Super Healer

Chapter 3257

Two days later, Chu Feng appeared alone in Linjia village, Xuancheng.

Although Lin Wei's mother is only his adoptive mother, it is undeniable that Chu Feng is a native of Linjia village. Every villager here is just like his relatives. No matter where he goes, even in the five forbidden areas which are millions of light years away, there is a place in Chu Feng's heart, which is Linjia village.

At the beginning, Xi Qingtian used the art of illusion to trigger the weakness hidden in his heart, that is, Lin Jiacun, where he has too many memories, a beautiful childhood, and the sweetness that can never be erased.

The time is more than 4:00 p.m. Chu Feng walks on the road surface widened to 20 meters in Linjia village. After his intentional support, the current village is almost the same as the first village of the Chinese dynasty. Every family has millions of savings and rural villas.

In the past, all the girls in Linjia village wanted to get married, but now it's the girls outside who want to marry to Linjia village.

In the past two days, Chu Feng didn't go to see anyone. He just went to some places where he remembered. At the same time, he also issued a calling order to see those familiar with him, because he would leave the earth soon.

Although there is no harm to nothingness now, fate has been reorganized, and it has become the supreme one, many things can not be borne by the earth. A peaceful and peaceful earth without supreme force is what human beings need.

Even Chu Feng in the whole universe doesn't want to have too much powerful force, so he has already made a decision in his heart. He needs to talk with the public before making this decision.

But before talking to them, Chu Feng came to Linjia village first. Maybe this time is really the last time to come to Linjia village. Even if he will come back to the earth in the future, he may not come here again. I don't even know how many years later it will be.

Unconsciously, Chu Feng came to a garden villa before stopping.

It used to be the place where he lived, but later it was completely demolished and built into a villa. Now it is under the name of Lin Wei. Every year, he will come back to stay for two days to meet the people in the village, but most of the time it is still empty.

But even if it was empty, Lin would send someone to take care of it, because everyone would never forget one thing. Without Chu Feng, there would be no Linjia village today. Everyone was grateful for Chu Feng's contribution. He loved his house and loved his dog, so he took good care of it.

This time back, Lin Feng did not inform anyone, he just want to casually look at and leave, because the separation is always heartbreaking.

Taking advantage of no one around, Lin Feng twinkled into the inside, from the open window to the house, although no one lived for a long time, but there was no smell here, full of vitality.

Walked into the hall, saw several photos hanging on the wall, chufeng's face inadvertently showed a smile.

The picture shows the adoptive mother, Lin Yulin, Lin Wei and his two wives, as well as their children. Unconsciously, Lin Wei has three children, and looks more mature than before. Of course, there are his photos and a composite family photo!

A touch of sadness passed in his heart. Chu Feng doesn't know how Lin Wei is now, but as his younger brother, he won't be treated unfairly. Besides Dou Qing and Liu Simeng, Lin Wei's family will not let him down too much.

After a look around, Chu Feng sat down for more than half an hour, remembering everything in his heart and getting up after a good recollection of the past.

I've been to many places in the past two days, and Lin's village has also come back. It's almost time to go.

Walking in the woods, Chu Feng came to bawangtian's tomb, kneeling on his knees and kowtowed three times to the tomb.

"Master, I don't know if you knew what I was going to experience or face, but I didn't let you down on the whole."

"Thank you. Without you, there would be no me today. Although I don't like the way I am now, it is undeniable that your cultivation made me a success."

Standing up, Chu Feng cleared all the weeds around the tombstone, and his eyes flashed lonely. This may be the last time he paid homage to overlord. Maybe there will be later, but who knows how long it will be?

Turning around, Chu Feng was about to leave when he saw a figure in white standing in the distance. His eyes were stunned: "Linqian!"

Lin Xi has not heard from Chu Feng for a long time. She asked other people that she was not sure. She only knew that Chu Feng was busy with some things. Today, she came here for a walk and paid homage to overlord. She didn't want to see Chu Feng standing there.

Tears whirled in her eyes, and Lin Xi could no longer restrain her reserve. She ran over and threw herself into Chu Feng's arms. She didn't say a word, but she already showed her mind. Even though it had been so long, her heart was still beating for Chu Feng.

Chu Feng's hands were stiff there. Now Lin Xi has grown into a big girl, her body is more mature, and her pure white temperament is more fascinating. But now she holds herself, Chu Feng still feels uncomfortable.Slowly Lin Xi opened Chu Feng, tears have disappeared, but eyes can also see red.

Tiny bite lip: "Chu Feng elder brother!"

"Let's go!" Here is bawangtian's tomb. Chu Feng doesn't want to say anything to Lin Xi here. She goes to the front with a voice. Lin Xi looks at the back of Chu Feng, lowers her head and slowly follows up.

One in front of the other in the back, until they came to a river outside the woods and stopped.

Standing by the side of Chu Feng, Lin Xi didn't say a word, but she hung her head there.

Because what should be said she had said with Chu Feng before, and now that's all.


Chu Feng looked at her faintly, with a smile: "Uncle cannon, are they OK?"

"Yes Lindsey nodded and said, "Uncle cannon and my mother have another little sister."

Chu Feng nodded slightly. The last time he came back, Lin Dabao proposed to Lin Qian's mother. At that time, both of them had witnessed. Unexpectedly, now that they have children, Lin Dabao has contributed all his life to Lin's village and should have a happy family belonging to him.

"That's good." Happy for them, Chu Feng also said with a smile.

"Brother chufeng, take me away." Lin Xi seemed to be unable to help herself. She turned around and took Chu Feng's hand. Her tears began to flow again: "I know that I can't compare with those sisters around you, but I don't want to marry anyone except you. In the past two years, my mother told me to give up. Many people came to propose marriage, but I refused."

"Brother chufeng, even if you don't want me, I hope you can take me with you, OK?"

Everyone will have an age of innocence and a simple past, but with the growth of age and the cruel reality, there is no trace of the past simplicity.

When Chu Feng was young, she naturally had the same innocence and beauty as many people. Among them, Lin Xi was so beautiful that she was not allowed to be touched by others. Even before she was admitted to university and went to Jianghai, Chu Feng's idea had never changed, that is to wait until her career was successful to marry Lin Xi.

Just with a lot of things that happened later, Chu Feng faded the youth's astringency and innocence, and gradually changed a lot.

Knowing that she and Linxi are more brothers and sisters, there is still a big gap between love and Chu Feng. Chu Feng sees this clearly, but Lin Xi still doesn't see clearly. Chu Feng understands that it's not Linxi who can't see clearly, but her inner dependence on him, which makes her not want to see through the truth.

If you change to another woman, Chu Feng may not have such a headache, but this person is Linxi, who is not a good childhood, Chu Feng does not want to destroy this beautiful.

On the other hand, holding Linxi's small hand, Chu Feng said softly, "I will always be your brother, always be!"

"No!" Linxi shook her head decisively, shook off Chu Feng's hand and clenched her lips: "I know you want to say that we are just brothers and sisters. I just can't see through for a while. I have asked myself, but every time I get the answer is that you are the man I love most in my life."

"Chu Feng, so unless I die, I will never admit everything you say."

Chu Feng frowned. Lin Xi's determination exceeded his expectation, and even her words were beyond his expectation.

Take a breath, Chu Feng said: "you should calm down."

"I don't want it!" Lin Xi shook her head and her lips had been bitten: "I know that you come back quietly this time, you just want to see the Lin village again. You may not come back again. I don't want to leave regret for myself. I want to pursue it for myself once."

Chu Feng frowned, her fingers gently raised, a touch of light did not enter the center of Linxi's eyebrows, the emotional latter slowly closed his eyes.

"This is a set of mind training of martial arts."

Chu Feng put down his hand and watched Linxi close his eyes to digest the information he gave: "you should calm down and give yourself a little time. If you can break through the anger period in the future and still think so, come to me, and I won't refuse you again."

The voice fell, the Chu wind disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

It was a long time before Lin Xi opened her eyes. When she looked around, she could not see Chu Feng's figure. Her tears ran down again unconsciously. She knew that Chu Feng had just given her a set of martial arts mental skills, many of which were very clear.

Holding the powder fist slightly, looking at the sunset gradually falling in the distance, he whispered: "no matter ten or twenty years, I will prove to you that my heart will not change, and I will find you."

Chu Feng left a set of martial arts mind skills to let Lin Xi think calmly and look open. What she never thought was that Lin Xi's firmness and abundant aura on the earth broke through into the period of natural anger three years later and found him!

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