Super Healer

Chapter 3227

In the early morning, the sun rises slowly, and the warmth makes people on the primitive earth land show a pleasant smile.

Chu Feng also took Chang'e four people to the emperor's palace when the first ray of sunshine fell. The appointed time with emperor Shitian was today, because the day after tomorrow they would all leave. Only today and tomorrow can help emperor Shitian become the supreme one. After that, Emperor Shitian will have to look for ten magic tools again to succeed.

Chu Feng brings people here, and the secret guards have been told by the emperor Shitian that they have not come out. All of them are hidden, because this is Chu Feng, and there is no need to stop them.

Chu Feng didn't waste time either. He went to push open the door of the palace and saw the emperor Shitian standing there. Today is an important day, which is gratifying, but also full of crisis.

Because some people want the emperor to release heaven to be supreme, naturally some people don't want the emperor to become the supreme.

Go forward, Chu Feng smile: "master, as long as I'm here today, no one can stop you from becoming the supreme."

Emperor Shitian nodded slightly: "I believe, but brother Chu, why do you want to help me?"

"To pay the debt." With a gentle smile, Chu Feng went forward and pointed to the emperor Shitian's forehead and said, "so after two days, master, you can look for the ten magic tools in the ancient universe, because they exist in every era. If I take them away, those hidden ones will appear."

Emperor Shi Tian closed his eyes and felt it carefully there. Then he suddenly opened his eyes. The shock in his eyes was fleeting.

He nodded slightly: "it's no wonder brother Chu, you don't care to support me to become supreme, but I didn't expect that this era would be broken!" Shaking his head with a bitter smile, Emperor Shitian did not pursue too much. Just now Chu Feng gave him a memory about coming here.

Although he knows that he will die, but the emperor is very calm, life, not for long life, but for no regrets!

Chu Feng nodded: "master, there is a good place, although it will always be found, but it is always good to strive for a little time. When they find it, maybe everything has become a foregone conclusion."

"These days have been confirmed." Emperor Shitian nodded and raised his hand to open the door of dazzling light: "in addition, I have transferred 400 saints that I can mobilize. Once I receive my message, I will go there at the first time, and I will succeed."

Seeing that the emperor Shitian was ready, Chu Feng was relieved. Although the history of emperor Shitian was specific and would not change again, he always had to take precautions.

Diyan and Diyuan also came in at this time. Emperor Shitian didn't tell the others about the supreme, but he didn't hide much about his brother and sister.

About to go to that place, Emperor Shitian said to his brother and sister, "the world is changing. I don't know if I can come back. I must take good care of the Imperial City, understand?"

Di Yan and di yuan both nodded slightly, and the latter's eyes also looked at Chu Feng at this time.

Last night, Chu Feng had told her a lot. Diyuan knew that she and Chu Feng had no chance. But this time Chu Feng's departure would be permanent, and Diyuan's heart was still very sad.

But Chu Feng wants to leave, who can stay?

Emperor yuan let herself reluctantly show a smile and walked forward, regardless of the rest of the hall, gently opened her lips: "wind king, can you give me a hug?"

Chu Feng didn't refuse the emperor yuan's request. She went forward and opened her hands, but she didn't hold it up. Diyuan had taken the initiative to hold it up, and directly blocked Chu Feng's mouth with red lips. Chang'e's eyes narrowed at the sight of this scene, but then slowly dispersed. Diyuan eventually belonged to this era and had nothing to worry about.

Chu Feng didn't expect that Diyuan should be so in front of her father and brother. She was helpless in her heart, and she was not good at pushing this woman away.

Just at that time, Diyuan also released Chu Feng and showed a faint smile: "wind king, although you and I have no chance, but I still feel that, except you, any man can no longer enter my heart."

Leaving a word, Diyuan walked out of the palace. It seemed strong, but all the people present could see it. At the moment of turning around and going out, Diyuan's eyes were red. Only in front of so many people, she held back her tears.

What is the world love?

Chu Feng asked himself, also did not know how to explain all this, dispersed the slight melancholy that emperor yuan brought, Chu Feng said: "go!"

Emperor Shitian also sighed a little, and then stepped into the gate of dazzle light. Chu Feng and several women followed him in. The door of dazzling light also dissipated, and the light disappeared in the palace. Emperor Yan stood there peacefully with deep eyes. No one knew what he was thinking. Just as no one could understand, he studied the place of his soul.

Through the glare gate of Chu Feng and others to a planet without civilization or even oxygen, the atmosphere does not exist.

"This planet is far from the earth."

When Emperor Shitian came to the front end, he could see the distant star river scene at a glance: "it is estimated that it will take three months for the sage to fly continuously. Of course, it is only a moment to open the dazzling door. The most important thing is that there is no suitable environment for human survival. Once something is damaged, it will not hurt."Chufeng looked around and explored with his left eye. It was as desolate as the planets around the earth, and there was nothing special about it.

But it just needs a quiet place that won't be noticed in a short time, so what kind of environment Chu Feng won't pay attention to, raise his hand, whiz sound constantly sounded.

All of Chu Feng's artifacts were suspended in the sky, and the Holy Grail of yin and Yang was also divided into two parts. Beside them were Pangu shield, purple and gold gourd, sun shooting bow, Haoyue gun and Minghong magic sword.

Emperor Shi Tian looked up and looked stunned: "isn't this just seven pieces?"

At this time, Chang'e Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er also came out. The three raised their hands at the same time. Banyue took the lead in breaking the sky and went to the side of the seven artifacts, followed by the star sword and Xuanyuan sword. The three artifacts joined in, and the ten gods gathered together.

Emperor Shitian then understood that not all the ten artifacts were in Chu Feng's hands, but that he could collect them.

No need to say more, the emperor Shitian went to the top ten artifacts, and his mind moved. The supreme throne appeared there. Emperor Shitian stepped forward and sat on it. As he sat on the top, the speed of the rotation of the ten artifacts increased.

"Let's step back."

Chu Feng knew that emperor Shitian's perception was deeper than his own. After all, he experienced the baptism of endless years, and said to Chang'e and others, he flashed to the distance, because no one knew what would happen.

As the speed of the ten artifact rotating faster, the emperor Shitian also closed his eyes: "brother Chu, there are ten divine tools, the supreme throne, but these are not the most important. The most important thing is the way of heaven. It needs the power of all living beings and the power of faith."

"In the past six months, I've been wandering around except for three times, bringing many changes to the world. I can feel the power of all living beings. As long as someone has faith in me, I will condense the powerful power of all living beings."

As long as there is faith, there will be the power of all living beings?

Chu Feng closed his eyes to feel, but he did not feel the power of all living beings. After opening his eyes, he did not feel entangled. In this era, there are only a few people who know themselves. Naturally, the power of all living beings formed by the belief of all living beings can not be sensed.

But the emperor Shitian is different. With the slight decline of the Lu family and the strong rise of the emperor's family, the emperor Shitian has been detached in the hearts of the people of all worlds, and the absolute belief is certainly very strong.

In this way, the emperor can condense the powerful power of all living beings, because he has faith, so he can mobilize.

Chu Feng quietly watched, fighting for a detail not to miss, because in two days back, he may have to face all this, and only success, not failure.

All of a sudden, when the emperor's interpretation of heaven was completely settled, there were many fluorescent spots between the stars in the universe. Chu Feng's eyes narrowed and felt the surging power of all living beings. How did this happen?

"Feel for all sentient beings, and cherish the whole world!" At this time, Emperor Shi Tian spoke faintly.

Chu Feng also immediately understood that if he wanted to mobilize the power of all living beings to add to his own strength, he had to have the idea of thinking about the world and sentient beings. Only in this way can those beliefs generated by himself be gathered to form the power of all living beings breaking the Tao.

Chu Feng closed his eyes in his mind to do several times of evolution, but also slowly understand.

There are so many fluorescent spots coming from all over the universe. A small light spot represents a person's or a living creature's belief in the emperor's interpretation of heaven. So much faith has been accumulated in his belief. The emperor must have made a lot of efforts.

Slowly, the power of belief gathered more and more, and all of them entered the body of emperor Shitian. All of them could feel that the momentum of emperor Shitian was constantly climbing, and there was a whirlpool of air clouds with a peaceful breath under the swirling of ten divine instruments.

All the power of belief that entered the body of emperor Shitian was transformed into the power of all living beings, and then released from the heavenly gate above his head. All of them were inhaled by the whirlpool of Qi cloud. With the more inhaled, the light became more and more bright, and there was a depressing and depressing atmosphere around him.

But this kind of depression and depression is not uncomfortable at all. On the contrary, it has the meaning of kneeling down to worship. Chu Feng also looked more carefully.

All of a sudden, when the whirlpool of the gas cloud absorbed the power of all living beings, it shot out ten golden beams of light to connect the ten artifacts. At this time, the speed at which the emperor released the power of all living beings was faster, reaching a level that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye.

The heavy and peaceful atmosphere was more and more surging. Chu Feng said sideways: "be careful. I believe that the changes here will be noticed soon, and the way of heaven may be coming."

Chang'e nodded, but a pair of eyes were staring at the side of the emperor Shitian. I don't know why all the final transformed powers of all living beings entered into the top ten artifact.

Is there any use of the ten artifact for the achievement of the supreme?

Why are they so correlated when they are born in chaos?

One by one questions, full of these women's hearts.

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