Super Healer

Chapter 39

In the twinkling of an eye, Chu Feng, who had been quiet for two days, wanted to study at home, but she was asked by Lin Yulin to go shopping and buy clothes.

"Woo woo, sister Yulin, I'm very hurt!"

When Chu Feng finally couldn't resist Lin Yulin's request to go out, Liu Yan, who had just opened the door and came back, directly rushed over: "I finally caught the golden wolf, but the damned evidence team leader didn't know where to go after the examination and approval. Now the evidence is insufficient and can't be prosecuted. He has been acquitted."

"Sister Yan, can you let me go first?" Chu Feng's body is stiff there. It's a pleasant thing to be hugged by a special beauty like Liu Yan. However, Chu Feng, who knows Liu Yan's character, is stiff with two hands there. He doesn't know how to react.


Chu Feng's words let Liu Yan regain his mind, only to find that he was holding a man. He jumped two meters away and almost hit the opposite wall: "you bastard, do you hold me?"

I have seen people wronged, but I haven't seen people wronged like this. Chu Feng is speechless, but still attracted by Liu Yan's words just now: "the golden wolf is set free. Aren't you very dangerous?"

"Yes, I heard that the golden wolf is a murderer." Lin Yulin also looked a little nervous. She didn't know that Chu Feng was pulled to work by Liu Yan two days ago. She cared about her roommate: "what do you do?"

"I'm fine. I'm also a member of the criminal investigation team. As long as I don't go to them for trouble, they dare not ask me for trouble."

Liu Yan forced to squeeze out a smile, but most of them were bitter and astringent: "but because of this matter, the captain was worried about what I would do to me and asked me to rest for a few days. Therefore, the golden wolf would not do anything to me. I have no right in my hand. That is, there is no threat. They will not hurt a policeman to make trouble for themselves."

Chu Feng nods, and Liu Yan's words are also reasonable. If it is to kill an ordinary person, it may be easy to erase it by relying on the background of golden wolf. But if you kill a policeman, the group level will not allow it.

Chu Feng didn't feel nervous when he was worried. At that time, he had deliberately disguised himself and should not be recognized. As for Liu Yan's identity as her protective clothing, the golden wolf would not do anything to Liu Yan. Otherwise, others would say that he would attack and retaliate. He who had just gained his freedom would not be out of the ordinary.

"By the way, where are you going?"

Liu Yan also belongs to the optimist school. Although the golden wolf is not willing to be released, she is confident that as long as she can catch the golden wolf once, she can catch the second time. So at the moment, she is more looking at Lin Yulin who is carrying her bag and Chu Feng and seems to be going out.

"Xiao Feng doesn't have any clothes. I take him out and stay at home on weekends is boring." Although Lin Yulin is worried about Liu Yan, she says that she has nothing to worry about. She says with a smile.

"Really, I'll go too. I haven't been around for a long time, and I'll go out for a walk this time."

As soon as Liu Yan heard about going shopping, it was like a bird who had been shut up for many years. She pushed Chu Feng away from the door and ran into her room. The corners of Chu Feng's mouth twitched violently. If anyone married such a woman, it would be really bad luck!

Then she looks at Lin Yulin with a smile on her mouth. Chu Feng nods secretly. Later, she must look for her younger sister-in-law, so she is intelligent and elegant.


A few minutes later, Liu Yan, who had changed her clothes, ran out of the room with a pair of ultra short jeans and loose clothes. Her abdomen was tied with a knot, revealing her navel and flat abdomen without a trace of flesh. In an instant, she became a girl full of youthful vitality. Who can believe that she is a policeman?

The three soon left the green garden. Chu Feng followed the two women in depression. Before, some people said that Chu Feng could not understand it, but now it is understood that shopping with more than two women is absolutely not allowed, and when there is only one man, he can not.

Otherwise, it is their own situation now, alone in the back.

The three people took a taxi outside the community and directly went to a commercial street, which was not a high-end and high-grade place. However, the consumption was not just a little money. After visiting several shops continuously, Chu Feng didn't buy any clothes. It was not that they didn't look down on it, but it was too expensive.

Especially in one. How much cloth do you need?

In addition, there is a casual dress. The direct price is more than 1000 yuan. Chu Feng feels that he can't accept it. If the clothes with more than 1000 yuan are changed into the ones before, Chu Feng can buy clothes for ten years, and they still can't wear them.

Lin Yulin, who was intelligent in mind, naturally saw what Chu Feng was thinking in his heart. She went over and took his hand and directly walked into a store: "don't say anything. If you go on shopping like this, when can you buy your clothes? This time, I will sell you what you like, and you are not allowed to have any opinions!"

"How can a man be afraid of his aunt when he fights? It's hard to imagine!"Liu Yan followed and saw Chu Feng pulled in by Lin Yulin. She didn't dare to say a word. She shook her head incomprehensibly. She knew how bold Chu Feng was. She touched her face unnaturally. This guy directly kissed me that day in the casino!

Lin Yulin with Chu Feng just went in, there is a beautiful shopping guide Miss welcome up: "welcome, what do you need?"

Chu Feng just wanted to say no need, Lin Yulin pointed to a suit of clothes nearby: "take this down, he wants to try it on!"

The shopping guide looked at Chu Feng. She was a little rustic in her dress, but Lin Yulin was graceful. She knew that she was a woman with good quality. She immediately slandered her in her heart. Is this man the little white face of this woman's maintenance? But it seems that she is OK when she looks at the lattice.

Although thinking in mind, but still quickly took the clothes to Chu Feng, Chu Feng wanted to say no need, but see Lin Yulin Du mouth, immediately know that is to be angry rhythm, took the clothes into the dressing room.

"Hiss, 1700, my God!" Chu Feng looks at the price in the dressing room, takes a breath, carefully takes off his clothes and puts on them. Then he opens the door and goes out. Suddenly, Lin Yulin and Liu Yan, who were still talking and chatting, don't speak any more. Their eyes are straight at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng was suddenly looked at by such two beauties, felt great pressure, touched his face: "what's on my face?"

"It's true that people depend on clothes. Xiao Feng, you are so handsome!" Lin Yulin shook her head and gave a gentle smile. When she saw Chu Feng wearing a suit, she knew that Chu Feng was pretty good. Now when she saw him put on a suit of his age, she found that she underestimated this guy.

Not only does the whole person have no sense of embarrassment, but it seems that the clothing itself is tailor-made for him, wearing that temperament. If you don't say it, who believes that Chu Feng is a rural youth who has been in the city for a few days?

"It's just like a dog." Liu Yan also agreed and nodded, just because of the small contradiction between her and Chu Feng, which was doomed to say nothing good.

"Can you talk? Shut up if you can't talk." Chu Feng, who was still curious at first, heard Liu Yan's words, but the metaphor didn't take you like this. But look at Lin Yulin's appreciative eyes, Chu Feng said secretly, am I really handsome?

"You don't have to take this off, miss. Pay the bill!" Lin Yulin was pleased to see that Chu Feng wanted to go back to change clothes. She went straight to him and then handed the card to the waiter: "wait a minute, go to another store and buy two sets to change. Young people will have to wear some vigorous clothes. They are always so dull. Be careful that no girl will look at you."

"1700!" See Lin Yulin direct bill, Chu wind smack tongue!

"I don't know what it means to do as the Romans do when they are young." Liu Yan said scornfully, and then opened his mouth: "I'll wait for you in the cold drink shop over there. I'll buy men's clothes. I'm not interested in it. I want to be a man with me!"

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