Super Healer

Chapter 40

"Auntie, this is more than 10000 yuan?"

Chu Feng is really speechless at the moment, and Lin Yulin swept down for an hour. Although he has deliberately selected some cheap things, he still spent more than 10000 yuan on clothes, shoes and all his luggage. Chu Feng felt his heartache!

"Don't worry. It's from my aunt. It doesn't cost you money." Lin Yulin pinched chufeng's ear with a smile. She likes Chu Feng's personality very much. Unlike some young people nowadays, as long as they have money, they will keep changing to keep up with each other. A mobile phone can be used to cut kidneys.

"I don't mean that. The money is mine."

Chu Feng naturally doesn't mean that, but his personal requirements for food and clothing are not very high, so he feels that there is no need to buy clothes with so much money. As long as they are comfortable on the body, any kind of clothes can be used, and there is no need to deliberately pursue famous brands.

"OK, it's yours. Let's go to Liuyan." Lin Yulin just laughed and didn't insist on anything. Anyway, Chu Feng's money is in her hands now, and the University in the next four years will still need her to pay. So, who's to be reckoned with will be her in the end.


But Lin Yulin felt something wrong. She turned around and saw Chu Feng following her. She almost ran into her. Her smiling face suddenly became overcast: "forget the rules I made for you?"

"Ah?" Chu Feng was surprised, but seeing the distance between himself and Lin Yulin, he immediately knew that Lin Yulin had misunderstood him, but he knew that the explanation was not clear. He shook his head with a wry smile: "remember, you can't have unnecessary Fantasies for your little aunt, and you can't look at her behind her eyes."

"Are you still behind me?"

"Well, I'll go ahead." Chu Feng walked forward with a bitter smile. This time, it was really unclear. I must have been a bad boy in my aunt's heart?

"Xiao Feng." Seeing Chu Feng walking in front with her head down, Lin Yulin thought that her words were too heavy. She went up to her and said softly, "my aunt knows that you have grown up, and at your age, you will have some thoughts, but this is not healthy. You are only 18 years old."

Lin Yulin said these words in her heart for a long time, but for the sake of Chu Feng's good, she continued with a slight blush: "my aunt also came from this age. I know that you will inevitably be curious about the body of the opposite sex at this age. Sometimes there will be some bad ideas. I don't blame you, but you must be careful not to be too degenerate Is it? "

Chu Feng was stunned. What was the situation? He didn't seem to think of anything. But seeing the appearance of her aunt, Chu Feng knew that it was over. She regarded herself as a restless adolescent.

"Don't be shy, just moderate."

Seeing Chu Feng's expression, Lin Yulin thought he was shy, and whispered: "study hard, find a good job after four years of college graduation. When my aunt finds you a beautiful wife, it's OK. You can do that when you're on your own, but you should be moderate. Do you know?"

After a pause, Lin Yulin felt her face was hot and hot: "however, you are not allowed to fantasize about auntie, but you can fantasize about Liuyan."

Chu Feng felt that he was crying without tears at the moment. He just wanted to stop him from looking at Lin Yulin so wantonly. But he didn't expect that Lin Yulin thought he had some bad illusions. What and what is this?

Although Lin Yulin said it very obscure, but Chu Feng was 18 years old. Naturally, she knew what Lin Yulin was referring to. She secretly said that she did occasionally, but she didn't do it several times a year. In my aunt's eyes, I seem to be like this all the time. Chu Feng, Chu Feng, your character has become zero in my aunt's eyes.

Seeing Chu Feng's bitter look, Lin Yulin thought that he had hurt his self-esteem, and muttered a sexy little mouth: "Xiao Feng, are you angry?"

"No Chu Feng quickly shakes his head, where dare he be angry, you are my little aunt, but you say I fantasize about you, wronged ah!

"Well, wait a minute. Don't be too presumptuous in front of Liu Yan, you know?" Seeing Chu Feng's appearance, Lin Yulin smiles and walks into the cold drink shop with him.

But Chu Feng's heart is bitter and astringent. Only when he knows it, he shakes his head helplessly. It seems that he has to find a way to change his image. Otherwise, if this development goes on, my aunt may not think of me as someone. At that time, Chu Feng almost can't imagine.

"So soon, I thought you'd have a few more hours!"

See Chu Feng two people come in, Liu Yan mumbles small mouth said, and then let the waiter on two cold drinks, and then look at Chu Feng: "not bad, dressed up like this, some handsome, go out to cheat the little girl, capital is also a little strong, but unfortunately, the bag is not strong enough."

"Don't say a word, no one will treat you as dumb." Chu Feng was just said by Lin Yulin that she was depressed. Now when she heard Liu Yan's words, she didn't like to reply.

"I said, how about you biting me?" Liu Yan is no longer a police officer at the moment. Maybe this is her most real face. She sticks out her tongue and makes a face at Chu Feng.Chu Feng hate teeth itchy, looking at Liu Yan that red Ding tongue, if the little aunt is not here, you see I dare not bite you, think of my aunt, Chu Feng can't help but look, think of the day when they just met, as if they bit a bit?

When Lin Yulin saw Chu Feng looking at herself, Liu Yan's words reminded her of the day's events. She glared at Chu Feng fiercely. When the latter turned to one side, she was filled with resentment. Stinky boy, my first kiss I treasured for 27 years was taken away by you. How can you tell your future uncle!

"Chu Feng, you are here

In two cups of cold drinks, not half drunk, a girl with shoulder length hair suddenly ran over, her delicate face suddenly showed a surprise look, and took Chu Feng's hand: "great, I've been looking for you for a long time. Since last time, I've been thinking about you every day, and now I've finally met you again."

"Why, you don't remember me?"

The girl saw Chu Feng's face blankly looking at herself, and suddenly showed a very innocent look: "you have no conscience, when Dian Lan said that he would love me all his life. Now it's OK, but after a period of time, you don't know me, don't you?"

"Stop!" Chu Feng was not sure what to say after listening to the girl. She interrupted her immediately, but the man could name his name, so he must know himself. Chu Feng leaned back on the chair and looked at her: "I admit I am Chu Feng, but I don't know you. I can be sure that I haven't seen you."

"Miss, if you have anything to say, it's really boring!"

"How could you talk to me like that?" When the girl heard Chu Feng's words, her tears came. She looked at Lin Yulin and Liu Yan, as if she were looking at her enemies: "you ignore me now and pretend that you don't know me. Is it because of the two of them, an imperial sister and a hot girl, you are comfortable!"

"Xiao Feng, what's going on?" Liu Yan looked at this situation, the corner of his mouth is also with a touch of fun, suddenly came to take Chu Feng's arm, pointed to the girl: "who is she, that day when you and I were in bed, how did you say that I was your first love?"

Lin Yulin sat on one side, and did not know how to open her mouth. This scene was too dramatic, especially when she looked at Liu Yan and Chu Feng. When did they get involved? Was it the day when I went to work and they were all at home?

"You Chu Feng stood up all of a sudden, and felt his head was big. Lin Yulin felt that he was a teenager with some problems in his mind. Now there are such things. It's really impossible to wash the Yellow River, but she points to Liu Yan and the girl who suddenly appears.

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