didn't mean to go out, so he didn't have to go out to save himself from trouble again. Chu Feng might not be able to save him.

With the coming of night, Chu Feng, who had a rest day, opened his eyes and walked out of the room to see Luo Yu sitting in the yard.

The latter also stood up: "demon, want to eat something?"

"No more." Chu Feng shook his head and went to sit down. He looked at the height of Huoyanshan. There were many magnificent buildings and a splendid palace standing in the center: "is that where the core of Luo family is?"

Although the Luo family world is affected by the heart array, many things are illusory, but the Flame Mountain seen here is still real.

Luo Yu nodded: "yes, that is the core of the Luo family."

That place is also the place that all Luo family yearn for. Once Luo Yu also wanted to enter that place, but he didn't have the qualification at all.

Because mount Huoyan is the place where the Lord of Luojia is located, as well as the elders of the Luo family, as well as the existence of some upper gods and above, even some people of the middle God are not qualified to go to the top of the mountain. Luo Yu, as a semi God, is naturally not qualified, even if he is the son of Luojia mountain.

Chu Feng's left eye twinkled and looked at the environment above. After a general understanding, he took back his eyes: "after that, your territory is on that."

Luo Yu smiles and nods: "I look forward to it."

Chu Feng was just about to talk, when he suddenly frowned slightly and looked at the night sky with fierce eyes: "I have something to do, go out first."

When the words fell, Chu Feng disappeared in front of Luo Yu. He didn't leave any trace. Luo Yu reacted for a long time. Looking around, he found that there was no trace of Chu Feng. He felt a little heavy in his heart. Although he promised to be loyal to Chu Feng, what should he do if Chu Feng failed?

However, just after the birth of such an idea, Luo Yu snuffed it out.

Gambling itself contains risks. If you don't cooperate with Chu Feng, your future destiny is likely to be killed by some Luo family. If you cooperate with Chu Feng, you will be able to achieve Nirvana and rebirth.

At this time, Chu Feng moved rapidly under the cover of the night. Even Luojia mountain could not find Chu Feng's breath. The reason why Chu Feng left Luoyu's territory was that his heart hurt a little and smelled a breath.

There is only one person in the world who can make his heart ache, that is the mysterious woman.

Chu Feng doesn't know who she is, but one thing for sure is that she is now in the world of Luo family and has come to find herself.

Left the flame mountain for thousands of miles, to a mountain canyon, chufeng around to see, cold face to drink: "roll out?"

As soon as the words were spoken, the mysterious woman's laughter rang out in his ear: "am I not always beside you?"

At the beginning, she didn't know what she was like except for a few steps away from Chu. She didn't even know whether she was in the next step.

The only thing for sure is that he will never be soft hearted if he can kill this woman.

This mysterious woman is also very clear, so Chu Feng did not have the slightest politeness to say: "what do you want me to do? If you want to play with me, then you go to die."

"I have a bad temper. I have no manners at all." The mysterious woman giggled and chufeng felt a gust of wind blowing by his side. The voice of the mysterious woman also came from behind him: "I still want to bring you some good news. For example, I know how to crack the Luo family's array. Seeing that you are so bad tempered, I'd better go!"

Chu Feng suddenly turned around: "you know?"

But there was no response around. Chu Feng looked through everything with his left eye, but he couldn't see whether the mysterious woman was still nearby. His mood became worse. He was having a headache here. How to break the Luo family's array to prevent the change, the mysterious woman brought him such news.

Now is to find an excuse, as if to leave, Chu Feng's mood is naturally not too good.Completely can't feel the breath of mysterious woman, Chu Feng angrily said: "smelly woman, you roll out for me, what do you want?"

There is still no response around, Chu Feng looks slightly ugly, he now hate only two people, one is nothingness, the other is a mysterious woman, two are his most helpless.

Holding back the anger in his heart, Chu Feng's tone softened a little: "if that's still there, I'll come out. Just now I'm a little bit bad tempered, but it's excusable, but I can apologize to you."

Chu Feng was almost crazy to say these words. She was the victim. Now she has to apologize to a persecutor. Chu Feng can't be too uncomfortable. However, for the overall situation, Chu Feng doesn't want to break her face with the mysterious woman for the time being. Moreover, she seems to know something, such as when she was at a loss for the Xiuzhen world.

"It's OK to say no earlier. It's ferocious every time. Why did people give you the first time?"

The air fluctuated, Chu Feng felt a hand holding his arm, and a mysterious woman's voice sounded in his ear: "but I'm not happy, you call me baby this time, I'll tell you right away, and it can be detailed to people."

Chu Feng rolled his eyes, clenched his fist and slowly loosened it. If he didn't know he couldn't touch the mysterious woman and she could touch himself, he would have killed her now.

As for the mysterious woman's request, Chu Feng shook his head decisively: "you may not say, I will not call."

"It's not emotional." The mysterious woman said plaintively, pulling Chu Feng to one side and sitting down, it was quite strange, because only Chu Feng was there, and the mysterious woman had no trace.

This is in the Luo family world, Chu Feng does not want to be found: "say, how to break the battle?"

"What are you doing in such a hurry? I don't see you in such a hurry when you do things. Every time you do things in a hurry, people are inundated." The mysterious woman was angry.

Chu Feng had already been impatient, and the mysterious woman was still here deliberately pulling these things. Chu Feng got angry and stood up and said, "go away, if you want to say it, don't say get out of here. Anyway, it's still that sentence. If I have a chance, I will definitely kill you, and I will never forgive you for the things you planted in my heart."

This time, Chu Feng is really angry. If he doesn't get angry, it doesn't mean that he really has no temper. It's just that he has no way to deal with the mysterious woman. And she is still talking about it. Chu Feng will not be polite to her.

The mysterious woman also seemed to be shocked by Chu Feng's sudden anger. After silence for a while, she sighed: "it seems that we really can't be friends. It's a pity that we can't be friends. In the future, you'd better be polite to me. Otherwise, I'll pinch your heart and make you worse than death."

"As for the heart array of Luo family world, in addition to the external absolute force to break, it is to find the vital array eye inside. The array eye is not only for the Luo family, but also has requirements."

Chu Feng could hear the displeasure in the mysterious woman's tone, and knew that it was just like tearing his own cheek, but he didn't care at all. It was a death.

Ask, "what's the requirement?"

"Besides the blood of Luo family, it must be a woman." There was silence around, and the voice of the mysterious woman sounded again: "besides, it must be a person of Luo family who is a virgin. In addition, it must be the existence of the late demigod state and above. The natural age can not exceed 200 years old. Once it is exceeded, the array eyes will automatically transfer to the next person."

"So, as long as you according to these requirements, you can roughly delineate who is the eye of array. I wish you success!"

Words fall, Chu wind just feel a breath disappear, know the mysterious woman has gone.

However, Chu Feng is no longer in the mood to pay attention to any mysterious woman at the moment. He is more concerned about the information that the mysterious woman has said. If all this is true, it is really much less difficult to find the person with eye array.

The female of Luo family who is a virgin has the strength of half deity and above, and is no more than 200 years old of natural age.

The three conditions are used to lock in a person. The difficulty is much less than the beginning. The state and whether a virgin's body can be observed. Whether it exists for 200 years or not, how to distinguish it?

Chu Feng's corner of the mouth violently twitches for a while, discovers that the mysterious woman gives the method and did not give the same, the difference is not big.

Looking around, Chu Feng's excitement has dissipated a little. Although Luo's family is in the sealed land, its 200 year breeding is still terrible. There are many virgins, and many in the later period of demigod. It's not easy to find them!

Sigh a voice to say to oneself: "had known to give that smelly woman to play once, directly ask her who is good."

"Really?" As soon as he finished speaking, the voice of the mysterious woman sounded in his ear.

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