Super Healer

Chapter 3253


Xi Qingtian, who is attacking violently, doubts whether he has heard Chu Feng's words correctly.

All the women around her are dead, and the earth is also destroyed. Now that nothingness is about to materialize, isn't Chu Feng supposed to be worried and nervous? How could you say congratulations?

Three people look at each other. If they are not sure that they have not heard wrong, they should doubt whether Chu Feng is crazy. At this time, they should stop nihilism and finally succeed. How can we congratulate it?

Nihilism is also a little surprised at this, the beautiful eyes flickered for a moment, puzzled asked: "Chu Feng, are you sincere in this sentence?"

"It must be true." Chu Feng still had a smile. He couldn't see that he had other emotions: "at first, you are a virtual body. Although I can hurt you, I have to rely on the spirit to do it. As long as you have the entity, I can abuse you as much as I want. Don't you think this is to congratulate you?"

Nothingness narrowed his eyes and felt that Chu Feng was really stupid. Once he was materialized, he would be the supreme one. At first, he could hurt himself by means of tools and spirits, and so on, but it was not so easy.

Feeling Chu wind must be stimulated, nihilistic sneer: "Chu wind, wait for you to be able to smile like this, I admire you."

Chu Feng laughs playfully, but there is cruelty and coldness in his eyes. He really wants nothingness to achieve entity, but it is because nihility with entity is better to deal with. In recent years, so many things are promoted by nothingness, which directly destroys it, which is too cheap.

But we all don't know Chu Feng's idea. Xi Qingtian thinks that Chu Feng is looking for death. At this time, he still dares to talk to nothingness like this. If the Supreme Master is so easy to deal with, he will never be without one.

"Will you continue to fight me, dreamer?"

Nothingness has recovered to look at Chu Feng's eyes, the eyes cold swept Xi Qingtian three people: "so wait, I will let you live like death."

Xi Qingtian's body shakes, and a chill suddenly invades the whole body. You look at me, I look at you, and finally look at nothingness. The latter is only a little short of being fully materialized, and the light of kingcraft is gradually weakening. It seems that their strength alone is not enough to shake the nihility.

Immediately Xi Qingtian changed his tough attitude, put one hand in front of him, and said with apology: "nihilist, I'm sorry for my behavior just now. I don't know what I can do for you?"

Xi Qingtian is a smart man. He can tell from the words of nothingness that nothingness seems to have not killed their minds. As long as they are not killed, then there is hope to live. Of course, we need to understand the value of ourselves first.

Pugaishi and luoqian were stunned and immediately reacted. They all lowered their heads and said, "nihilist, what can we do for you?"

All this was seen in Chu Feng's eyes, and only kept a faint smile. As for the rest, no one could see it. Of course, there was contempt for the three people who cherish Qingtian.

Just now they found that it was impossible to stop the nihility from attacking continuously just now. But they thought that the nihility would not kill them in the end?

Chu Feng thought it impossible, because he knew that if he was nihilism, he would definitely kill Xi Qingtian, who are capricious people. But now it doesn't matter. Nihilism wants to have a good look.

For Xi Qingtian's attitude change, nihilism laughed and made no secret of his ridicule: "as expected, you have the potential to be a dog!"

The three people are affected by their looks, but they are nihilistic and powerful. They can't compete with each other at all. Don't say they are like a dog. Even if they are not as good as dogs, they will not say anything because in front of absolute strength, there is no capital for confrontation, then nothing can be said.

"Although you make me look down upon, but the victory lies in the sense of interest."

Nihilism stopped laughing and glanced at Chu Feng playfully: "so I'll give you one last chance to kill Chu Feng, because he has no value to me any more, although he is the first man of his own."

Hearing the nothingness, Chu Feng's smile was a little more cheerful, and his eyes passed by Xi Qingtian: "how about the chance to live? Do you want to cherish it?"

Xi Qingtian luoqianding and pugaishi, none of the top strongmen of the cultivation world from time to time suffered from the oppression of Chu Feng when they returned from the sealed land. Naturally, there is hatred for him. Even if there is no nihilism, as long as the absolute security, they will attack Chu Feng.

Not to mention that nihility now controls absolute power, even if they don't want to, they can only do it.

Without any verbal communication, the three quickly act, showing a triangular situation, surrounded by the Chu wind, gathering a strong force, unreservedly released, only in the eyes of chufeng's firmness.

"Pathetic, pathetic!"

Three people actually chose to start, Chu Feng sighed and suddenly flashed by, and grabbed Luo Qianding's neck: "I've never been a person who doesn't fight and can't be sure of the war. At this time, I can talk and laugh. Do you think I'm bluffing?"Chu wind's speed is too fast, fast to Luo Qianding has not responded, has been pinched the neck, face instant big change: "you?"

"When you go to the soul world, you will understand." Chu wind cold smile, suddenly between a foot swept across, knee hard top in Luo Qianding's stomach, the latter's powerful power was completely scattered, the body all arched up.

Xi Qingtian and pugaishi changed their faces and went forward quickly. Now there are only three of them. If Luo Qianding dies, they can't do anything.

But not yet close, Chu Feng pinched Luo Qianding's neck in front of them, and suddenly kicked out two feet, almost to the point where Xi Qingtian could not stop them, and then flew out.

Looking at them coldly in the eyes, Chu Feng's mouth glanced over the killing machine: "soon you will know that once again, complying with nothingness is just to let you cut off the last vitality."

With his right hand clenched his fist, a hard blow hit Luo Qianding. The ancestor of Luojia, the God of fire, was blown out by Chu Feng.

But all this is not over. Chu Feng's body shape is like a ghost. Luo Qianding sees Chu Feng waving Minghong magic sword, his pupil shrinks sharply, his eyes show panic. He feels a killing opportunity completely enveloping him. He wants to dodge and resist, but he can't gather any strength.

His face was ugly, what dignity and pride Luo Qianding forgot in general, and he cried hysterically, "help me."

But at the moment, Xi Qingtian and pugaishi were blown away by the Chu wind. It was too late.

See Lin Feng raised the Ming Hong magic sword, Luo Qianding finally flustered, endless years have never had a sense of fear in the heart: "do not!"

But Chu Feng did not have a trace of pity, such as a meteor falling down, only to see a black light flash disappeared, Luo Qianding's body stagnated in the Star River, dull eyes, color is a little bit of diffusion.

Chu Feng hung down his magic sword, and his left eye flashed a dark color: "I said a word early on that many people wanted to kill me, but many people died forever."

The voice fell down, Luo Qianding's body separated. Just a few times ago, Chu Feng cut off his head, and the floating body was still burning, and there was no residue left at the end.

Xi Qingtian and Xi Qingtian see all these things in their eyes. In addition to their nervousness and chill, they find that they still don't know Chu Feng well enough. They always feel that Chu Feng's strength is just a little bit. However, every time the facts prove that Chu Feng has only a stronger means.

They are not the opponents of nothingness, but they are not the opponents of Chu Feng. If nihilism wants them to kill Chu Feng, isn't it the same as sending them to death?

At the beginning, I thought that nihilism was not ready to quarrel with them, but it seemed to send them to death.

Ha ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha

Chu Feng and Xi Qingtian are attracted by their eyes. They see that nothingness has been fully materialized, and their black hair is floating like a waterfall, just like a fairy falling into the earth.

Xi Qingtian and pugaishi's face changed slightly. Is this the supreme? Has nothingness become the supreme?

In their conjecture, the nihility finger gently raised, a touch of light flickered on the fingertip, and directly shot out. In the distance, there was a boulder left after the earth's explosion, but the force of nothingness had not arrived, and the huge stone was twisted and smashed into pieces.

However, the strength of the shot is still on its way to the distance, with a pleasant smile: "it should be possible to shuttle hundreds of thousands of light years and destroy more than a hundred planets?"

Xi Qingtian's body shakes. Is this the supreme power? Can a random attack travel hundreds of thousands of light years and destroy all the planets in the way?

Hard to swallow a little saliva, just now there are some hesitant, they drink again toward the Chu wind, now nihilism has become the supreme, all they can do is to comply with, although not Chu Feng's opponent, but compared to nihility, Chu Feng is better to deal with.

And now if they don't start with Chu Feng, nothingness will attack them. Anyway, it's all death. It's better to fight for a chance.

For their madness, Chu Feng didn't fluctuate at all. He just put away the Ming Hong magic sword, and the bright moon gun appeared in the twinkling. Chu Feng's battle situation instantly detonated and shocked the whole world: "unexpectedly, you are materialized, so this game should really end."

Suddenly, Chu Feng burst out with Ming Hong magic sword. It's time to send Xi Qingtian and pugaishi to the soul world!

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