Super Healer

Chapter 3232

No one can help the emperor to release heaven, everything can only rely on himself.

Although I don't know how powerful they are, they are definitely the superposition of all the criminal actions on the road of emperor Shi Tiancheng. The rise of every strong man, whether he is willing or not, must be stained with blood. No one can easily avoid it. But at that time, who would have thought that he would finally escape from the criminal cause?

Looking at the emperor Shitian surrounded by eighteen criminal deeds, the battle is very fierce. Although blocked by the light barrier, the strength of the battle must be very terrible.

However, no matter what, Emperor Shitian can only face it alone, because this is his criminal cause. No one can bear it for him except him. If he can walk past, he can sit on the supreme throne. If he can't, he can only die under his own sin.

There is a kind of natural law cycle, and there is a saying that evil will be rewarded with evil.

Perhaps all the great good is evil in the end, and all the similar great evils are good in the end, but Chu Feng is not very clear about the connection. The only thing that can be sure is that good and evil are finally rewarded.

If a person has no crime in his life, then the natural road will be a little easier, but how many people can there be like that?

Chu Feng shook his head with a bitter smile and thought of his future.

The bloodthirsty will of the eternal demons contains many criminal deeds. No one knows whether all of them have to be borne by themselves, and whether they should also bear their own criminal deeds in this life?


When everyone was attracted by the emperor, Chu Feng fell into such meditation.

Who, in the end, has made the path of heaven and who is qualified to judge the so-called criminal karma?

Is it true that what is shown on the path of heaven is the real karma? Chu Feng admitted that he had stained his hands with blood, and there was no lack of innocent people, but his starting point in many cases was kindness.

Just like the killing of the Xiuzhen world, or the killing of the demon emperor and nagula, the starting point of all this is just to reduce the number of people, because if a small number of people are not allowed to die, most people will probably not survive.

It turns out that the heavenly path has the ability to escape from sin. Why is there nothing to reward the great good?

Chu Feng admitted that he was a villain, but he would never admit that he was an absolute villain.

If we really want to make a good and evil judgment for his life, then it must be that the good is greater than the excess. Even killing 10000 people can make countless people survive. Why should we hesitate? Heaven's way of sin needs to bear the blame for the death of thousands of people, so why not reward the countless who have survived?

Such an idea is very wonderful, but Chu Feng thinks that it should be so, heaven's way of crime, but there should also be a heavenly road merit?

Merit, crime!

The two are equal. No matter how big the crime is, there will always be greater credit. Chu Feng thinks that his own merit should be above the sin, but the way of heaven is only to see people's fault, not to see the goodness of people. So, is it unfair for some people who have killed the world but saved countless people?

At least in the situation of Wanjie, Chu Feng felt that he had no selfish intentions. All he did was for the stability of Wanjie. No matter how many people he killed, this was his original intention.

Because, to a certain extent, sin is just for better good will. Just like in the modern world, where there is no cruel war, people's peace is like that in the Chinese dynasty, without the death of some people, there will be no later people's well-being. Will anyone say that the founding leader is a sinner?

I believe there will never be such a person. We all know that the founding leader made countless people die in order to establish the country, but that is to let more people live and live better.

This is his merit, which is great and indelible compared with those so-called criminal deeds.

No matter how small the evil is, can the evil under the great good be said to be evil? Why can't we say that killing is also a kind of good?

In vain, Chu Feng's state of mind seems to have changed, a kind of never before changed, there is no absolute definition of good and evil, because there is always a way to answer all good and evil. But if killing is to save people, is it right or wrong?

At least in the case of Chu Feng, the death of ten thousand people can make countless people live, so it is good. Killing a villain can reduce the crime, so it is good.

Now the heavenly way is just a manifestation of criminal karma. As long as the killing is too heavy, we have to bear the criminal karma. Why?

Yes, at this moment, Chu Feng questioned the way of heaven, because the so-called criminal karma is killing. However, a person's killing is for selfish motives, and it can also be for great love. It is proper for those who are selfish to suffer from criminal karma. If the killing is for those who love greatly, why should they bear these criminal karma?

No matter what other people think, and no matter what kind of asshole killing is evil, Chu Feng only knows that if the starting point of killing is great love, then it is right. To kill one person and save ten people is right.With a faint light in his left eye, Chu Feng raised his head to look at the dark star river, and said in a loud voice: "Heaven Road, there is no right to judge anyone, because the criminal cause is an individual, killing can be selfish, it can be great love, the heavenly road has no right to judge, you can't stop anyone."

When Chu Feng called out these words, everyone looked at him inexplicably. What's the matter? How could he say such a thing?

Tianlu is not qualified to judge anyone, so who has such qualification?

Chu Feng closed his eyes and raised his mouth slightly: "since I came out, I have killed countless people, but at this moment I feel that I don't have that kind of guilt. Many people died in my hands when I went out from the river and sea. But in the end, I gave the world an underground world without too much turmoil, so that countless ordinary people can not be disturbed by the dark forces. This is a great kindness!"

"When I entered the hidden world of the five forbidden areas, what I was looking for was to make myself strong. I just wanted to be strong and protect myself and the people around me. I never thought about harming anyone. On the contrary, those people always wanted me to die, and those people died in the end. Am I wrong? I think I'm right. Am I right to be killed? "

"In the war when I was in charge of the temple, the four families oppressed me. If they were allowed to succeed, the world would be in turmoil. If I killed them, did I do anything wrong? Demon emperor, nagula and others want to dominate the whole world. Their selfishness makes countless people feel scared. Finally, I killed them. Am I wrong? "

"If the four forces are wrong, I want to kill them from the whole world?"

Chu Feng opened his eyes, smiling and shaking his head: "I admit that I missed, but I don't think my biggest killing is wrong. These are all great good, because the starting point of everything I do is for the sake of the stability of the world and for the sake of hundreds of millions of creatures. What is the qualification of Tianlu to judge criminal karma? I have no crime at all, am I not guilty?"

He raised his head and felt something like this: "if it's just killing, it's sin. Why is heaven coming? I don't think it's all right if you don't want this one? "

Is this?

Chang'e, Lu Wan and others are confused. I don't know why Chu Feng suddenly feels so big. He didn't go to heaven. But why did he have such an idea?

But when everyone was wondering what kind of nerve Chu Feng had, Emperor Shitian felt something general, nodded slightly, and looked puzzled and confused: "yes, is the crime of killing? If the purpose of killing is good will, is such a crime also

He shook his head gently: "brother Chu, your perception is deeper than me. I have been confused just now, but now I seem to understand that heaven can exist, but it should have a distinction between right and wrong. If killing is a crime, Tianlu doesn't care. If killing is about good and evil, I ask myself that I am good."

Chu Feng laughed: "yes, killing can't be regarded as a crime, because killing should be divided into good and evil, good for merit, and evil for sin. If only because killing is a sin, who can obey it?"

"If one kills millions of people in order to save the ancient universe, is this also a sin? Heaven's way, ha ha

People are still confused. Only Chang'e, Lu Wan, and Zhang yun'er seem to understand a little, but they don't seem to understand it very well. Only emperor Shitian and chufeng smile alike, and they both laugh.

In the laughter of the two people, Tianlu began to disappear slowly, and the sins of the eighteen emperors disappeared. Slowly, everything disappeared in the sight of the public. When everyone was surprised what happened, Emperor Shitian walked over with a smile and slowly sat on the supreme throne.

As he sat on the supreme throne, the eighteen spirits of the origin disappeared. A beam of light came from beyond the starry sky, which completely shrouded the emperor Shitian. Then a light light also shone on Chu Feng.

It seems that emperor Shitian is like a leading role, and Chu Feng is like a supporting role. Only emperor Shitian and chufeng understand what is supreme, what is kingcraft and what is Tianlu.

Everything is just a leaf blinding, everything is just a form of imagination. If the emperor Shitian insisted on killing the body of eighteen criminal karma, he would also die, because that is the body of criminal karma. Is a person's attitude towards criminal karma just destruction? "Those who commit crimes are similar to themselves. Can a man who can kill himself be a good man?

In the Chu wind can break some things, the emperor also understand, but these things can not be said, eventually need their own perception.

Emperor Shitian and Chu Feng also closed their eyes, and the two beams of light were different there, completely in the universe between the stars, so that the people who saw it were very surprised. What's going on? Emperor Shitian has already sat on the throne, so he has become the supreme one in ancient times?

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