Super Healer

Chapter 38

"He's right. It's hard to know who you are."

Chu Feng nodded with approval at this time, looked at Liu Yan and said meaningfully: "so now you understand why I want to pull you away. People already know who you are, so if there is another time, cover up your characteristics, it is too obvious!"

Seeing Liu Yan showing such a little girl's coquettish state, Chu Feng instead laughed, and then looked at the golden Wolf: "what do you want to do now, won't you just come to tell us, do you recognize it?"

"That's natural."

The golden wolf nodded and his eyes stopped on Liu Yan: "I'm a wanted criminal now, but vice leader Liu has made a lot of efforts. This makes it very inconvenient for me to do things. Does deputy leader Liu know what to do? I'm all ready

"Don't think about it. I can't promise it." As soon as the golden wolf opened his mouth, Liu Yan knew what he meant and resolutely replied.

Looking at Chu Feng and looking at himself, Liu Yan explained: "he sent someone to contact me before and threw me a scapegoat to wash his innocence, but they were all rejected by me."

Chu Feng nodded his head clearly, and then looked at the golden Wolf: "you are willing to throw out a scapegoat, so why don't you ask that person to surrender directly, the effect is not the same?"

"You think I don't want to, it's not because of this stinky woman!"

"I see!" Chu Feng nodded and looked at Liu Yan. She didn't expect that this woman had such a sense of justice. If she had changed to someone else, she would have chosen to calm down when she met such a desperado like jinlang. How could she bite so tight? It's just a pity that she won't change her mind!

There are seven people blocking the way in front of me, and there are seven people in the back of the golden wolf. In addition, fifteen people are in the golden wolf. Chu Feng touches his head: "deputy leader Liu, I hope I won't cause me any trouble this time."

Liu Yan was stunned and didn't wait to understand what was going on, but Chu Feng suddenly flashed out. It was only an instant that drew a long distance. As soon as the golden wolf's face coagulated, he immediately knew that Chu Feng was going to take over himself. From the bottom to now, his skill was not bad, and he retreated abruptly.

The people around him also responded. After the golden wolf retreated, all of a sudden they stopped in front of Chu Feng. The latter didn't say a word. He fought with seven people like a tiger in a flock. Although Chu Feng had trained his younger brother before, group fighting was also a small idea.

"Not bad!" Liu Yan stood on one side and looked at Chu Feng's relaxed appearance and nodded slightly. After all, Liu Yan was a member of the criminal investigation team, and they didn't go back to move her when she was under pressure. Moreover, Chu Feng and Liu Yan came together. I believe that the effect of chufeng is the same.

Surrounded by fourteen people, Chu Feng didn't have much fluctuation in his eyes. His body directly ran against a Wolf Gang. The huge momentum made the man fall back directly, and he had no strength to stand up.

With a backhand, a Wolf Gang man who wanted to sneak attack from behind was held in his hand by Chu Feng. With a cold hum, the voice of dislocation sounded gently, and Chu Feng kicked out a foot with great momentum.

At the moment, there were five people on the ground, and the other nine people didn't expect that Chu Feng could beat him so well. The golden wolf stood behind and lit a cigarette, his eyes narrowed slightly: "I didn't expect that such talents would appear in the criminal investigation team. It's a pity!"

Almost at the moment when the golden wolf's voice fell, Chu Feng roared, and the three wolf gang members were directly attacked and flew out by him. At this time, he suddenly burst out, narrowing the distance between the golden wolf and the golden wolf. The latter was also powerful, and directly ejected cigarette ends in his mouth, trying to confuse Chu Feng's sight.

However, Chu Feng seemed to have expected it. He turned his head slightly to avoid it. At the same time, he kicked out a foot and the golden wolf took the opportunity to kick the leg together. The muffled sound sounded and both sides stepped back two steps.

But his body did not stop. Chu Feng took the lead to attack again, just like a lion tiger catching prey. As long as it can attack, it is necessary to make his prey lose the ability to move first.

The golden wolf was surprised that Chu Feng's maneuvering ability was so fast, but he also made a sudden blow. Chu Feng's mouth curled up in a curve, and his right hand was like a snake. He wound it up directly. The golden wolf looked tight: "snake fist!"

"I know a little bit, but I'm not a boon!"

Chu Feng chuckled, but the strength in his hand was not small at all. His right hand wrapped around the golden wolf's arm like a snake. Gently, the golden wolf's body moved forward two steps. Chu Feng went up with the trend, and his knee directly pushed toward the golden wolf's abdomen. The latter wanted to resist, but he could not resist the force.

With a dull sound, Chu Feng's knee directly bumped into the golden wolf's abdomen. The latter immediately felt that his internal organs were shifted in general, and his intestines were even more knotting. A mouthful of blood was ejected from his mouth. With one foot of Chu Feng, the golden wolf was injured directly.

Under one foot, let the golden wolf lose its combat effectiveness. Chu Feng twisted his body to the back of the golden wolf, and held the golden wolf's neck with his left hand: "don't move!"

Those who want to rush up the Wolf Gang all stopped, and Seri inner bolt roared: "let go of our hall leader, otherwise we will not let you go.""One more word, I crush his throat!" Chu Feng's eyes indifferently drank a word, left hand is to increase a component of the way, golden wolf's face instantly appeared red like pain, constantly waved to the people under him not to speak, and then the voice was low: "I advise you to let me go, otherwise you will be very miserable."

"Even if you're a policeman, you don't want to be safe."

"Threatening me?" Chufeng sneered, for these extreme people, chufeng is very clear, unless you don't have any intersection with them, otherwise, don't think about all the gratitude and resentment. It seems that in response to the golden wolf's words, the strength in his hand is increased a little.

The golden wolf's expression was tight, and he did not dare to say any more words. Although he was not afraid of death, it did not mean that he would not die. Moreover, those who had enjoyed it would inevitably yearn for the existence of the world and yearn to live. At least this is not the time of last resort. The golden wolf was not willing to anger Chu Feng. If he really killed himself, it would be more than worth the loss.

"Watch him!"

Chu Feng gave the golden wolf to Liu Yan's control. His body suddenly burst out and knocked out the people who could still stand and those who fell on the ground and couldn't get up. Then he laughed in Liu Yan's adoration: "how can this be his territory? I don't want to wait to leave and be chased!"

"Why did you knock him out?" Just at this time, Chu Feng suddenly came and slapped the golden wolf, and Liu Yan immediately stared round at him.

"If you don't knock him out, he will cooperate with you to leave?" Chu Feng knocked on Liu Yan's head, then threw the golden wolf on his shoulder and went outside: "and wait, I don't want to go to the criminal investigation team with you, and I don't want to be hated by the Wolf Gang, so I don't want to stun him, no way!"

Liu Yan hums, but also knows that it is absolutely impossible for Chu Feng to go to the criminal investigation team. If this guy likes to be a hero so much, he won't run away last time. However, in this era, heroes are often the first to die.

Following Chu Feng's back, Liu Yan looked at his back for the first time and unconsciously drew a smile around his mouth. Although this guy doesn't look good, he is a little handsome at most, but he was really manly when he started.

Liu Yan is also very good at fighting, but she believes that if she was replaced just now, don't say to take the golden wolf. Even if there is another one of her, it will be good to be able to retreat. When she thinks of something, Liu Yan's mouth will smile. When she encounters something that can't be solved in the future, this guy can be used!

At the moment, Chu Feng naturally does not know what Liu Yan is thinking, otherwise, she must be angry to give Liu Yan several Shuli!

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