Super Healer

Chapter 3256

There is a scream of nothingness echoing in the universe. Slowly, the sound is getting smaller and smaller.

In the space where the earth was originally located, Chu Feng loosened her nihilistic feet, and the latter immediately fell down and suspended between the stars. Her white skirt was dyed red with blood and looked extraordinarily infiltrating. After materialization, her face was pale, but her eyes toward Chu Feng were full of shame, anger and resentment.

In order to plant a mark on Chu Feng and facilitate her future control, she did those things with her virtual body. At that time, she did not feel much about the virtual body, but now it is an entity. The pain of tearing heart and lung makes nothingness very painful.

In particular, the Chu wind is also mixed with the power of chaotic will. Nihility feels that his internal organs and six internal organs seem to be broken. His legs can only be opened a little, otherwise there will be a burning pain.

At this moment, nihilism realized that materialization was a nightmare for me. Moreover, it was only the beginning. When I thought about the future, I would suffer more torture under the restraint of Chu Feng. Nihility turned pale.

Chuckle as if crazy in general: "I will not let you succeed, want me to serve you, that is impossible."

"If you don't kill me, I'll die by myself, so that the fate of heaven will disappear and the whole world will be in chaos."

Nothingness stood up, but she didn't have the right to die, and even had no way to move the bomb.

Chu Feng raised his hand and simply slapped her: "did you forget that I was the supreme?"

Nihilism looks stiff, a humiliation pervaded in his heart. His eyes are even more indignant at Chu Feng. He dare to slap himself. What is his qualification to slap himself?

But Chu Feng didn't answer. He just raised his hand and let a dark fall down, completely enveloping nothingness among them. After those darkness disappeared, nothingness disappeared. The next step was to stabilize the world, and the problem of nothingness was not to be solved in a hurry.

Moreover, fate has been reorganized, and she can't really kill nothingness. If she dies, even if she is supreme, she will not be able to control the destiny and set the way of heaven in the future.

Because nothingness is the way of heaven and fate. Only when she exists, everything will appear. If she disappears, the supreme can't make the way of heaven. How can we create what we don't have?

To sum up, nothingness belongs to a kind of origin, but it is a more powerful source, surpassing many things.

With a sigh, it is clear that he can crush nihility, but he can't kill him. Chu Feng's heart is more or less uncomfortable, but he can only bear it for the sake of the world. Moreover, he has just ravaged the nihility. Chu Feng feels that his anger has dissipated a little, and he is not so miserable at the beginning.

When you look away, the place where the earth used to be is empty now. Everything disappears, even the earth disappears.

Pan knee suspended between the stars, Chu wind slowly rising and played a higher position, the sun from the sun is like the background of Chu wind, sacred and inviolable.

Closed his eyes, Chu Feng fell into a quiet, time slowly from his side to pass!

One day passed, two days passed, followed by three days and four days later. Chu Feng was completely immersed in a deep sleep, forgetting everything, and completely integrated with the universe without fluctuation.

Snow Ni Shang finally can't help but come out of Chu Feng's body. Seeing Chu Feng's eyes closed, he didn't know what he was thinking. He said softly, "demon, please stop mourning!"

So many people died, and the earth was destroyed. Although Xue nishang didn't know when Chu Feng became the supreme, she didn't even know herself, but she knew very well that Chu Feng was in a bad mood now, and it made people feel sad.

Chu Feng slowly opened his eyes, eyes clear a lot: "snow Lord, what do you think is time?"


Snow neon clothes smell speech a Leng, slightly shake his head to express don't understand, time is time? Can there be any difference?

"Time is the necessity of the development of all things. Without time, everything will stop, will not retreat, will not advance, everything will stop."

The master of the world suddenly appeared with a gentle smile: "time represents the past, the present, the future, years, life and death, day, night, everything. Without time, even fate can't run, without time, people can't grow up. We are all in time, and only in this way can we grow continuously."

Nodding slightly, the master continued: "time, years, the past, the future and the present constitute a system of time. When the time flows, everything will change. When the time changes, the world will also usher in a change."

"Time, no fate, no way of heaven, can not do without time, because without it, everything will be static, no future!"

Chu Feng showed a dull smile: "master of the world, it seems that the LORD said a lot of things to you at the beginning, but it's a pity that you can only have one, otherwise you can definitely achieve the supreme?"

"I have no interest in dignity." The master of the world shook his head gently, and his face was calm as water: "and with the soul world left by my father, I am equal to the God of life. The future of all creatures is in my hands. Whoever I give birth to will be born, and whoever I let have no future will have no future.""The throne is very precious, but I love the lonely and cold soul world, where there is no intrigue, no pursuit of powerful destruction, no disaster, and no blood. How wonderful

Chu Feng, with a smile and a nod, also stood up: "the master of the world has a strong sense of perception. No wonder he can make nothingness have no way for you. A man who does not fight or rob has no meaning to deal with it."

Xue nishang stood beside her and didn't know what the words of Chu Feng and the world master meant. She just watched Chu Feng move forward a little and quickly followed her. Otherwise, if the distance was more than 10 meters, she would be destroyed by the lingsu contract.

Looking at the place where the earth once existed, Chu Feng's left eye twinkled with faint light, and suddenly a whirlpool was produced, where it was spinning at high speed, and countless things converged towards the vortex.

Snow neon clothes see pupil fierce shrink, surprised to say: "reshape the earth?"

"No!" The master of the world also came to the side, and said lightly: "the devil just changed the time point of this area, so it's not to reshape the earth, but to let the destroyed earth return to the moment of its destruction. It's a time reversal!"

Back in time?

Hearing the master's explanation, Xue nishang's heart trembled violently. She saw that the original area where the earth was located was rapidly gathering things. It was similar to the time when the earth was destroyed. The difference was that it was destruction. It was to let the initial destruction go back to the time when there was no disaster.

The complete earth begins to appear, and the expression of snow colored clothes solidifies. Is this the supreme power? Not only is it easy to defeat nothingness, to control it, but also to turn back time to the beginning, so?

Snow nishang spirit a shock to see Chu wind: "demon God, so snow Ying and a thousand snow?"

Chu Feng did not answer, just calm as water, looking at the slowly recovering earth, his left eye twinkled, everything he saw was like a rewind recovery, the destroyed human beings are also re emerging, those collapsed buildings will be restored, at the same time, Chu Feng also let them forget the destruction of the earth, with the power of time, let their brains forget that memory!

Finally, the earth was completely restored, and human beings began their normal life again. It seems that they have completely forgotten what happened. Even the destroyed moon in space and the satellite rockets launched by human beings have all recovered.

Snow neon dress face also appears happy color: "snow Ying, thousand snow!"

Xue Ying, who was killed by nothingness, and mu Qianxue, who was swallowed up by the dark power of Chu wind, also appeared directly. Xue nishang cried out excitedly. If it was not for the existence of the lingsu contract, Xue nishang must have passed.

Snow Ying and mu Qianxue look at themselves, the latter also subconsciously look back at the earth, eyes confused.

She remembered that she wanted to stop the power of Chu Feng from swallowing the earth, but she could not remember anything at that time. She only knew that she was dead and her soul drifted to a cold place, but she was suddenly pulled back by a force just now. What happened and she was alive?

Subconsciously looking around, mu Qianxue thinks that he is dreaming, but the dream is not so real, right?

"All of them are over. Go back to the world of blade snow."

Chu Feng light mouth, calm no wave: "nothingness will not bring you any disaster, this will become an eternal era, but I still have one thing to do, I hope you have psychological preparation."

Xueying and muqianxue both want to ask what chufeng wants to do, but it's too late to ask the exit. Chu Feng is just a look. A light door flashes between Xueying and muqianxue. They are forced back to the world of blade snow by Chu Feng.

Chu Feng opened his hands, and the world Master and Xue nishang felt a mysterious force surging to all parts of the universe, knowing that Chu Feng was trying to completely restore the destruction of the whole universe caused by the first World War.

Xue nishang's eyes are more in awe of Chu Feng. It's amazing that people can change a planet, but Chu Feng can change the universe. Such power and supreme mystery make Xue nishang yearn for it.

However, there can only be one supreme. If Chu Feng does not die, then there will be no new Supreme birth. A touch of bitterness flits through the corners of his mouth. It seems that his peak is an infinite saint.

Everything has recovered. Chu Feng takes a deep look at the earth, and a faint smile appears on his mouth: "Lord, send the soul of Diyuan to the demon world. I need to go to the earth to have a look. Maybe the time to go to the earth will be less and less."

"The other four ancestors couldn't kill Chang'e and they were trapped in the battle space of the four ancestors. Now the four ancestors have no threat and the fighting space does not exist. Please find them and let them go to the demon world to wait for me."

The master of the world knows that Chu Feng has completely stabilized the world this time, and it is time for the eternal universe to remain unchanged.

However, Chu Feng did not know how to arrange the future Wanjie.

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