Super Healer

Chapter 3222

Chu Feng left the Imperial Palace and left with Chang'e and others. None of them left. As for where he went, no one knew, and there was no way to trace it. Emperor Shitian also ordered Emperor Yan and Diyuan not to mention Chu Feng any more. He even asked Diyuan to warn those who knew about it that they were not allowed to reveal a word. The third king was once in the imperial palace.

In that case, others would suspect that the Lu family was under the command of the emperor's family. Before the conspiracy was completely suppressed, Emperor Shitian didn't want to be an enemy. Of course, he was not afraid to fight anyone.

"No news yet?"

In the emperor's family chose to keep the secret, Lu Yi sat on the throne in a deep face and asked indifferently.

Standing in the palace were Lu Pengyan and Lu Baoshan. At the beginning, they were sent out to announce his decision, that is, to try to get back more than ten saints who had been taken away from the purple gourd. So far, many saints have died in the Lu family, and any remaining saints are precious.

But Lu Po Shan and Lu broke Yan to find a lot of places, and even spread the news to all corners of the ancient universe, but there was no news of the third king.

Of course, they didn't know whether the third king had received the news, but they both felt that the third king must have got the news, but he didn't want to let go of the more than ten people of the Lu family.

"I'm asking you!" Lu Yi raised his head and drank in a low voice.

"Father, calm down." Lu Po Shan, affected by her look, stepped forward and said, "we have sent out all the news according to your wishes, but there has been no reply. Maybe, the third king doesn't want to release people."

Lu Yi took a deep breath. Last night, because of his anger, he forgot more than ten people who were taken away by the purple gourd. I believe that if he opened his mouth last night, he might have put them back.

Now that people have left, it is obviously impossible for them to put them back.

Lu Yi is not an idiot or a fool. He knows that he and the mysterious third king have been immortal through the events of last night. If he can consume the strength of Lu's family on such a matter, the third king will surely enjoy it.

It seems that in an instant, Lu Yi was tired and said: "just, many of them are dead, and I don't care about more than ten more dead. How much animal yuan you have in your hands now? I want God's land."

Lu Po Shan took off his ring: "only 300000."

Lu broke her face and seemed a little reluctant, because she still wanted to use these beasts to enhance her own perception. She did not want to be king, but at least she could enhance her strength. But now that Lu Yi opened her mouth, she could not hide it.

In the heart secretly scolds a, Lu breaks Yan also took off own ring: "my than broken Shan elder sister is a little less, only 200000."

Lu Yi narrowed his eyes. Most of the rest of Lu family's animal yuan were taken away by Lu Po nu. Now the rest must be very few. If you want to collect it again, it's impossible. It just makes the depressed and bored family members more tired of themselves.

After all, if it was not Lu Po Nu, Lu's family would not be earlier than the disaster. As a father, he was more or less disgusted.

After calculating, Lu Yi sighed: "with mine, it's only a million points. I don't know if this animal yuan can make me go further and touch the supreme heaven."

Raised his hand, Lu broke Yan and Lu Po Shan's ring came to his hand. He did not know that to achieve the supreme, he still needed to get the ten square artifact and the supreme throne. He said, "you all go down. Next, I think it's OK for you to close down to digest and understand the supreme realm. If you handle the minor matters, I will come out naturally."

Lu Po Shan sisters nodded and left the imperial palace. Looking at the gate closing slowly, Lu broke his face with a look of pain.

Until far away from the emperor's palace, Lu broke Yan's discontented face and said, "sister Po Shan, what do you think? We have a hard time. Just now my father asked for our animal yuan, you at least said to keep some for yourself."

"Now, the sea people have suffered a lot, and it is unlikely that there will be a large-scale landing for ten thousand years. What can we rely on to enhance our perception?"

"Forget it, father will kill us if we say too much." Lu Po Shan sighed and shook his head: "didn't you see father's left hand just now?"

Left hand?

Lu broke Yan to think about it. Just now Lu Yi's left hand seemed to be clenching into a fist. Later, he slowly loosened it. Then he thought about Lu's face changed slightly: "did father have the heart to kill us just now?"

Lu Po Shan nodded: "yes, my father clenched his fist when he knew that we didn't have any news to rescue the more than ten saints who were taken away, which showed his inner anger. Then he asked if we had any beast yuan, and there were blue veins on the fist, so I took off the ring for the first time at that time."

"Fortunately, you are smart enough. Otherwise, I can only collect the corpse for you now, and you can't make love with those brothers any more."

Lu broke Yan this also a face to be afraid of, but heard Lu broken Shan behind the words, small mouth cocked up, a face of grievance: "what are you saying, I don't understand."Lu Po Shan looked at her half sister, pulled up her right hand and rolled up her sleeve: "you don't need to install it in front of me. If you do, explain where your virginity marks are? And last night when I passed by your room, what were you and seven brothers doing

Lu broke Yan Du Du mouth, but there is nothing to be ashamed of, unexpectedly Lu Po Shan knew that, that knew, also nothing.

Spread his hands and went forward: "go, it won't be like this in the future. I found a man I'm more interested in. His eyes are so charming."

Lu Po Shan micro frown, for the appearance of pure water sister know is can not change.

Just when he was about to leave, he suddenly heard Lu break Yan saying, "the third king, I will try to get him, even overnight."

Lu Po Shan, two steps out of the house, stumbles and looks helplessly past Lu's face. I'm afraid that she is the only one who can have such an idea: "I advise you not to let your father know your mind, otherwise, don't say the third king is an ordinary man, you don't have a chance to hook up again."

Lu broke Yan spit out his tongue and went to one side. The man died under the peony. Lu broke Yan would rather die under the legs of the man.

At the moment, chufeng naturally did not know that Lu's family had a wonderful flower like Diyuan. Instead, he took Chang'e and others for more than 100000 light-years to come to a beautiful but desolate little planet. Before landing, chufeng had already checked it, and there was no one on the planet.

They found a secluded place, surrounded by rivers and towering trees, and surrounded by several caves, which were very neat and tidy. Of course, the most important thing was that even if a saint crossed the Star River, they could not find the hidden caves here.

However, there won't be saints who are so bored to shuttle between the stars. If they really want to go somewhere, they can just open the dazzling door. This planet is at least thousands of light-years away from the rest of the planet. I believe no one will pass by here.

Zhang yun'er and mu Qianxue go to clean up those caves and it's easier to settle down. Chu Feng stands alone by the river.

His original idea was to give emperor Shitian ten divine tools to the emperor when he had stayed in the Imperial Palace until almost the same time. However, when the emperor moved, Chu Feng still chose to leave. He didn't trust the emperor Shitian and the emperor yuan, but didn't trust the rest of the people.

Those bodyguards of the imperial palace can not make a statement at one time, then they are likely to sell out the second time. In this era, they still need to stay for some days. Chu Feng doesn't want to have any accidents.

So he chose to find a secluded planet, and he could absorb some of those orcs to improve his own perception.

Chang'e and Lu Wan also got a lot of animal yuan. Chu Feng collected millions of animal yuan for them respectively. In addition, they also gave them a beast yuan of infinite sea king to see if they could improve their perception to the extreme.

Of course, Xue nishang and mu Qianxue, and Zhang Yuner and chufeng also gave Bai Wanshou yuan and an infinite sea king's beast yuan respectively. Now that there are a large number of animal yuan in the two rings, naturally, we don't worry about it. Moreover, the rings taken from Lu Po Nu are not prohibited, which is absolutely safe.

A total of five caves were cleared, one for each, one for chufeng and one for xuenishang, because they could not be separated too far.

After everything is ready, Chu Feng launched the realm of demons, although no one will come to this planet, but be careful, there will be no mistake.

Then he looked at several women and said, "we don't have a lot of time in this era. I decided that the rest of the time will be used to improve my perception ability. As long as the perception ability goes up, it will be of great help to us. Maybe your power can be improved to the extreme."

"Of course, even if we can't go to the extreme and enhance our perception, we can gradually improve our realm."

Zhang yun'er asked, "Chu Feng, how long will we be closed?"

Chu Feng calculated: "seven days before our time is coming, we will go to the Lord and give him ten magic tools to see him become the supreme. We can almost leave."

The faces of all the women are congealed. They know that when they come out of seclusion, it is time to go back to the seventh era. When they go back, they think that they will face the war of extermination directly.

Everyone's mood was a little heavy. They entered a cave. Chu Feng and Xue nishang walked into a slightly larger cave. Looking at the solemn look of snow nishang, Chu Feng said with a smile: "snow Lord, next we will get along with each other for more than half a year."

Xue nishang is still thinking about how to get the best understanding. She is stunned when she hears Chu Feng's eyes. In addition, she has some connection with Chu Feng's thoughts. She immediately understands the meaning of Chu Feng.

After half a year's relationship, Chu Feng is a person in need. Naturally, the meaning is very clear.

After she was shy, she found a place to sit cross legged and looked at Chu Feng, who was playing with her eyes. She said coldly, "I'm sitting here."

Chu wind suddenly a burst of excitement, snow Ni Chang meaning is also very clear, that is, she sat there, need to go.With a smile, Chu Feng also sat down and added the corner of his mouth: "when my perception reaches the extreme, I'll celebrate. You should be ready."

Snow nishang en's response to a way closed his eyes, seemingly cold as frost, no mood, but the heart has been shy to an extreme, Chu Feng so-called celebration, snow nishang naturally understand.

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