Super Healer

Chapter 3240

The earth's environment completely began to change overnight, as if it was going back to history. Before it was destroyed, meteorological departments around the world got the data that the world was gradually getting better.

Although there are saints and puppets oppressing the earth, it does not hinder people's good mood. They have even been conducting research in secret. If the environment of the earth can start to get better, they must not be damaged any more. The natural environment has brought too much disaster.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, melting glaciers, environmental pollution, many natural disasters have brought great difficulties to human survival, so many people cherish the good environment again.

And because of the change of environment, people all over the world are looking forward to chufeng's ability to wipe out all those who are beyond human control.

This is Chu Feng did not think of, but it is a good thing for him.

Of course, there is another reason for Chu Feng to open the spiritual pulse ahead of time, that is, when the throne comes, it needs a strong spirit of the origin as a support, otherwise it may not be able to open the way of heaven smoothly. Of course, Chu Feng did not talk to Chang'e about these problems, but just did it according to his own ideas.

After meeting several old men, Chu Feng did not pay attention to the current world, and returned to the lost country.

Nowadays, the wild demon realm, the spirit world and the hidden world are under the control of satina. Although satina has transferred people according to the meaning of nothingness because of the war the day after tomorrow, she still needs to be careful, because no one can be sure whether the nihility will start in advance.

Although this possibility is very small, the main thing of nothingness is respect, but who knows if nihility will start in advance because the environment of the earth is getting better?

Therefore, Chu Feng tried to avoid conflicts with nihility in advance, so as to ensure the stability of the world to the greatest extent.

When Chu Feng came to the lost country, he saw Chang'e and others with a worried face. They knew that the change of the earth would make them worried, because no one knew what to do with nothingness.

But Chu Feng didn't worry too much about it. As soon as he went to sit down, Zhang yun'er said, "Chu Feng, is nothingness really not going to do anything?"

"Probably not." Chu Feng nodded his head back.

Hearing Chu Feng's uncertain answer, Zhang Yuner and Lu Wan's hearts are more heavy. They all have deep feelings for the earth. It is good that the earth can be completely changed. However, if such a change suffers from the fear of nothingness, it is not worth it.

Chu Feng could feel their mood naturally, and let them not be impatient, but also slowly told: "90% of the possibility, nothingness will not start on the earth, because it wants dignity."

All along, in order to make these women not to worry too much, Chu Feng kept most of the things that he knew from the world Master in his heart.

Now that the great war is coming, there is a kind of panic in all circles. If LV Wan can't be reassured, the war with nothingness will probably be the result of losing before fighting.

Hearing that nothingness wants to be respected, Chang'e frowns and asks, "what is its purpose?"

As we all know, nothingness is invisible and has no substance. The role of dignity seems to be very small for it. It can even be said that nobility has nothing to do with it? Lu Wan, Zhang yun'er and mu Qianxue all nodded slightly, feeling that there should be no connection between the two.

Once it becomes supreme, it can control and suppress nothingness, and nothingness has no substance, how can it become supreme?

Chu Feng couldn't understand when he heard it, so he could understand Chang'e's Thoughts: "I was very strange at the beginning, but the master of the world told me that the reason why nothingness should be respected is to get the entity. I don't know how the nothingness is to become the entity, but as long as it wants to be respected, it will not destroy the earth."

After a pause, Chu Feng said with a smile: "at least before the victory or defeat, it will not move the earth, because the earth has the spirit of the origin. Once the earth is destroyed, the throne will be less traction, unable to come."

Although Chu Feng's explanation is still not very clear to several women, one thing can be sure is that we must not let nihilism achieve supremacy.

"What are we going to do next?"

As we all know, nothingness will not attack the earth for the time being. Zhang yun'er also asked softly, "at present, satyana, the four ancestors, and more than 100 saints and puppets stand together with nothingness. Our people?"

Chu Feng knows that the number of people on his side is not dominant, but he is not worried at all.

Smiling back, he said, "I don't need to worry about this problem. I've arranged all the things. Then I'll mainly focus on nothingness. The four ancestors are Chang'e, Wan'er, and Meng and you. As for satina, she will be handed over to elder Xueying and the virgin."

Mu Qianxue frowned: "my uncle and I have no problem dealing with satina, but what is the cultivation of martial uncle? And saints' puppets? "

Lu Wan and others all nodded. Even if the main people were dealt with, what would happen to the more than 100 Saint puppets? The harm will still be unstoppable."Don't worry." Chufeng pondered a smile, his eyes twinkled with a faint light: "as long as the nihilism dares to pull all the saints' puppets to the stars of the universe that day, then I have a way to make them unable to play any role, so we only need to care about the living people, not the living dead!"

Everyone is very curious about what Chu Feng wants to do, but it's not easy to ask Chu Feng to tell them because he doesn't have to tell them.

However, they were more than 100 puppets of saints. They were the sages born in the seventh universe era. Even if their fighting power was not as good as before, they were still terrible. Where did Chu Feng's confidence come from?

At this moment, both mu Qianxue and Chang'e, who knew Chu Feng well, were very curious, and wanted to dream to deal with one of the four ancestors, where was Chu Feng's self-confidence? Even if the earth's aura of heaven and earth is abundant, and the perception can be enhanced, how can dreams be realized in such a short time?

Chu Feng obviously didn't mean to say that. After making a few women calm down, he got up and left Guanghan palace. The day after tomorrow is the ultimate battle. The basic things have been arranged. The next thing to do is to wait for the war to come. He wants to be quiet.

But we are not thinking about how to get through this crisis, but how to arrange the fate of the world after this crisis, because as long as they are in the eternal universe for one day, it is full of disaster for the world.

In the Chu wind, when they hide in the lost country, there is a dark door above the earth. The void breath comes out of it, followed by satina.

The nothingness that is preparing to speak has not yet opened its mouth. Suddenly, the earth, which has been covered by night, suddenly becomes darker. There are thick clouds above the head, accompanied by heavy thunder.

Nihility narrowed his eyes: "thunder of punishment?"

As soon as the voice fell, suddenly the sky rang out with thunder, and several punishing thunder attacked satina. The latter's face changed slightly and kept dodging. However, no matter how they dodged, those punishing thunder always followed. It seemed that they would not give up if they did not kill satina.

Nihilism stood there quietly and looked at all this. A trace of dignified color appeared on the illusory face. The thunder of heaven's punishment was the means of Chu Feng, and no one could use it except him.

However, the arrival of it and satyana was temporarily decided. Chu Feng could not have known that they would come, and still appeared in this place. Thinking that all the people who came out of the five forbidden areas were killed by the thunder of heaven in the daytime, Chu Feng should have done nothing to do with it now.

It has nothing to do with Chu Feng. Where did these heavenly punishments come from?

The sharp color flashed in the nihility tiny squint eyes, suddenly understood: "Chu Feng was recognized as the holy king by the chaotic will, is it he who made the chaotic will?"

Thinking of this, the expression of nothingness is more dignified. The order under such chaotic will, even it can't be broken, and the voice is not good: "go back to the forbidden area, the earth can't tolerate any existence beyond the demigod period, and staying here by force can only be dead under the thunder of heaven's punishment."

"I'm afraid that in addition to the demigod period, and I, no one will want to freely shuttle around the earth."

Satina was still wondering how the thunder of punishment was chasing her own attack. Hearing the words, she suddenly understood something. She lifted her hand and opened the door of dazzling light to leave, and the thunder of punishment slowly dissipated.

There is only one person left in the void. It flickers away like a sense. When it reappears, it has arrived at the Kunlun Mountains.

Now the earth is full of aura, that is, there is a super spiritual vein born. As a fate like existence, nothingness knows that there is a super spiritual vein hidden under the Kunlun Mountains. Except that this spiritual vein can change the earth, the rest of the ways can't be completed at all.

Suddenly disappeared, and then appeared next to the root of the spiritual pulse. Seeing the crystal clear spiritual pulse, nihility instantly clenched its fist. Although it has no soul or entity, it can feel very angry at the moment.

I want to break the spirit pulse and make all of this calm down, but after I raise my hand, the nothingness is still put down.

It knows that even if it's its own hand, it can't play a very big role. It can't destroy the super spiritual pulse at will. Moreover, thinking of the coming honor, it has nothing to do with the idea of destroying the spiritual pulse.

His eyes became extremely cold, and his whole body appeared black, showing the evil nothingness of polarization: "Chu Feng, how did you do it? How can you open the spiritual pulse in advance

"It seems that in the final battle, I will use the last resort."

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