Super Healer

Chapter 3239


In the backyard of the Su family, several old men were playing chess and chatting with each other. After dropping a chess piece, Su dingzheng raised his head to look at the sky: "do you feel so relaxed that you can run ten kilometers without breathing?"

Zhou tianchu, Li Zong and ye Enzheng nodded slightly. They had been focusing on playing chess just now. At the moment, Su dingzheng said that, they also felt something unusual. They were as energetic as they were several years younger. It is rare for them to feel this way in their 70s.

One person's words can still be said, but if there are more than a few people's words, it will inevitably be a bit unreasonable.

Su Zong nodded his head a lot, and it seemed that there was a lot of fresh air in Su Ding base

Ye Enzheng shook his head: "don't say that this season is the best heaven and earth. It won't feel like this."

The haze in the imperial city is famous all over the world. Although it is the power center of the Chinese dynasty, the air environment is really not flattering. At the moment, such a comfortable feeling appears, and it is still in the haze weather. We all feel a little strange.

"Can't help, you know what's going on?" Li Zong squinted and opened his mouth to one side.

Money can't help but come out. Although several old men have come down, he still maintains his absolute respect: "it seems that the spirit of heaven and earth has become abundant all at once. I feel that if you give me peace of mind and practice, maybe I can break through soon."

Aura of heaven and earth?

Hearing Qian's words, the four old men's eyes were fixed. As the helmsman of the former Chinese dynasty, they naturally knew that the cultivation of martial arts often required changes in the natural environment in addition to their own efforts. Otherwise, no matter how hard they tried, if the spirit of heaven and earth was not enough, they would not be able to enter the country.

However, with the development and development of human beings, the earth's environment has been damaged. Isn't most of the aura flowing to the stars through the thinning atmosphere? How can the earth have such abundant aura of heaven and earth all of a sudden?

The old men in this room are all people with a keen sense of smell, and immediately realize that things are unusual.

Li Zong waved his hand: "let the meteorological department give me a report immediately."

Money can't help nodding and retreating. It's not a difficult thing. It doesn't involve any secrets. It only needs a phone call. Moreover, even if it involves confidential matters, several old men are entitled to know. After all, they are people who have enough loyalty to the country.

Moreover, those people who go up now will often ask the advice of several old men and ask for an accurate report from the meteorological department. Naturally, there is no problem.

However, this accurate weather report is only limited to the people above, and it is very difficult for ordinary people to know.

For example, the earth's environment is bad, and the environment suitable for human survival is gradually reducing. Ordinary people will never know, because if they know the extent of the earth's consumption, it will inevitably cause panic. So at certain times, the meteorological department hides the most accurate reports, and only those released can be known to the public.

that's why people often make complaints about what they are always saying.

Before long, money could not help but come in, holding some information just faxed in and handed it to several old men.

Several old men are no longer interested in playing chess. They look at each other with a piece of information. When they see the latest weather problem on the data, they are all surprised.

According to the report, the haze of the imperial city is decreasing. In addition, the causes of the sandstorm on the edge of the imperial city are also changing. Heavy rain has happened in some desert areas, which is totally different from the weather forecast.

Because this change is just beginning to take place, but the breath experts have come to a conclusion. I don't know what happened. The environment on the earth is slowly getting better, the desertification situation is easing, the weather is showing that the global temperature rise is also alleviating, which is a good thing in general.

It seems like a good thing, but for a few old men, too strange things, then there is weird.

Immediately Li Zong stood up and said, "follow me to the meteorological department."

"Some old men don't have to go." As soon as he got up, Chu Feng suddenly appeared in front of them with a warm smile: "when some old men went there, I didn't expect that they were all in the Su family, which made me look for several places."

Chu Feng suddenly appeared, which was unexpected by several old men. Thinking of the current global changes, ye Enzheng gave a meaningful smile: "Chu Feng, can you give us an answer?"

"Yes Chu Feng nodded with a smile and waited for several old men to sit down. Although he had different identities, he still had basic respect in his heart: "brother qian can listen here, so as to avoid an accident in the future, but I'm not responsible for it!"

The money that was going to leave can't help but nod and stay.

Looking at the curious looks of some old men, Chu Feng didn't sell the key, and these old people's elites didn't have to sell the key: "now the earth is rich in spirit, and will be more and more abundant, which can change the earth's environment from the root. If the earth itself can only provide development for another 200 years, then now the earth can allow human beings to continue to live for 10000 years, And it won't change much. "Hearing Chu Feng's words, several old men's looks were startled. Li Zong Lue asked: "seriously?"

Although they are already in their 70s and may not be buried in a few years, they are all people with great love. Everything they do should be done from the perspective of the future. If the environment of the earth can be improved and human beings can live longer, this is definitely a good thing.

Chu Feng nodded: "yes, but although the earth's environment has changed, we can't start to develop vigorously because of this. If we don't protect it well, who knows what will happen in the future?"

"So I hope that when some old men know what happened today, they can propose to set up a global climate management group to stop all environmental damage. What I'm talking about is not the organizations that only take money and don't do things, but people who really do things."

The four old men naturally understood that. Su dingzheng, who was a little grumpy, waved his hand: "don't worry. There is absolutely no problem with this. Although countries are pinching each other now, they are the same in terms of the maintenance of the earth. However, no country can come up with an effective plan to rectify the earth. Therefore, they will let their own way. If the environment is improved, they will try the environmental damage zone They will certainly do their best to protect the harm

Chu Feng believes this, because no matter in any country, there is only one earth. No one thinks that the earth will one day consume too much and is no longer suitable for human survival.

Chu Feng stopped talking nonsense and said, "today I come to you because the aura of heaven and earth will be more and more abundant. It will be suitable for the survival and growth of the strong, and even improve the physique of ordinary people. In addition, the heavenly kingdom will be the country with the most abundant aura of heaven and earth, and also the most critical place."

"Because, I opened the spiritual vein in the deep of the Chinese dynasty, which you may not understand. The only thing you can say is that if you want to keep the beauty of the earth, you must protect the root of this spiritual vein, or the environment will not be changed if it is damaged."

Although the four masters didn't know what Chu Feng was talking about, they could calm down quickly after much experience. Zhou tianchu asked, "where is the root of the spiritual pulse? What do we need to do? If we can be sure, China may be a little ahead of other countries. "

Chu Feng naturally understood these old men's thoughts, and did not hide: "under the Kunlun Mountains is the root of the spiritual pulse, where the heaven and Earth Spirit will be the most abundant. I hope you don't protect them in a big way, because it is too obvious to be detected."

Qian, who had never spoken, could not help exclaiming: "in Kunlun Mountains, if the soldiers knew about it, would they all rush to the mountain?"

Aura is too important for a warrior. If you don't know it, you'll get there. Moreover, the warrior's perception of aura is very strong. It seems that you can't hide it?

Chu Feng light smile spread his hands: "this is your thing, but I believe that a few old men will certainly have a way."

"There are certainly ways to stop it." With a meaningful smile, Li Zong did not name how to stop the warriors from approaching the Kunlun Mountains, but asked in a meaningful way: "however, I don't worry about those special people on the earth, just,,"

Chu Feng gave a smile: "don't worry, I've arranged everything. People who can cause great damage in the five forbidden areas can't come out, but on the same earth Those who cause great damage will have to leave when they reach a certain level. Of course, for those who were on the earth before, it is a good thing to keep their own pace, and once they do evil, they will die. "

Li Zong Wen Yan didn't ask any more, because even if Chu Feng told him, he couldn't understand. He stood up with a smile and said, "if that's the case, I'll forgive us for not being able to greet you."

"I can't help but arrange for those guys to stop their business temporarily. Let's go to the underground base of Kunlun Mountains and discuss something."

Chu Feng didn't mean to be surprised at all, because when he explored the spiritual pulse, he found that there was a huge underground military base. By exploring Chu Feng, he knew that the force there could stop the strong people before the mid demigod period, and that the demigod period could not live on earth. It was very simple for the Chinese government to prevent the Kunlun Mountains from being destroyed.

After dealing with the matter here, Chu Feng didn't mean to stay. Several old men didn't ask about the battle the day after tomorrow, which showed that they believed in themselves, so Chu Feng didn't say much.

After they left, Chu Feng also left in an instant, and then to deal with a little thing, that is, the last battle with nothingness.

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