Super Healer

Chapter 3254

How can it be?

Xioptimus and pugshi felt the terror of the attack of Chu wind. Their faces changed as if they were ghosts. They knew that Chu Feng was very strong, or they would not have a few moves to kill luoqianding.

But at this moment, they found that their strength to Chu wind is still underestimated, now Chu wind showed the combat effectiveness, how can say that it is only strong so simple?

Even the vanity also flashed surprise, she did not expect Chu wind would have such a strong war, suddenly a little regret that just should not have removed the Chu wind mark, so if there is any change, there is no means to suppress the strong Chu wind.

But soon nothingness was gone, and she was now supreme, feeling the full strength of her body, and the super perception of the universe, which made her very confident.

And the supreme has only one since ancient times. Now that I have been honored, Chu Feng can not defeat himself.

So the mind of nihilism is settled a lot, and there are some confusion. After the entity, she is like people. In the past, some things that can not be thought will be thought about at the moment. The feeling is a little different from that before. As for how to be like this, nihility itself is not clear, just feel like she is no longer the self.

In her complex thoughts, Chu Feng and pugai collided with each other. The powerful force immediately let pugaishi and xiqingtian fly out again, and Qi Qi spewed out a breath of blood. Chu wind was so strong that they could not resist at all.

And this has not ended in this way, and before pugshi can hold his body, there is a crisis.

Forced to twist the body, suddenly between the body a shock, the bright moon gun directly through his body, Chu Feng also came to his front, left hand seized his neck, right hand back the rotating bright moon gun, eyes cold extreme: "I want to kill you very simple, just hinder nihility reasons, but you just do not cherish the opportunity, pity!"

Blood came from the mouth of pugshi. It was too late to make a sound. Chu Feng released his neck and quickly retreated. The bright moon gun was thrown across, and it burst the head of pugshi.

As a lightning body, even nine days of thunder and lightning can be guided by it, but at this time, there is no whole body, the body slowly burns up, gradually dissipated between the universe Star River.

When prime sees this shock, his strength and pugshi are between Bozhong. It is necessary to say who is stronger, it must be universal.

If he doesn't add the illusion, he is not the opponent of universal. Now pugshi is suddenly destroyed by Chu Feng. And there is no spare effort to return. Is it the Chu wind they began to know?

Originally thought that being cultivated by nihility for so long, how much has improved some combat effectiveness, even if fighting alone is not Chu Feng's opponent, if combined, it should be able to be in between Bozhong and Chu Feng.

But such an idea is completely overturned at the moment, not to say that fighting alone, even if they are united, it is not Chu Feng's opponent at all. The latter is too strong to make them powerless.

There is a time for Qingtian to live. He has never met such a fear and powerlessness. At this moment, Chu Feng has brought him such a feeling.

Wipe off the blood of the corner of the mouth, cherish Optimus Prime look for help to see nihility, but nihility is to see him not a glance, seems to care about their life and death.

The sad and sad heart, the ancient times was suppressed by the ancient god of evil, originally returned to want to take root in the ancient universe, do not want to be beaten by the Chu wind, but also be used by nihility, all of which show that they were from the beginning of the empty chess, is the chess piece used to stimulate Chu wind to help her open her position.

The eyes were more and more sad, and Qingtian cried out a shock to the world, suddenly turned around and went to the distance, and saw luoqianding and pugaishi killed by Chu wind. At this moment, he had no fighting spirit.

He is an infinite saint, a strong and powerful existence of terror. He has no ability to show in front of Chu wind and nihility, but only to other places is the existence of terror, the supreme saint.

He didn't want to die. He didn't want to die in Chu Feng's hand, or in the hands of nihility. He wanted to live and live all the time.

Chu wind slightly chin, the bright moon gun became a sun bow, looking far away to the distant almost invisible cherish prime, the corner of the mouth to a cold kill.

With a bow and an arrow, a shooting sun arrow condenses, and an arrow without waves on the surface of Chu wind shoots it. The arrow immediately pulls the red tail of fire to the direction of Xiqing's escape. A hot breath emerges in the whole universe Star River. The color of surprise flashed in the empty eyes. The powerful force of shooting the sun arrow is beyond her prediction.

It seems that the arrow should not have such power? Can Chu Feng himself have the power to send these artifact to the peak?

Between considerations, the shooting sun arrow is like a light shuttle, even if Xiqing has escaped a few light-years distance, or by the shooting sun arrow, and in a moment is the shooting arrow carried by the flame completely swallowed, an arrow penetration, with a call of unwilling, cherish the sky has been doomed.Clapping applause sounded, nihilism took back his eyes and smile all over his face: "Chu Feng, you really make me surprised, how suddenly I don't want to let you die?"

Chu Feng raised his hand and shot the sun bow and disappeared in his hand. The death of Xi Qingtian and others did not have any impact on his mood. He just looked at nihilism playfully: "how, did you fall in love with me?"

"Already in love." Nothingness is not shy, but smiles back: "otherwise, I will not use the body of emptiness and reality and you to achieve good things. Is this not enough to prove that I have fallen in love with you? So when my man, let's join hands to destroy this era and open a new era? "

Chu Feng sneers, nihilism is so beautiful, but Chu Feng knows absolutely is bullshit.

He did not rule out that the nihility did get his mind, but Chu Feng was more aware that the nihility played with himself with the body of emptiness and reality in order to plant a mark, which had nothing to do with love.

She wants to conquer the most powerful man to show her dignity. Now she is the strongest person in the universe. To be ugly, nothingness is to become her man's pet.

How could Chu Feng agree to such a request? That is unfair to those who have died, to the destroyed earth, to those who have been dying under the scheme of nothingness.

slowly ascended as like as two peas in a parallel position. The two men were just two meters apart, and even could smell a faint fragrance on the nothingness. They were exactly the same as dreams. Apparently, the nothingness was entirely based on the dream.

But long and dream, but it is not a dream.

Chu Feng moved his hands and spoke faintly: "nothingness, you know how many crimes you have committed to me, so I won't go into details. And you should also know that one of you and I will fall, so do you think everything you say is possible?"

"Why not?" Nothingness nodded slightly, and his voice was firm: "now I have materialized. All your beauties are almost dead, and your most cherished earth has also been destroyed. Let me be your woman. We rule the world together. Don't you feel excited? Don't you enjoy the feeling of being ants? "

"Don't enjoy it!" Chu Feng gently shook his head and calmly replied, "I enjoy reshaping nothingness and changing the way of heaven and destiny."

Nihilistic smile solidified in the face, eyes gradually cold down: "unexpectedly so, then I will continue to be lonely!"

Everything around becomes very dull. There is only Chu Feng and nothingness between the whole universe and the stars. They stand opposite each other, sprouting a terrible battle situation. The nihility after materialization is much stronger, but there is no tension in Chu Feng's face.

Nothingness can't help but also strange up, pink fist micro grip: "Chu Feng, you are really not afraid that I will kill you?"

As long as the supreme emperor can not be touched by the supreme emperor, even if there is a supreme emperor in the sky, he will never become the supreme one

"In the same way, if the emperor Shitian is still alive, even if the light of the king's way is lowered today, you can become the supreme one, but as long as one of his ideas, you will be deprived of everything, and everything will come first and then."

He nodded his head slightly and had a warm smile: "moreover, dignity is a kind of subtle chaotic will power. If someone has it, he can give up temporarily, then others can become supreme. When he wants to, he will change his position, because he only recognizes the one who is the first to achieve it."

Looking at the void in his eyes, Chu Feng continued: "you are indeed the supreme, but it's a pity that you are the product of the seventh era of the universe. You don't really know the supreme one. Only when you become the supreme one will you realize it slowly."

"So I'd like to ask, if you find yourself materialized, just making you miserable, would you regret it?"

Chu Feng completely violated the normal language, so that nihility some uneasy up, a heart is very uncomfortable: "what do you mean?"

Chu Feng gently raised his hand, indifferent eyes: "once I said to you, when there is such an opportunity, I will let you live worse than death, I will severely torture you to vent my violent heart, but how can you have no entity, I can't do anything, but now it is OK."

"As for what I mean, that is, if emperor Shitian lives, no one can become the supreme one. Even if he abandons it temporarily, as long as he wants to take back the throne, he will automatically become the main one, and your throne,,, and are just what I give you."

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