Super Healer

Chapter 3221

The next morning, the sun was warm and warm, but it was a difficult day for the human beings on the primitive earth and the world.

Although the third reason why he killed the king of wealth last night was that he didn't want to be the third one.

A total of 54 saints died, and more than 10 saints were taken away by purple gourd. Of course, the most impressive one was that Prince Lu Po Nu was killed by Lu Yi himself to explain to the third king.

Lu family claimed to be the royal family, and Lu Yi was regarded as the emperor and controlled the greatest power in the ancient universe.

But last night, through the shameless search for the beast yuan, and the situation of being ravaged by the Chu wind, the reputation and prestige of the Lu family have fallen to the freezing point, and two biggest problems have also been exposed.

One is that Lu Yi, the so-called star first master, is not the opponent of the third king. If he was the opponent of the third king, so many Lu family sages were killed last night. As the leader of the Lu family, Luyi would never be so indifferent.

And the result is that he not only did not start, even his own beast yuan did not come back to watch, the star is the strongest, but in vain.

What's more, after the wave of the sea people and the first world war last night, the strength of the Lu family has reached the level of breaking bones. It is obviously impossible to control the ancient universe and sit firmly as the first force. In comparison, on the absolute strength, the imperial family has surpassed the Lu family and become the first force.

Lu Yi was obviously aware of this problem, so he issued an announcement before the arrival of this morning, hoping that the third king could let go of more than ten Lu family sages in the purple gourd. The Lu family is very grateful for this.

But after Lu's family sent the news, there was no response at all, as if that person had disappeared completely.

However, we also think this is expected.

Through the first world war last night, the grudges between the Lu family and the third king must be irreconcilable. How could the third king let go of people, even though they could consume the strength of the Lu family?

Therefore, for the Lu family to put down the gesture of the request, everyone knows it is useless.

Many people began to leave the Lu family and move into the area of the emperor's family. It is obvious that in the next few days, the emperor's family is about to rise. At this time, if you don't hold the legs of the emperor's family, you will have no chance even if you want to.

Because of this, from the moment he opened his eyes, he was very happy. He felt that if he would become the king of the imperial family in the future, he would be the absolute master of the universe.

As for Emperor Yan, Emperor Qian didn't pay attention to it at all. How can a man who is not engaged in a proper job compete with himself?

However, when Emperor Yan came to Tiange early in the morning to ask him to go with him to the emperor Shitian, Emperor Qian showed obedience. He went with cuokang and four infinite saints. His style was greater than that of Emperor Yan.

No matter where he went or where he went, he was single. He never took a group of people with him because of his style and style. It's not that there are no such people around him, but that he has no interest in showing off.

When the two came to the palace of emperor Shitian, Emperor Qian found that Diyuan was also there, with a smile on his face: "sister, it's very fast!"

Diyuan hehe smile, she is not fast, but last night to now has not left.

Emperor Qian had been used to this attitude of Diyuan, so he didn't care at all. Instead, he speculated about what emperor Shitian asked them to do in the early morning. Was it because the power of the emperor's family was damaged, so he let them fight for the reputation of the first one in the universe?

Then I was very excited when I thought about Emperor's accommodation, because if it was, it would be great.

In his fantasy, Emperor Shitian also came out of it. The three brothers and sisters immediately stepped forward to some of them and said respectfully, "father!"

"Emperor Qian, you know what happened last night?" The emperor Shitian sat down and could not see the slightest waves falling on Emperor Qian's body.

The reason why the Emperor didn't fall down was that his face was almost covered with smiles: "I've heard that Lu's death provoked the third king, so there was a World War I, which damaged a large number of saints, and even the prince Lu Po Nu died."

"You seem to know that." Emperor Shi Tian nodded slightly: "then if you were Lu Po Nu, how would you do it?"

The emperor moved in a daze and didn't know how emperor Shitian would ask such a question. Only if the emperor paid attention to himself would he ask that question.

After thinking about it for a while, Emperor Qian said solemnly: "if I were lupuno, even if I had taken away the beast yuan of the third king, I would have hidden it in the first time, instead of waiting for the third king to come to find evidence. This is the most failed place of Lu Po Nu, and he even said something wrong."

A touch of sadness and disappointment flitted through the emperor's mind and asked Emperor Yan, "if it was you, what would you do about the third king?""Such shameless behavior will never happen in our imperial family." Emperor Yanping's reply was calm: "as for the matter of the third king, I will keep a sense of awe. Even if I can't be a friend, I can't be an enemy."

Emperor Qian's look affected, found that he seems to have missed something.

The emperor Shitian was very satisfied with Emperor Yan's answer, and then asked, "what do you think should be done if someone in our emperor's family offends the third king or someone who is particularly important?"

"This?" Diyan was also stunned. He was also informed by Diyuan to ask diqian to come over in the morning. However, he is not very clear about what happened. However, according to his understanding of emperor Shitian, he knows that emperor Shitian will not ask these questions for no reason, just what happened?

While Emperor Yan was meditating, Emperor Qian caught the general and said, "father, if a member of our emperor's family offended the third king as foolishly as luponu, even if he was the same as luponu, he was not aware of it, but for the sake of stability, we must destroy our relatives."

"After all, the third king has shown his strength last night. Although our imperial family may be able to fight with all the strength, we can never sacrifice for one person."

"That's right." Emperor Shi Tian nodded slightly and looked out of the hall: "cuokang, you all come in."

The emperor moved in a daze. I didn't know how emperor Shitian would let his followers come in, but he didn't make any noise. He just speculated about what he was going to do and how he suddenly let people in.

Without waiting for emperor Qian to understand, Emperor Shitian suddenly appeared beside cuokang and the four infinite saints. One hand pinched cuokang's neck and crushed his throat directly. Emperor Qian was surprised to see this scene: "father!"

"Shut up!" The emperor Shitian turned his head and said in a cold voice. After deterring the emperor from moving, he asked the four infinite sages: "did you go to the imperial Pavilion yesterday afternoon?"

Hearing the question of emperor Shitian, the four infinite saints were all stunned. They all looked at emperor Qian with the same eyes. Emperor Qian also frowned and coldly swept over Diyuan, thinking that it was emperor yuan who came to complain to Emperor Shitian.

It's just that even if it's like this, it won't kill a person, right?

Emperor Qian did not wait for the four infinite sages to answer, then he took the message: "father, yesterday we did go to the emperor Tai Pavilion, and made a little noise, but we did nothing else. Is it too much for you to kill cuokang like this, because cuokang has never been to the Imperial Pavilion yesterday."

"And even if you've been to the imperial Pavilion, you can't be guilty to death!"

All of a sudden, the emperor Shitian released a strong intention to kill. The four infinite saints were destroyed by the emperor before they understood what was going on. They could become the strong ones of the holy king, but they were not the infinite sages who could fight against it.

The emperor moved this time is really muddled: "father!"

Emperor Shi Tian Shen, lonely, walked by the side of emperor Qian and raised his hand: "Di Yan, di yuan, you go down first, and do what you should do."

Emperor Yan frowned and wanted to say something, but he had already been pulled away by emperor yuan. Emperor Shitian also closed the door of the palace directly and sat on the throne to watch the emperor move.

When the latter was already nervous and sweating, Emperor Shitian said faintly: "cuokang didn't go to the imperial Pavilion yesterday, but before that, he offended a person. He is your close friend, so surely there is no lack of you to make suggestions and do bad things. Although my father seldom takes care of things, it doesn't mean that you don't know anything."

"Just now you said that if someone offended the third king, even the core of the imperial family would die, right?"

Emperor Qian's forehead began to sweat. At the moment, he didn't know where he had done wrong. When he heard the emperor's question, he nodded and said, "yes."

"Good!" The emperor Shitian nodded quietly and said in the confused look of emperor Qian: "there is someone in our emperor's family who has offended the third king. He wants to rob the wife of the third king, and he also has to take the third king. The third king has asked me to explain, and I am going to do as you say."

Snatch the wife of the third king?

Emperor Qian was stunned for a moment, slowly aftertaste, and suddenly came back to his mind: "father, that",, ""

before emperor Qian could say the last words, a heavy pressure had been pressed on his body, and even felt the suffocation of his neck. He could also hear the voice of emperor Shitian's sigh: "you know, take this secret and have a good rest! ”

with a click, Emperor Qian fell on the ground with his eyes wide open and took a deep breath to calm his mood. After all, Emperor Qian was not his own son. Only by killing him could more people live.

At the moment of his death, Emperor Qian had only one idea, that is, Emperor Shitian was so powerful that one finger could kill an infinite sage, but he knew it too late and everything was too late.

After emperor Shi Tian'an sent people to clean up the bodies of emperor Qian and his followers, Diyuan also returned, looking worried: "father, they are gone."Emperor Shitian sighed and seemed to have known it for a long time: "trust between people needs to be established for a long time, but if you want to let trust collapse, it only needs one thing."

"Don't get tangled up any more. I believe brother Chu is a man of reason. We have already made measures to punish emperor Qian. He will understand that we, Hu, and should still be friends."

Diyuan bit her lips and nodded. At the moment, her heart had already hated emperor Qian and the bodyguards who knew but didn't report. Otherwise, Chu Feng would never leave the imperial Pavilion.

It's just that it's useless to say anything now.

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