Super Healer

Chapter 3249


The four ancestors, who had decided to prevent nihility from becoming the supreme and even snatched the throne, felt a shock and looked at Chu Feng's eyes like hell.

How could Chu Feng obey the command of nothingness?

Before they could figure out what had happened, Chu Feng moved. It seemed that it was only a slight movement, but it appeared in front of the four ancestors in an instant. In addition to the bloodthirsty color in their eyes, he could not see the rest of the emotional fluctuations.

Minghong's magic sword is raised, and an opportunity to kill him instantly locks in the four ancestors.

At this moment, the four ancestors no longer doubted that Chu Feng had been controlled by nothingness. At the moment of Minghong's magic sword falling, the four ancestors, whose strength had improved a lot, had already dodged away. However, because they were in the battlefield of punishing heaven, they also needed to be completely careful.

Otherwise, they would not be killed by Chu Feng's sword, and would be drowned by the falling thunder. Although those thunder lights are not fatal, they will definitely bring them different damage.

As the name suggests, the battlefield of punishing heaven contains great risks. Once it is recognized as a force that can not exist in the ancient universe, those who possess these forces will be attacked violently. The four ancestors have experienced the terror of the battlefield of punishment in ancient times, so they don't want to try again at this moment.

Just dodged away, they have no time to make a response, Chu wind even like ghosts in general again appeared in their side.

The speed is so fast that the four ancestors have no chance to react at all.

Secretly scolded a damned, Xi Qingtian said: "scattered, all scattered!"

If they get together, Chu Feng can do things with clear goals, and once separated, Chu Feng will be separated and lack of skills. Even if one person is targeted by Chu Feng, others can continue to stop nothingness and become supreme, and even seize the throne.

Luo Qianding three people smell speech without any hesitation, quickly spread out, stand in four directions respectively, Chu Feng is in one of them, the eyes bloodthirsty swept them.

The four ancestors subconsciously strained their bodies. When Chu Feng's eyes swept them, they felt as if they were being watched by the God of death, which was very uncomfortable.

In the eyes flashed the opportunity to kill, Xi Qingtian said in a cold voice: "let's do it together, I don't believe that Chu Feng is strong enough to withstand the four of us."

If it was in the past, Xi Qingtian would not have such confidence, but after being sent to several universes by nothingness to experience, everyone's strength has improved a lot. Compared with the past, it is not a little bit stronger. So if four people join hands, it should be easy to kill Chu Feng.

But imagination is always beautiful, when they are ready to give Chu Feng a heavy blow, Chu Feng completely disappeared in front of them, silent, unpredictable.

Four people look alert to feel around, but can't catch Chu Feng exactly where in the end, the facial expression wants how ugly can't be too much.

Nihilism looks at all this from a commanding position, raises his hand to have a look, the smile is more and more joyful, because its hand has begun to appear flesh and blood and pulse feeling, knowing that it is casting the key moment of the entity.

A sneer: "Chu Feng, stop them at all costs."

Whoosh, Chu wind suddenly appeared beside Luo Qianding. The latter kept high vigilance. He found it at the moment of Chu Feng's appearance. Suddenly, his hands opened, and the flames converged into a fire dragon, which was oppressed by Chu wind.

We should seize the opportunity to stop the wind.

"Damn it, you're going to kill me?"

Luo Qianding's face changed greatly. He was so close to Chu Feng. Once the attack fell on Chu Feng, the terrorist force generated would not only make Chu Feng unlucky, but even he might be implicated. It is obvious that the three people of Qingqing abandoned him in order to kill Chu Feng.

But at the moment Xi Qingtian three people completely ignore, may hurt Luo Qianding.

They only know that Chu Feng must die. As for whether luoqianding will be implicated, they don't want to think about it at all. As long as Chu Feng dies, everything is worth it, and there is only one honor. Without luoqianding, they can have more hope.

Luo Qianding didn't know the thoughts of the three old friends, and his eyes flashed a fierce color: "it's so, then don't blame me."

Suddenly, Luo Qianding withdrew his own strength and quickly dodged. Unexpectedly, he cherished the idea that the three of Qingtian were holding a dead Taoist friend, not a poor Taoist. Then he did not need to let them go as expected.

Although he also wanted to die of Chu Feng, Chu Feng could die, but he could not die with him.

Xi Qingtian and others see Luo Qianding dodging and withdrawing his strength. Their faces are a little ugly, but there is nothing to say at the moment. Luo Qianding doesn't want to die. Can they blame Luo Qianding for choosing to escape?

See Chu Feng still standing there, Xi Qingtian three people also have no more words, as long as Chu Feng is dead, everything else is not a problem.With a roar, the powerful power of the three people and Chu wind completely collided together. The force of wind and snow, the power of thunder and lightning, and the magic damage all burst out, and the space was completely distorted.

In addition, on the battlefield of punishing heaven, the place where the force exploded was completely deformed and looked very unreal.

But Xi Qingtian, what they care more is whether Chu Feng is dead or not?

Mu Qianxue has been unable to get in touch, or see Chu wind unexpectedly changed who do not know, also for a time did not react, until this moment just anxious voice: "demon God!"

Nihilism is just a light to see the same closed eyes, nothing to see in general, because it is very clear that if Chu Feng really so easy to be killed, then he is not the strongest demon of all ages.

All kinds of forces shuttle back and forth, and the red light completely covers the place with the twisted space. Xi Qingtian can't see exactly what the situation is. They just stare without blinking. Once they find a problem, they will immediately take action.

Luo Qianding also cold face close to one side, cold hum: "your power can be really strong ah!"

Meaningful words, obviously still angry Xi Qingtian, they want to take the opportunity to kill themselves, cold eyes swept over the three people, the heart has a decision, once there is such a chance, he will not hesitate to take care of the sky they kill, even if you are not benevolent, then don't blame me for being unjust.

Xi Qingtian three people feel that Luo Qianding is not good, they all squint their eyes, and have a plan in mind, that is, if it is confirmed that Chu Feng is dead, they will immediately join hands to kill Luo Qianding.

But when they had such an idea, suddenly the Star River turbulence, the endless red light and thunder light completely twisted general movement.

The four people's attention was also quickly attracted in the past. In the most turbulent place, Chu Feng appeared, carrying the Ming Hong magic sword. All the clothes were broken, revealing the body without any shelter.

Mu Qianxue and Xue Wuqing both blushed when they saw this, but the former was more happy because Chu Feng didn't seem to have any injuries. As for the latter, seeing Chu Feng at the moment, he would only think of the situation when he was ravaged by Chu Feng, and he still had a sense of shame and indignation in his heart. How did he put it?

But now Chu Feng has no sense at all. When he swishes closer, Xi Qingtian's eyes become dignified. Just now the strength of the three people is combined, and the rest of the people are bound to die. Even half of the universe will collapse. But Chu Feng's clothes are broken, and there is no harm at all. What's the matter?

At this time, nihilism laughed again and said: "if Chu Feng is so easy to be killed, how can I let him stop you?"

"You know, he is the one who can make the throne come, and he is the first choice for the throne. His strength is not what you can imagine. Be careful. Don't even know when you die."

Hearing the words, the four ancestors' eyes became more dignified and found that the power of Chu Feng completely exceeded their cognition. Could it really be impossible to destroy Chu Feng?

However, as soon as he had such an idea, the four ancestors were dispelled. In this era, as long as there were people with life, they could be destroyed. The reason why Chu Feng is OK now can only be said that the strength they gathered just now is not strong enough. As long as it is strong enough, it is believed that Chu Feng can be killed.

At this time, Chu Feng also moved, and the ten artifact floated up and whirled over him. At the moment, not only his left eye was red, but also his right eye was filled with evil color.

The corner of the mouth slightly cocked up, that is a bloodthirsty smile, look at the four ancestors are a little chilly.

All of a sudden, the Chu wind roared up to the sky, and when the sound of the star river was swinging, the top ten artifact also turned into meteors, which generally shuttled back and forth in the Tianxun battlefield, and there were explosions all around.

"He's going to break the heaven punishment battlefield!" Snow has no clear, see the circumstance around, facial expression changes slightly: "can he?"

Tianxun battlefield is a space suitable for saints to fight, but it also affects the exertion of the absolute power of saints to a certain extent, and it also contains strong risks. If you stay too long, you will have a passion for war like life, and you will not die in the Tianxun battlefield at that time. It is a good thing that Chu Feng can destroy the Tianxun battlefield.

However, the power of Chu Feng can be destroyed, which can suppress the leakage of saints' power, and punish the battlefield by heaven?

Nihility is also a little surprised, but it is only a matter of time, soon it will become the supreme casting entity, as long as the Chu wind continues to suppress the four ancestors do not make trouble for themselves, then everything is not important.

Even if there is no punishment from heaven, the leakage of battlefield power will destroy many planets. Nothingness doesn't care. As long as you become the supreme one, what is the destruction of a few planets?

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