Super Healer

Chapter 3101

Chu Feng's mouth twitched violently. He thought that the mysterious woman had left. He didn't want to have it yet. As for the words just said just now, it would be too unruly to do that.

What's more, the mysterious woman really knows and can tell him that he must have said it, so why just tell him the way to find out? The reason why the mysterious woman doesn't say it is that she doesn't know who it is, just knows the way to find it, and the other is that she doesn't tell herself the meaning at all, so she has to let herself find it.

Feeling the mysterious woman's hand is moving on his body, Chu Feng cursed: "roll!"

The next moment Chu Feng left in an instant. For the mysterious woman, he not only had the opportunity to kill, but also rejected him. He did not know who the woman was, and what she looked like. It would be a shame to be an old woman in her seventies and eighties.

In the twinkling of body shape, Chu Feng also avoided the patrolling people of Luo family and returned to Luoyu's territory.

He was still sitting there, Chu Feng returned to his natural state and did not think about the mysterious woman any more for the time being, because no matter how much he thought, there was no effect.

After sitting down, Chu Feng said directly: "if I want to find a person in Luo's house according to the conditions, what can I do?"

"You want to find out who's in the eye?" Chu Feng just said that, Luo Yu knew his idea.

Chu Feng did not hide this, and nodded: "yes, I can't break the big array with external forces. I need to find the array eye inside and destroy it at one time. Only in this way can I guarantee that no one in the Luo family will miss the net."

Luo Yu thought for a while and said, "the Luo family has bred an era. No one knows exactly how many people there are. But if you delete and select according to the conditions, there is a way."

Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly: "what method?"

Luo Yu stood up and pointed to the Flame Mountain: "in order to better manage the Luo family, and not to bury some talented people, every person born of the Luo family's blood will drop blood and leave a mark on the ancestral stele. Of course, this is also to prevent the family women from giving birth to children of other nationalities. There is also the meaning of dripping blood to recognize relatives. As long as it is not the blood of the Luo family, the blood can not penetrate That stone tablet. "

"The high-level officials of the Luo family can use that tablet to select talented people, and according to the conditions, they can bring together those who can be trained. This was made by a family of refining utensils for the Luo family in ancient times."

According to Luo Yu, Chu Feng probably understood the significance of the stone tablets of luojiazu, that is, to prevent the Luo family blood from being impersonated and to delete and select talents.

It contains a wonderful power, in which, as long as the conditions are set well through the setting of ancestral steles, people who are needed by the senior level of Luo family can be selected.

For example, those who have entered the semi divine period before the age of 30, those who have entered the semi divine period before the age of 40, or those who have entered the divine realm before the age of 100 can be detected through the ancestral steles. In this way, these people can be trained together.

Chu Feng's eyes have been flashing bright, he is still here headache, what kind of method can find three conditions to choose the person, now it seems that there is no big problem.

However, the age and strength can be distinguished by the ancestral stele here. How can we tell if the female is a virgin?

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes: "Luo Yu, if I want to find a woman, and must be the body of a virgin, I'm afraid the ancestral stele can't?"

"It's OK." Luo Yu did not want to smile back: "because the ancestral stele also has a value of existence, that is, to select wives and concubines for the core and important people of the Luo family. Every time my father wants to take a concubine, he will use the ancestral tablet stone to select a woman with strong talent. Naturally, he can tell whether he is a virgin."

"It can be said that when the moment of birth drops the drop of blood, it will be bound with the ancestral stele forever."

Chu Feng's mouth slightly cocked up, so it is not difficult to determine who is the eye of the array. As long as the conditions are set on the ancestral stone tablet, we can find the people we need among the endless people of the Luo family.

Just looking at the flame mountain, Chu Feng is somewhat helpless. It is the core area of the Luo family. The ancestral steles must be closely guarded. How can you get close to it?

Looking at Luo Yu, Luo Yu said with a wry smile: "demon God, I don't know what you need the ancestral tablet to do, but I can only say that in addition to the owner and the core elders, and the existence of the realm of God of creation, no one can enter the attic of ancestral tablet stone at will, unless it is in accordance with the rules."

"After all, the ancestral stele is related to the prosperity of the Luo family, and the owner doesn't want too many people to know how many talented and powerful people there are in the Luo family."

Looking at the peak of the Flaming Mountain, Luo Yu sighed: "at the beginning, the five elders were suppressed in the sealed land, and all the five elders wanted to take away the ancestral tablet stone, which shows its importance. I'm afraid it's not an easy thing for the demon God to find people through the ancestral tablet stone."

Chu Feng of course knows that this is not an easy thing, but it is the most effective way to find out the eye of the people.

In addition, I don't know whether Luojia mountain knows how to find the array eye. If so, maybe the array eye is under their control now. Even if they find out that they want to destroy it at one stroke, it seems that it is not an easy thing.After thinking about it, Chu Feng still didn't give up: "no way at all?"


Luo Yu didn't give up seeing Chu Feng. After thinking about it carefully, Luo Yu said, "maybe there is a way to do it, that is to let a person who is qualified to enter the ancestral stone attic take you in, but in that case, it is likely to be exposed!"

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed: "do you have a candidate?"

The big deal is to take a threat directly and give the slave contract to that race, and then do not believe that he is disobedient.

"There is one, but she may not promise you."

Luo Yu nodded and whispered back: "Luo Qingting is Luo Chen's sister. She is a god of nature. She is also the sister of Luo Chen's father and mother. It is estimated that she will become a saint within a hundred years, so she has a high status in the family."

Speaking of this, Luo Yu was silent for a moment, then continued: "it's also because Luo Qingting is very talented and very likely to become a saint. My father didn't choose her when he took a concubine, because once she lost her virginity, her cultivation would become slow, and it would be more difficult to become a saint."

Chu Feng's mouth twitched violently. If it's right, Luochen is the son of Luojia mountain's brother, so Luochen's sister is naturally the niece of Luojia mountain. He even thought of taking concubines?

Slightly shaking his head, for these long-standing families, it is really incomprehensible.

"In this way, she may not be able to help me," she said

Because now Luochen's death, some people believe that satina did it, but more people still think that he killed Luo Chen. Luo Qingting is Luo Chen's sister. If she thinks that she killed Luochen herself, she will be exposed.

"Demon, maybe you can try it." Luo Chen thought for a moment and said.

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes: "how to try?"

Luo Chen then told Chu Feng what he thought. After hearing this, Chu Feng felt that it was not feasible. But if he wanted to enter the ancestral stele attic safely, it was undoubtedly the best way. He nodded: "do as you say!"

Chu Feng took out the mask and put it on, and then stood aside. At the same time, he changed his breath, which was only half divine. Then Luochen whispered a message and went out, and sat there waiting.

After a while, a figure passed by from the top of the flaming peak and landed directly in Luochen's yard. Chu Feng's eyes passed quietly, and he knew that the person was Luo Qingting. At the beginning, Luo Chen took care of Luo Yu, and the relationship between Luo Yu and Luo Qingting was also good.

It seems a little weak. It seems that the wind can blow it over a little bit. However, people dare not despise this woman because of the spirit of nature. Moreover, it has existed for tens of millions of years. To say that she is really delicate, it is obviously bullshit.

Luo Qingting looks at Chu Feng curiously. She has never seen a face. But now Luo Yu has no Luo Chen as a supporter. How can anyone follow Luo Chen?

Blinking eyes, Luo Qingting also did not go to think more about what, turned to soft mouth: "you look for me, something?"

Luo Yu has already stood up and showed his polite attitude. Even if he is the son of the owner, but he is not good at strength, then it is doomed that Luo Qingting is much more noble than him: "Qingting elder sister, please sit down first."

Luo Qingting takes a look at Luo Yu and thinks that he behaves a little strange today. She calls people over at night, but she has dealt with them before. Luo Qingting doesn't think about anything deeply, so she sits down a little bit before leaving.

Luo Yu didn't sit down, because he didn't dare. He kept a cautious posture and said: "sister Qingting, brother Chen has been dead for some time. I didn't find you a few days ago. I'm afraid you're sad. Are you better now?"

Luo Qingting looks a stagnation, tiny bite lip: "it's OK."

"Do you want revenge?" Luo Yu took the opportunity to ask. Seeing Luo Qingting looking at himself, he said quickly: "brother Chen's care for me has always been remembered. I'm very sad when he died, but I'm weak and can't do too many things. But if you want to revenge, I'm willing to fight the people under the demon God's flag. I can't beat those powerful ones, but not all of them are powerful people !”

Luo Qingting gently shook her head: "no, my brother is dead, but there is no relationship with the devil. The owner told me that the person who is most likely to attack is satina, because when she fought with the demon for the last time, her strength was much stronger. It was not without reason."

"I have also analyzed that this matter has nothing to do with the devil, and satina has been abandoned by the devil. Life is not like death. What can I do for revenge?"

One side of Chu Feng heard Luo Qingting's words, his eyes were stunned. It turned out that Luojia mountain had already made a judgment. It seemed that the rough and savage surface was just what he pretended to be.

But what is more curious is that Luo Qingting is calm. She even knows that satina is the real one, but she doesn't have any hatred. If such a person is not too deep in the city, then she really has a peaceful heart. When she knows that satina has been abandoned, she will give up the idea of revenge.Looking at Luo Qingting's eyes, there are not too many impurities. It can be ruled out that she is a person with deep city government, so it shows that she is a person who has his own non discrimination ability.

At this time, Luo Yu also responded to Luo Qingting's answer, narrowed his eyes and asked, "do you have any views on the owner and the future Luo family?"

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