Super Healer

Chapter 3228

"How could it have been so long?"

Chu Feng and Chang'e and others have been watching, but now it has been 12 hours, but the emperor still continues to condense the power of all living beings.

It's not that Chu Feng is worried about any change, but that if the time is too long, they will leave. If the time is not enough, they will be in trouble.

"Supreme, there is no one in ancient times!"

The emperor Shitian seemed to have a sense of the general light of the mouth: "heaven down, the throne will come, all living experience will not be able to appear supreme, the power of all living beings is quite terrible, and I have only started in the past six months, obviously need a little time."

Chu Feng nodded slightly, no longer to ask, just to see the power of faith constantly gathered.

About two hours later, chufeng's face appeared happy, because the speed of the power of faith began to slow down, and the top ten artifacts also gave out a bright light. All kinds of colors were present in all kinds of colors, which added a bit of color to the lonely starry sky.

All of a sudden, everything changed into silence in an instant, and the whirlpool of gas cloud also disappeared. Only the ten artifact bloomed bright light there, and they were still slowly rotating, and their brows were inadvertently wrinkled. Chu Feng did not know how to explain all this in front of him, because he had never experienced it.


At this time, the emperor Shitian also opened his eyes and stood up. As he stood up, the supreme throne flew towards the distance and disappeared without a trace: "the ten magic tools are the key, the end of the heavenly road is the throne, who can go to the end, who can sit on the throne, then who is the supreme!"

Chu Feng's eyes burst into a flash of fierce color, at the same time, the ten artifacts suddenly burst into a bright light and gathered together, and the bright light even drew a radian towards the distance, slowly forming like a road, and constantly moving forward, where the end is simply difficult to see.

The supreme throne is waiting for the arrival of the supreme at the end of the heavenly way. Is the ten square artifact the key to the heavenly way? The power of all living beings is the key to open the ten square artifact, and if you can't get the supreme throne and the ten square artifact, you can't find out the key to becoming the supreme.

It's so intertwined that everything seems to be arranged by someone.

Chu Feng frowned deeply. He was quite puzzled. It was said that the ten gods were born in chaos, and the supreme throne was formed without knowing how. Why were they related? Was it really a chaotic will or someone's arrangement?

Emperor Shitian looked at the widening beam of light, and there was the path of heaven. His eyes twinkled with light, and he did not forget to say: "when I got the supreme throne, I saw an ancient article, which said that chaotic will is the origin of the universe. From the moment it formed, everything was doomed."

"As for why I can't understand why, but everything must be the birth of a universe, or even the formation of multiple universes. Everything is inevitable."

Chu Feng nodded his head, and his left eye twinkled along the heavenly path, crossing a distance of more than 100000 light-years. When he saw that the light path finally went up, Chu Feng also went up, and found that it was the earth that went up.

At the moment, the supreme throne is in the space above the earth. In addition, Chu Feng also saw 18 beams of light shooting out from all over the earth, connecting the supreme throne. Under the connection of those light curtains, the light of the supreme throne is even brighter.

Earth, the original planet?

Chu Feng shrunk his eyes and looked at all these things in his eyes. He could not help but smile bitterly, because he did not know what the reason was and why the end of heaven was on the earth.

If the end of heaven is on earth, isn't it a waste of time to start here?

Chu Feng was about to open his mouth. Emperor Shitian had already asked with a smile, "did you find that the end of the heavenly road is over the earth, and you feel a little regret that you came here?"

Chu Feng body a shock: "master, how do you know?"

"I feel the supreme opportunity." "I also know where the end of the heavenly path is, and the heavenly path cannot appear on earth. It must be extended from other places, and then the eighteen spirits of the earth's origin are injected into the supreme throne."

"When a man who has passed the path of heaven sits on the supreme throne, the spirit of the origin will enter that person's body, and that person will control time, destiny and everything. Of course, the most important thing is that from now on, anyone can sit on the supreme throne. Of course, the first person who is recognized will be easier to sit on."

Chu Feng frowned and reflected on the emperor's words. He seemed to understand something, but he didn't understand it very much. But at the moment, nothing matters. As long as he crossed the path of heaven, he could become the supreme one.

Chu Feng also did not waste time, said: "master, go to heaven, I will not let him stop you."

Thank you Emperor Shi's balance and nodded, a step to change the shape of the general to the day on the road.

As he embarked on the heavenly road formed by light, a thin barrier of light like cicada wings gradually formed on the sky road. Chu Feng did not approach, but he knew that the heavenly way was closed from now on. Only from the starting point could he walk on the heavenly path. No one wanted to disturb the Emperor's interpretation of heaven.Emperor Shitian also knew that time did not wait for someone. Unexpectedly, the end of the heavenly road was on the earth. So I believe that someone will come here soon. If you don't hurry up, who will be the supreme one.

Speed up directly, Chu Feng also looked at it with his left eye, and found that emperor Shitian could only span hundreds of light-years or 1000 light-years at most when he opened the door of dazzling light. At the moment, there are more than 100000 light-years away from the end. It may take a lot of time to get down.

Because of the appearance of the heavenly path, the spirit of the earth's origin converged into 18 beams of light, which was particularly dazzling on this night, which attracted the attention of countless people. When we looked up curiously, we could only see the light beams shooting from all over the earth.

What the hell is going on here?

In the imperial city of Lu's family, Lu Yi, who was disturbed, came out and looked at the situation above the starry sky. Eighteen beams of light converged on a point, and his eyes flashed through the confusion. He didn't know what was going on.

However, as a holy king, it is not difficult to know what happened. Lu immediately broke through the sky and came to the starry sky. When he saw a broad road of light coming from a distant place, it was as if it came from the depths of the universe.

Slowly approaching the past, I suddenly felt something when I was about to approach. I reached out my hand and touched it. I found something in front of me. The force of operation was intended to break, but there was no way to do it. Except for the shock in my eyes, there was no other look in my eyes.

"Look, father

Just at this time, the following Lu break Yan saw what, exclaimed: "the point where the eighteen beams converge, there is something!"

Lu Yi got rid of the idea of breaking the protection of the heavenly way and came near. There was no protection around except the heavenly way. At the point where the eighteen beams converged, Luyi saw the supreme throne, looked at it with a condensed eye, and felt the surging power surging in it.

Looking down at the earth, 18 beams of light come from different directions, but what's going on? Why suddenly will appear this kind of situation, regarding present matter, Lu Yi still cannot explain.

"The supreme throne!"

When she was wondering, lupushan saw some words on the supreme throne, and she could understand them. She said curiously, "the supreme throne, what is that?"

"The supreme throne?" When Lu intended to hear, his eyes suddenly condensed and formed, especially when he heard the word "supreme", the whole heart could not be calm.

Suddenly, looking at the distance, as a holy king, or a very strong sense of the holy king, many things they do not need to really fully understand, sometimes only need one-sided, they can pry into it.

Suddenly, Lu Yi's eyes twinkled with a blazing light: "I know that this supreme throne is the most ancient one. Only those who become the supreme are qualified to sit on it. Maybe just like being a saint, they need to go through a series of tests. And this road of light needs someone to walk through, and those who pass can become the supreme."

Almost in Lu Yi's voice just fell, suddenly appeared a line of font on the top of the supreme throne.

When you read those words clearly, the people present were not calm, because it said: at the end of the road of heaven, the supreme present is the only one in ancient times!

Lu Yi's fists immediately clenched: "only one person can sit on the throne, only one person can achieve the supreme."

The eyes burst into a killing machine and looked into the distance: "that must be me."

He knew that there was a barrier of light that he could not break. The only way was to go to the end of the road and walk up. Only in this way can he sit on the supreme throne at the end of the road and achieve the supreme!

With Lu Yi's departure, many people are also moving forward quickly. Those who can come to the Star River are saints. Everyone's pursuit is to become a strong existence. Undoubtedly, the supreme is a powerful existence, and it is an eternal power.

There is only one throne. Who can sit on it is the supreme one. All the saints are boiling.

"Sister Po Shan, shall we go with you?"

Lu broke his face and saw that all the people left at once, frowning and opening: "that is the supreme, and there is no limit. As long as you walk through the heaven and sit on the throne, you will be the supreme one!"

"Do you think you can go?" Lu Po Shan looked calm as water, and her eyes also looked at the brother and sister of Diyan and Diyuan who suddenly appeared: "and the emperor Prince and princess Diyuan are not attracted, don't you feel strange?"

Lu burst into a daze when he heard the words. He suddenly remembered that there were no saints of the emperor's family from the beginning to the end, but the sages and some idle sages of the Lu family frowned slightly, and suddenly looked at the end of the heavenly way: "what heavenly path was opened by the Lord, and the Lord has already embarked on it?"

Lu Po Shan nodded slightly: "isn't it obvious?"

Emperor Yan looked at the supreme throne with no surprise or joy. Only Diyuan laughed and joked: "they think that they can go to the starting point of the heavenly way, but they don't know there is only killing waiting for them."

The first-class or do you think of Lu Zun's voice"The third king!" The emperor yuan didn't feel at all about Lu's appearance, but pointed to the distance: "the third king is waiting to go at the starting point. Today, he will protect my father's Dharma and achieve the highest honor. Let's go and have a look together?"

Lu Po Shan's sisters immediately changed color and left quickly. If the third king was there, perhaps no one could stop the emperor from becoming the supreme one this time.

Once the emperor Shitian became the supreme, who could stop the rise of the emperor's family and oppress the Lu family?

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