Super Healer

Chapter 3229

Emperor Shi Tian!

As long as it is not in a special environment, an idea can travel millions of light years by opening the door of dazzling light, let alone the holy King's Lu Yi? Along the path of heaven, he soon saw the emperor, and his eyes were full of horror.

Emperor Shitian also saw Lu Yi, but only a faint smile, and then continued to open the door of dazzle light disappeared.

Lu Yi's body was shocked, and he moved forward quickly. He couldn't manage so much. He would not allow emperor Shitian to become the supreme. In that way, the already difficult Lu family would become more difficult, and it might even be destroyed.

Originally thought this was a road with no end, but soon Lu Yi saw the end of the heaven road. When he saw the ten magic tools circling and moving from afar, his body was shocked.

Especially when you see the sky path formed by the light beam emitted by the ten artifact, you can understand what's going on in an instant.

Of course, the man who wore the mask of lu'e and the emperor of Chu didn't know each other when he was on the moon.

Although there are four beautiful women, but now Lu Yi has no heart to appreciate, the position than anything to attract him.

"Get out of here!" he cried angrily

Chu wind light smile, partial head to four women said: "you go back to wait for me, it's OK."

Chang'e and others all frowned, Lu Yi came, and some people came behind. Did Chu Feng want a person to stop these people from crossing the path of heaven?

Chu Feng knew Chang'e's worries and added with a gentle smile: "I said, except for nothingness, I didn't regard anyone as my opponent."

Touching Chu Feng's confident look, Chang'e was held by Lu Wan when she wanted to say something. After so many things, Lu Wan knew that Chu Feng was not a kind of aimless person. He even dared to say that a person would stop him, so he must have his confidence. It is absolutely not a saying.

However, Lu Wan took Chang'e away, and she did not mean to leave. Instead, she went to a distance, because if the Chu wind could not stop her in the end, they would certainly make a move.

Hearing his words, Chu Feng didn't give way. Lu Yi thought that if emperor Shitian sat on the throne, he would feel very uncomfortable. This was also his own opportunity. His eyes had already revealed an undisguised killing opportunity: "get out of my way!"

Chu Feng stood at the front end of the heavenly way, with a warm smile. People and animals said innocently, "yes, step on me!"

Lu Yi almost doubted whether he had heard the wrong thing. What qualification does the person in front of him have to talk to him like this?

Without waiting for Lu Yi to roar angrily, the four hundred sages of the imperial family all appeared at this moment. Chu Feng was warm and smooth and spread his hands: "I said that you want to cross the path of heaven to pursue the Lord, so you have to step on my body."

"I just don't know if the people of Lu's family are as One-minded as you, and will do their best to help you cross the path of heaven?"

Lu Yi's eyes burst into a fierce look, momentum crazy growth there, but Chu Feng did not see the general, the finger gently waved: "the emperor's family, if you want to cross the path of heaven to prevent the Lord from becoming the supreme, then kill me, even if you can't kill, also give me hold."

"Yes, the wind king!" the four hundred people said in a loud voice

Sound concussion, this is what emperor Shitian told them when he gave them instructions. Chu Feng is the third king. Everything should be obeyed by him.

When Lu intended to hear the names of the four hundred emperor family saints to Chu Feng, his eyes shrank in an instant, looking at the ten artifact and Chu Feng. At the beginning, he was full of angry eyes. At the moment, there were more killing opportunities that could not be covered up: "so you are the third king. No wonder I can't find you. It's a change of face."

Chu Feng nodded: "Hello, my name is Chu Feng!"

"It's just that you can't stop me." Lu Yi sneered, under the powerful momentum, he said: "Lu family give me, help me on the way to heaven."

Words export, only a hundred people stood out, the rest are still hesitating, Lu Yi body a shock, suddenly saw the eyes full of haze: "what do you want to do, didn't I hear my command?"

An infinite sage of Lu family raised his head and said: "Lu Huang, we are inherited in the same line. According to the truth, we should support you, but there is only one honorable position. If you become the supreme one, we will never have a chance."

"Life is the pursuit of the strongest, we want to live for ourselves."

Lu Yi clenched his fist in an instant. More angry than he saw Chu Feng, Lu Yi was very angry and laughed: "good, very good!"

But everyone can feel his killing opportunity, because it also exposed a problem, that is, the emperor's family respected emperor Shitian, but the people of the Lu family did not completely follow Lu's will. Otherwise, why didn't they help Lu Yi when it was so crucial?

Lu Yi also understood this sad fact, but now there was no time. He swept those people with a cold look in his eyes, and then waved his finger forward: "stop the emperor's family, I want to go to heaven!"All of a sudden, more than 100 people who followed Lu Yi's instructions started to work. However, they could not play any role in the face of the 400 saints of the imperial family. Although they were not killed, it was obviously impossible to break through the defense of the imperial family.

Lu Yi didn't expect them to destroy the emperor's family. What he wanted was a chance to go to heaven.

With the opening of the war, those who did not obey Lu Yi's instructions also moved. Those who were blocked fought with the emperor's family. Those who were not blocked all went to heaven, but Chu Feng did not see it at all.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yi got angry and said, "bastard, why don't you stop them?"

"Limited manpower!" Chu Feng reluctantly spread out his hands, smiling and pondering: "and they are just saints or infinite saints. The Lord is the holy king. Even if they go to heaven, they are just a foil. Do you think they can compete with the Lord?"

"So I don't worry at all, as long as you don't go up."

Lu Yi almost had the impulse to spit blood, which showed that he was only one person to stop him, and his mood was even more irritated: "Chu Feng, there is only one throne. Why do you want to help the emperor release heaven? Don't you want to be the supreme one?"

Chu Feng naturally wanted to be the supreme, but he didn't need to compete with emperor Shitian.

So holding a breath of Lu Yi's mentality, Chu Feng said with a smile: "yes, but relative to becoming the supreme, I want to watch you tug at your heart and lung, so I'll drag you here, and I won't give you the way to heaven."

Lu Yi almost couldn't get on at one breath. He knew that it was useless to talk to Chu Feng. He saw that dozens of people had gone to heaven, and the rest were blocked by the emperor's family. He was even more worried because he knew that if he didn't go to heaven quickly, he would never have a chance.

So he no longer said anything, directly chose to start, Chu Feng for Lu Yi means do not understand, but he did not care.

But Lu Yi at the moment completely fell into madness in general, ferocious way: "think there is no artifact in hand, you can still fight with me?"

"If you don't have a artifact, you will be abused." Chu Feng spread out his hands, completely calm posture.

As the holy king, how could Lu Yi allow Chu Feng to despise himself and fight with Chu Feng regardless. At the moment, he didn't want to kill Chu Feng, he only wanted to be able to force Chu Feng back. As long as he set himself on the path of heaven, Lu Yi was confident that he could pursue God and explain heaven.

He didn't believe that the heavenly path could be crossed easily. It must be very dangerous. It was just not shown in the front, but it might appear in the back.

However, all these thoughts were completely dispersed when he launched a powerful battle with Chu Feng. He thought that Chu Feng's strength was only due to artifact. If there was no artifact, then he would not want to have a fair fight with himself.

But at the moment, he found himself wrong. Chu Feng's power was still powerful without artifact. The more fierce the battle was, the more frightened Lu Yi was and the more angry he was. He felt that Chu Feng was a psychopath. He preferred not to be the supreme, but to prevent him from becoming supreme.

"Who is that man?"

Lu Po Shan sisters also came to see the battle in the whole starry sky, and even a planet was destroyed. Lu Chuanyan also saw the Chu wind, who was fighting with Lu Yi, and made a curious voice.

"Wind king!" Diyan and Diyuan also came later. Originally, they wanted to rest on the earth, but the supreme throne appeared above the earth, so the earth was not safe. Hearing Lu's words, Diyuan's eyes twinkled with love: "my love in my heart, the third King recognized by chaos will!"

Lu broke his face and blinked and looked at the face of Chu Feng: "he is so young."

Di yuan smile, Chu Feng that is really young, but it is a pity that such an excellent man is not his own.

However, Diyuan didn't get entangled. She just looked at Lu Po Shan sisters with interest and said, "your father is blocked. Aren't you going to help him? If this makes my father the supreme, your sisters will be no match for me in the future. "

Lu Po Shan didn't fluctuate at all, but Lu broke Yan's expression was tight. Just thinking of Lu Po Shan, Lu broke Yan shook his head: "he is my father, yes, but I want to live all the time."

"What's more, with the wind king's hindrance, even if my father can go to heaven, he may not be able to catch up with the Lord. If we go up, we will seek death."

"It's a pity," he said

Just now, she really wanted to see Lu Baoshan and her sisters go to die, but now they have no meaning at all. As for killing them by themselves, Diyuan knows that her strength is limited, and Diyan can't cooperate with her to do such a thing.

As long as the emperor Shitian can become the supreme, then Lu Po Shan sisters will have no status to speak of. Thinking about Diyuan is very comfortable.

The only regret is that Chu Feng may be leaving soon after emperor Shitian becomes the supreme.

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