Super Healer

Chapter 3231

Only to see the emperor of heaven, every hundred light-years, there will be another emperor suddenly appear.

However, the appearance of emperor Shitian was dressed in dark clothes, and the whole person stood there, as if there was no intelligence at all. The only thing that could be felt from that picture was that the emperor Shitian seemed to be particularly evil. But why did this happen? Did emperor Shitian practice evil separation?

Chu Feng's Thoughts on this are different, because the emperor Shitian is not a separate body, more like something, but what it is, Chu Feng does not understand at this moment.

"You watch a little, and I'll go back and have a look."

After watching for a while, he saw the emperor Shitian appear one by one. Chu Feng said to Chang'e and others with a slight frown. Then he opened the door of dazzling light and left. The appearance of those emperors was definitely not a simple matter. There must be something else. What happened to

as like as two peas, the wind and the wind, and the sky, where the emperor was standing, and the real emperor's release day was still advancing. It seemed that he did not know the same people as he did. And these people looked as if they had lost the emperor.

Chu Feng didn't know how to explain this, and then he went to the emperor's interpretation of heaven. The speed was very fast, and it didn't take long to reach the position parallel to the emperor's interpretation of heaven.

Emperor Shi Tian is going forward. Seeing Chu Feng coming out of the way of heaven, he slows down a little: "brother Chu, what's the matter?"

Chu Feng at the moment is not worried about the people behind, even Lu Yi catch up, but the face of dignified mouth: "master, you look back."

Look back?

Emperor Shitian didn't know what had happened, but he still looked back according to the meaning of Chu Feng. When he saw a man like himself standing not far behind him, his face changed greatly: "what's the matter?"

this is not as like as two peas, who are completely alike.

From emperor Shitian's performance, Chu Feng knew that he really didn't know, and sighed back: "more than one, probably from the second half, every time you pass through the glare gate, you will appear, and it looks very evil."

"But you don't seem to have any intelligence about these things, so you don't need to pay attention to them for the time being. Go ahead and I'll go back and see if there's any harvest."

Emperor Shi Tian nodded heavily and quickly opened the door of dazzling light to leave.

After watching the emperor Shitian leave, Chu Feng flickers to the back of the road, and sees Lu Yi moving forward rapidly. The latter is worthy of being a saint. Even if he started from behind, he still left many people behind.

Just want to get close to Lu Yi and see what's going on, suddenly Lu Yi appears a Lu meaning when he dodges by, which also gives people a very evil feeling.

"Emperor Lu!"

For Lu Yi Chu Feng can not be so kind: "be careful of your back!"

The original intention of Chu Feng was to disturb Lu Yi and make him worry. He didn't want to call out to be careful. The evil Lu Yi started to move. He went crazy towards Lu Yi, as if he wanted to kill him. Lu Yi was still angry. He felt a killing opportunity to lock himself in. He turned around and was shocked. He was too late to think about it Fighting together, and in the sky outside the Chu wind has no language, even said stupefied.

Think of the emperor Shitian left behind after passing by, the emperor of heaven,,,, is not good!

In the dark, Chu Feng opens the door of dazzling light and leaves. Lu Yi doesn't care about the result. He only knows that emperor Shitian is likely to face danger.

Soon Chu Feng caught up with emperor Shitian because he was between the stars in the universe. Naturally, his speed was much faster than that on the road of heaven. However, along the way, Chu Feng found that the emperor Shitian didn't move, and the emperor Shitian was still moving forward. With his every shuttle, there would be an emperor Shitian.

Did you guess wrong?

Chu Feng frowned and thought for a moment. He didn't disturb emperor Shitian, but looked forward with dark eyes. He knew that he could get to the supreme throne by shuttling emperor Shitian a few more times. However, the more he arrived at this time, Chu Feng's heart became uneasy.

Frowning, Chu Feng opened the door of dazzle light and returned to Chang'e. they also saw Lu Yi's situation through Lu's broken face.

as like as two peas in the past, not only is Lu Yi, but many people who enter the area have a similar figure. Some of them start fighting like Lu Yi, some of them are not moving like the emperor.

Seeing that everyone looked at himself, Chu Feng put out his hands with a bitter smile: "I don't know why. Maybe it's only after the Lord becomes the supreme."

After hearing about Chu Feng, we didn't know about it, so we gave up the idea of asking.

it is without rhyme or reason. Sinful heart as like as two peas in the heart of Chu wind, but the fact that the same people appear in every case are actually not what people are without reason, but the crimes of one person, those who are deeply involved in crime and those who kill too much. When they go to the area of the sky road, the crime will be dispersed, and the scattered crime will not disappear but become evil. Evil them.The reason for this idea is that in the seventh era, the LORD said to him more than once that you should not kill people.

The master of the world is not a person who talks nonsense. It must be that emperor Shitian told them after he became the supreme one. He didn't tell him because he wanted him to do things in peace of mind. Instead, he sent him back to the memory place of emperor Shitian after everything was over, which was also a period of years and months for him to realize.

This is a heavenly way, and there is no one who wants to be the supreme one in all ages. There is even a connection between the ten sacred objects and the supreme throne. Is there any connection between the throne and the people who set foot on the path of heaven?

Chu Feng didn't know, but he had no way at the moment. He could only wait until the emperor Shitian became the supreme one. Were those really the sins of a man, as he thought, and what was the connection between them and the way of heaven.

"Here comes the Lord!"

In the Chu wind let the heart slowly calm down, Lu broke his face and exclaimed, also attracted everyone's attention in the past, the emperor finally came, is to become the supreme?

Chu Feng also along to see, but the left eye also flashed across the screen at this time: "not good!"

Almost just finished speaking, all of a sudden, black figures appeared in front of emperor Shitian. The speed was so fast that the naked eye couldn't detect it. Even the Chu wind just caught a rough picture.

And those black shadows completely blocked the way of emperor Shitian. There were nine on the left and nine on the right. It can be said that emperor Shitian was blocked by himself.

Eighteen in all?

Chu Feng frowns deeply, looking at the 18 beams of light from the earth, the spirit of the origin? What does that have to do with this? What's the matter with the appearance of emperor Shitian?

"I see!" At this time, Emperor Shitian looked at himself who was blocking his way, and showed a smile: "this is all my criminal cause. It seems that I killed many people in those past years."

In the interpretation of emperor Shitian, chufeng finally confirmed his own guess. All the emperor Shitian appeared were criminal deeds, which could be said to be the embodiment of his whole life's sin. At the moment, the emperor Shitian was already a man without any criminal karma.

Because when walking through that heavenly road, the criminal karma will follow a person's progress and leave him slowly.

Chu Feng also understood that the greatest danger of the heavenly way is the personal sin. The people who have killed too much will bear a lot of pressure on this heavenly road. Maybe they will be crushed to death by their own criminal deeds before they get rid of the criminal karma. Of course, this is also related to personal perception and willpower.

It is obvious that Lu Pengyan's six elder brothers just now believe that the crime is not as serious as the emperor's interpretation of heaven, but he died under the heavy crime. The reason is probably that he is not strong enough and his willpower is not firm enough.

But as long as we get through the previous criminal karma, then in the second half of the period, the criminal karma will leave the body and become a person without criminal karma. Of course, this is not the end. If we create our own criminal karma, we have to solve it ourselves, because the supreme one will not accept a person who has all the criminal karma.

That is to say, the emperor Shitian wants to wipe out all 18 of his sinful deeds at this moment, and then he has finished his criminal career with his own hands and become the supreme one with his innocent body!

Everyone thought that all this was so mysterious, but Chu Feng completely understood and realized it. Of course, this was related to the perceptual power enhanced by using the beast yuan for more than half a year. Otherwise, even if the emperor Shitian understood it, Chu Feng believed that he could not understand it.

The heavenly way is a way to count the evils of life. No matter whether the criminal cause is strong or not, as long as you embark on this heavenly road, you have to bear your own criminal karma. In front of you, the criminal karma will become a driving force for progress, and you can go to the stage of getting rid of the criminal karma.

In the stage of getting rid of the criminal karma, the spirit of the origin will appear 18 criminal karma bodies, and will sit on the supreme throne and become the real eternal supreme. Then, kill all these criminal karma bodies, and then you will become a pure white body!

Chu Feng has fully realized at the moment. He just thinks that he has killed countless people since his debut, and this time he has wiped out hundreds of millions of sea people. He can't help laughing bitterly. If he really wants to become the supreme, how much crime will he bear?

But no matter how many crimes, you have to face them at that time, right?

With a slight sigh, Emperor Shitian also laughed wildly on that day's Road: "this is a way to clear away the evil. The supreme King's way, the good way, kill!"

Having taken this step, Emperor Shitian naturally wanted to end his own criminal cause. Everyone was watching and thinking whether emperor Shitian could overcome his criminal cause and achieve the supreme power of ancient times?

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