Super Healer

Chapter 3250

The ten artifact quickly shuttles through thousands of kilometers around the earth. The thunder light still covers the sky punishment battlefield, and the red light is completely dispersed.

At the beginning, except for nothingness, everyone should be prepared for the invasion of thunder and red light. At this moment, even if there is no defense, there will be no harm.

All of a sudden, the ten artifact gathered at one point and suddenly went towards the high place. Only a sound like a broken mirror image was heard. The whole heaven punishment battlefield fluctuated, and it was completely broken by the ten artifact in a little bit of dissipation.

The most important thing is that the power released by the top ten artifact just now is very powerful, which is more powerful than when it was played out in the past.

Even if the ten saints fight together in the Tianxun battlefield, they can not cause the Tianxun battlefield to collapse, but now the top ten artifact can do it.

In addition to the awe of the ten artifact, it is the conjecture of Chu Feng's power. How strong is he now that he can make the ten artifact exert such power?

But they can not get an explanation, Chu Feng has slowly raised his head, that pair of evil eyes staring at the four ancestors, suddenly burst out.

Still puzzled when the four old zudun vigilant up, Xi Qingtian is to shout: "all out war!"

Chu Feng fought against the four ancestors, and broke out on the earth's starry sky. The leakage of terror power has caused an extraordinary impact on the earth. Mu Qianxue's face changed slightly at this scene.

If this goes on like this, the earth will be destroyed. At that time, the atmosphere will be broken by the power of Chu wind. The oxygen in the whole earth will be released into space in the shortest time. Without oxygen, life on the earth can not live at all.

What to do?

If Xue Ying is still alive, mu Qianxue believes that if they work together, they may be able to stop these forces from wreaking havoc on the earth.

But now Xueying is dead, and her body doesn't know where she went in the penalty battlefield that day, or it has been destroyed in the thunder light. It is impossible for her to stop these powerful forces from influencing the earth.

What's more, mu Qianxue found that Chang'e and others had not appeared for such a long time. It must have been more or less ominous. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for the four ancestors to appear here, or even fight against Chu Feng.

Is there only one person left in the universe?

Although Chu Feng is still there, it is obviously under the control of nothingness. All the four ancestors are thinking of getting the throne at the moment. They can't stand with her at all and will not care about whether the earth will be destroyed.

Slightly clenched his fist, Chu wind against Chu wind in a loud voice: "demon God, you quickly wake up, go down like this, the earth will not."

"Don't worry!" In vain, the master of the world appeared beside mu Qianxue with a gentle smile: "my father once told me that if Chu Feng didn't want to, no one could do anything. Now, there must be Chu Feng's own reason for this."

"Believe me, the final victory must belong to Chu Feng, my father will not mistake people."

Mu Qianxue blinked her eyes. The word of the world master didn't make her happy, but said excitedly: "Lord, it's great for you to come. Quickly join hands with me to stop the leakage of their fighting power. Otherwise, the earth's atmosphere will burst, and the original world will disappear completely."

The master sighed and shook his head.

Mu Qianxue looks stunned: "world Master?"

"We can't stop it." The master of the world explained with a bitter smile: "because in another seven hours, fate will be reorganized. This is a time to change and create destiny. Everything will develop naturally. What we can't stop is that we can't stop it."

Seeing that mu Qianxue still didn't understand, the world leader added: "although you and I can play a role together, but the war between the demon God and the four ancestors is so fierce, how long do you think we can stop it?"

"In the end, it is more likely to arouse the evil spirit of the devil and treat us as the enemy. The gain is not worth the loss."

After listening to the words of the world Master, mu Qianxue shook his head slightly: "are you not ready to protect the earth?"

The LORD did not answer. He just looked at the nihility with his hands materialized, and the position of his feet began to materialize. He believed that it only took a little while for nothingness to become an entity. At that time, if fate was reorganized again, this era would enter a new era.

It's just that the owner can't see what will happen next, but he has confidence in chufeng and believes that the final victory must belong to chufeng.

Make sure that the world Master is really not ready to fight. Mu Qianxue flies away with a cold hum. Even if the world Master doesn't intend to join hands to stop the destruction of the earth, then stop all this by yourself.

Directly across the earth above the stars, facing the direction of the battle of Chu Feng, mu Qianxue lifted his hand to drive all his strength. Although he could not wrap the whole earth from being hurt, he could weaken the frontal attack force, which is believed to be able to play a role.The world Lord looked in his eyes, but slowly disappeared after a sigh.

He is the master of the soul world. No matter what happens in this era, the soul world will always exist. According to the emperor Shitian's intention, he has given Chu Feng a lot of help. If Chu Feng is still killed by nothingness, it is also Chu Feng's own problem.

As for what happened to Chu Feng, the world leader is not very clear, but it can be sure that nothingness has done something to Chu Feng, which has covered Chu Feng's will.

However, it is not clear what he has done. What he can do is let those who died in this war can reach the soul world with peace of mind. Whether he can finally revive depends on whether Chu Feng can break through the shackles of nothingness.

On earth, at this time has become very flustered, the beginning is to see the sky above the red light and thunder raging.

When the red light and thunder light dissipated, they saw the unpredictable situation again, and there was a very uncomfortable atmosphere there. Everyone was waiting in a panic, waiting for Chu Feng to finally win.

Because now we all know the secret hidden in the world, the only thing we can do is expect, we can't do anything!

"Son of a bitch, what's the matter now?"

Liu Yan stood in the garden with a worried look at the sky. She knew that the battle would be staged in the starry sky: "if he died, would we all die?"

Yao Qianxue in Xiangjiang is back, Yan Ruyu is here, Liu Xu and Liu Jing are also here, and Shen Xiuqin and others are standing here.

Now the whole world is paralyzed. Everyone is waiting for the final result. What other things do you want to do?

Yan Ruyu shook his head gently: "who knows?"

Liu Yan opened her mouth and finally sighed helplessly. At this time, no one really knew what would happen next. The only thing she could do was to wait quietly, clench her fists, and look forward to the Chu Feng's plan to eliminate everything and give the earth an absolute stable environment.

Otherwise, everyone will die, and Liu Yan doesn't want to die. She also wants Chu Feng to accompany her flowers. How can she die like this.

In addition to Jianghai fengteng garden, many people gathered in fengteng garden of the imperial city. Su Xinyu and they all came here, because now the battle of Chu Feng in the starry sky is the most important thing. Apart from this, they don't care about anything.

When people's hearts are affected, the battle on the starry sky is becoming more and more fierce. All satellites and everything released by human beings into space have been destroyed. Now people on earth have no idea what kind of situation is between the stars and rivers.

And the four ancestors felt the pressure and fear.

Originally, they thought that if the four people joined hands, they would certainly be able to compete with Chu Feng, or even suppress them, because they were much stronger under the cultivation of nihility.

However, with the terrible battle, they realized that nihilism was not aimless. Chu Feng, which could be recognized by the throne, was not as powerful as usual. If it was not controlled by nihilism, Chu Feng might have become the supreme one.

Thinking of nothingness, the four ancestors saw that the lower body and arms of nothingness had materialized, and their hearts began to worry, because once nothingness was fully materialized, it would be equivalent to becoming the supreme one. At that time, they would not be able to deal with it.

Xi Qingtian's heart a horizontal, he said: "everyone, don't keep it, once again gather the most powerful force to kill Chu Feng, if not, nothingness becomes the supreme, we are also going to die."

The other three also thought so at the moment. After Xi Qingtian said it, they all nodded slightly and looked at the Chu wind in the distance. The four ancestors directly joined hands to gather powerful forces, concentrated in one point, mixed with four kinds of terrorist forces.

The evil color in Chu Feng's eyes became more and more intense. He gently raised a hand and stretched out a finger. His fingertip was jumping with a dark light beam. He only felt that there were countless forces gathering in the whole starry sky. However, the power inspired by Chu Feng did not seem to change at all. It was just the size of the fingers.

When mu Qianxue saw this scene, her face became worried. The four ancestors were in front of her, and Chu Feng was in a far away place. Once there was a terrorist explosion, it would destroy the earth's atmosphere in an instant, and he could not stop it at all.

"Demon God, don't!" he cried

In her drinking cry, the powerful force of the four ancestors exploded out, just like a shock wave.

Chu Feng's mouth raised a cruel smile, a roar, the dark power of jumping fingertips suddenly shot out, and in an instant turned into a terrible and powerful dark shock wave.

The fourth ancestor's face changed greatly: "not good, retreat!"

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