Super Healer

Chapter 3241

The day of war, as promised!

Between the five forbidden areas and the Star River in the middle of the earth, at the moment of dawn, a terrible Saint appeared here. However, each of them seemed dead and lifeless. All of them were puppets of saints resurrected by nihility by special means. They had only fighting power and no thinking.

Today is the day agreed with Chu Feng, and it is also the day after waiting for endless years for nothingness. However, it did not appear. It just let satyana and the four ancestors show up with more than 100 Saint puppets.

Standing between the stars, satina looked calmly at the distance, and finally looked at her four ancestors, frowning slightly.

The four ancestors stood there with a dull look and could not see a trace of emotion. On the whole, they were similar to those Saint puppets. However, satina could feel that they were not dead, and could feel their heart beating and blood flowing.

When we think of the slavery seal that was said at the beginning of nothingness, it is obvious that all the four ancestors were controlled by it. However, people with thinking are stronger than those without thinking?

Just thinking about this problem, all of a sudden, four beams of light fell into the four ancestors' bodies from far to near. The bodies of the four people who had no color in their eyes were shocked, and their eyes began to have more vitality. Then they were confused and looked around slowly. I didn't know what had happened.

Suddenly, she saw satyana and more than one hundred saints standing between them. The four ancestors looked horrified, and Luo Qianding even exclaimed: "what's the matter?"

Satina was stunned for a moment. She reflected that the fourth ancestor was released from slavery by nothingness.

So the nihility must be hidden in the dark now. Satyana did not show any superfluous look. She said calmly: "those are the saints who died in this cosmic era since ancient times. Nihility has refined them into puppets by special means, and today is the last battle between us and Chu Feng."

When they were under the control of nuyin, the four ancestors did not know what had happened and even forgot where they had gone since this period of time.

Four people you look at me, I look at you, for a moment in the eyes have similar questions.

Xue Wuqing takes a look at the saints' puppets around her. Every statue is filled with the breath of saints. The difference is that there is a faint stillness under this breath. It can be seen that satina did not deceive them. These are all refined Saint puppets.

More than one hundred. Can Chu Feng handle it?

The four also felt that their strength in their bodies seemed to have risen a lot, and they had a confidence that they could win the first battle with Chu Feng again. Thinking that this was the last battle, a new era would come after this war. Everyone's mind was different.


However, some people are complicated, and naturally some people are excited. Feeling the surging power of the flame in the body, Luo Qianding laughs: "kill the bastard Chu Feng, then anything can be done."

Although he didn't remember what happened, he knew that if it wasn't for Chu Feng, they wouldn't be suppressed by nothingness to become chess pieces. Whether they were all in nothingness or out of hatred for Chu Feng, Luo Qianding decided to do something and absolutely want to kill Chu Feng.

As for whether Chu Feng will be the final winner, Luo Qianding thinks it is impossible. Nihilism is so powerful and invisible. How can Chu Feng be an opponent?

Pugaishi and xiqingtian have similar ideas. They are the ancestors of the Xiuzhen world. They have always been the only ones who instruct others to do anything. How can anyone dare to let them do anything, but now they are completely reduced to nihilistic puppets. It is uncomfortable to be the vanguard of the battle against Chu Feng.

They want Chu Feng to die, but they all want to kill Chu Feng by themselves. It's a bit uncomfortable to be used by nothingness.

Of course, no matter how unhappy they are in their hearts, it is impossible to show on the surface, because they do not have the confidence to overcome nihility, naturally they dare not say any inappropriate words.

Xue Wuqing didn't care about anything, or she didn't want to care about anything. She just looked at the distance coldly: "when will the Chu wind come?"

Since ancient times, Xue Wuqing has been defending herself like a jade. Even if Xi Qingtian and others have expressed their mind more than once, Xue Wuqing refuses. She thinks that only pure women like snow can go further together with the strong.

However, she was ravaged several times after being taken down by Chu Feng, and every time she was ravaged, she could not help her excitement, which made Xue Wuqing's heart almost crazy. If she did not kill Chu Feng, it was difficult to calm her anger, nor could she erase the scar of her pride being trampled on.

Of course, xuewuqing wants to cover up more. She can't let people know that she has a strong pleasure when she is ravaged by Chu wind.

The people who were present did not know what xuewuqing was thinking. They just looked at the distance, and satina said faintly: "Chu Feng and nihilism have agreed on today. It's the time when the morning sun rises. Maybe it will come soon."

"But your opponent is not Chu Feng. He is mine. You just need to restrain them."Hearing satyana's words, Luo Qianding sneered and sneered: "we don't fight, can you kill Chu Feng? And God, where are they our rivals? "

"I hope you will be as confident as you are now?" Satina looked at Luo Qian with scorn. From nothingness, she knew that Lu Wan and others did not know what they had gone through. Now they are all in the peak state. I believe that the World War I will definitely have a strong strength.

Luo Qianding can still despise Lu Wan and others, but wait, satina believes that Luo Qianding will not have such a mood again.

At a time when nothingness has put all human beings in the universe, it is the imperial city of the world.

A dazzling door appeared in the basement under the Huangfu villa. Chu Feng took Chang'e several people out. The dream and snow Ying sitting on the ground also felt like they opened their eyes and stood up.

Looking at the two women, Chu Feng asked, "how do you feel?"

"It's amazing!" Meng and Xueying looked at each other, and the latter couldn't help but say excitedly: "Miss Xi Meng and I feel that our whole body is full of strength, as if we have reached the realm of infinite saints. In addition, it is a little strange that we feel that we have passed many years in two days."

"It's probably because you're so involved that you're just delusional." Chufeng gentle smile, for snow Ying and dream to become an infinite saint, everything is in his expectation, so he is not surprised.

Turn around and directly open the picture leading to the star river. You can see satina and others waiting there.

Chu Feng timely opened his mouth: "they have all assembled, even the saints puppets on the earth have been transferred to the past, obviously nothingness, and I will not die in this war."

"What shall we do?" Dream a look, see Xi Qingtian is also in the crowd, eyes a little complex, but did not reveal too much emotion: "we here people, not enough?"

"Enough!" Chufeng smiles confidently.


All the women were stunned when they heard the speech. There were only seven sages, including Chu Feng. There were more than 100 saints in the universe, not including satyana and the four ancestors. There were more than one hundred saints puppets, more than ten times the number of them. How could Chu Feng say that it was enough under the condition of great disparity in power?

Chu Feng didn't explain too much, but said calmly: "when you dream, deal with the dreamer, Chang'e against the fire god, Wan'er against the thunder god, yun'er, you should deal with the snow girl!"

"The saint and elder Xueying will deal with satina just like the original plan. The more than 100 saints can be handed over to me."

Ladies, if you look at me and I look at you, they don't know whether Chu Feng's arrangement is feasible. However, there are not many people on their side. There is no way to do anything except this arrangement. Although it seems reasonable now, we will never forget that there is nothingness in the dark. That is the ultimate enemy.

"Don't think too much." Chu Feng closed the picture, but saw a few women's eyebrows with dignified color, gentle smile way: "do you forget the time of the first universe era?"

Chang'e's four people were all people who had been to the first universe with Chu Feng. Recalling that Chu Feng killed dozens of sages of Lu family at the beginning, those were still living people, including infinite saints. At the moment, those saints' puppets were living dead, which must be weaker than living sages to a certain extent.

With such a thought, Chang'e's worries dissipated, because Chu Feng had been able to deter and kill so many saints, so there should be no problem facing more than 100 saints' puppets.

In this way, as long as they can contain the four ancestors and satyana, then Chu Feng can open the way to heaven and become supreme.

Of course, the idea is like this. Whether it will be implemented in the end still depends on the change, because nothingness hides in the dark, and no one knows what kind of things it will do. After all, what it wants is dignity, and it wants to cultivate entity.

The more you think about it, it just makes your mood more irritable. Chu Feng didn't give a few women any more thought, and opened the door of dazzling light: "no one knows what will happen in this war today. If you all die, I just hope you can ensure that the body and soul are immortal."

As long as the body and soul are immortal, Chu Feng can revive them. Once the body and soul are destroyed, even if there is a holy grail of yin and Yang, they can't be revived again.

Fierce war means death, but everyone Chu Feng doesn't want them to die.

Chang'e and others nodded solemnly, and Chu Feng also stepped into the gate of dazzling light.

Having been waiting for a long time between the stars of the universe, satina and the four ancestors saw the door of dazzling light suddenly appear, their eyes are instantly condensed.

Here it is!

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