Super Healer

Chapter 41

"Chido, man!"

In a car outside the cold drink shop, Zhang Yuner looked at Ma Qiduo, who was pulling Chu Feng with Liu Yan inside the cold drink shop, and shook his head with a wry smile: "it's just that she asked her to invite someone. It's strange that people are not angry."

"I feel OK." Su Xinyu took off the sunglasses on her face and revealed her beautiful face: "according to our information, Chu Feng is an orphan, but she is a person who respects her elders very much. That woman is his little aunt. He certainly doesn't want his aunt to misunderstand anything. Do you think it needs qido to explain to him?"

"At that time, we will offer some harmless conditions. I believe it will be OK."

"I'm not optimistic." Zhang yun'er is shaking his head, looking at the helpless look, but always keep calm in the eyes of Chu Feng light said: "maybe we will pay no small price, not necessarily, I have such a premonition."

Su Xinyu looks at Zhang yun'er, shrugs her shoulders and says nothing more. She just continues to look at the farce in the cold drink shop. She has confidence in Ma Qiduo and does it. There must be a reason for her to do so.

But in the cold drink shop at the moment, Ma Qiduo shed tears in my eyes. She is more capable of acting than the star who can perform. She really seems to be a person abandoned by Chen Shimei: "Chu Feng, you heartless man. When you swore to possess me, you only love me. Now it's with this woman. You are not human."

"Explain it to me."

Liu Yan here is also playing with her heart. She doesn't know whether Ma Qiduo has anything to do with Chu Feng, but she thinks it's funny: "what you said to me when I took a bath the day before yesterday, was it just to cheat me and you to do that?"

"Are you both finished?" Chu Feng calmed down at this time, and his arm vibrated. Ma Qiduo and Liu Yan both stepped back and looked at Lin Yulin, who was sitting beside him in a daze: "Auntie, do you believe me?"

Lin Yulin looks at Ma Qiduo, who is twenty-one or two years old. Her appearance is delicate and full of vitality. She is permeated with a comfortable breath. Although there are tears on her face at the moment, she will know that even if she is crying, Ma Qiduo maintains a kind of moving beauty. Such a woman's origin is not simple.

This is Lin Yulin's intuition that she has worked hard for 12 years. But how does such a person have anything to do with Chu Feng?

Looking at Liu Yan, there are tears in her eyes. It seems that she is not recognized by Chu Feng. Lin Yulin shakes her head: "this is your business. I don't participate in it." Stand up, Lin Yulin directly left the cold drink shop, she needs to calm down.


Lin Yulin directly chose to leave. Chu Feng knew that for a while and a half, she really couldn't explain clearly. After all, Liu Yan and the girl who didn't know where to kill all dressed up too much. Chu Feng looked at Liu Yan and said, "especially you, do you need to play so big? How can we all live together?"

"It seems a little bit big, hee hee." Liu Yan blinked, just that kind of crying appearance suddenly disappeared, Du Du ruddy little mouth: "that you ate me a lot of tofu, I played a game to be even."

"You Chu Feng suddenly wanted to say that you didn't mean to help you last time? But looking at Liu Yan's appearance, it seems that there is no reason to say, shaking his head: "forget it, wait until you go back, you and my aunt explain clearly, otherwise, I will go out to sleep in the street tonight, it is possible."

"Well, look at you as if I owe you money. Wait till you go back. I said to sister Yulin that it's not OK?"

Seeing Chu Feng seems to be really a little angry. Liu Yan spits out her tongue and looks at Ma Qiduo standing beside her, then touches Chu Feng with her shoulder: "that, do you really harm people?"

"What do you think?" Chu Feng speechless answer, look at Ma Qiduo: "we should be the first time to meet, why do you do that, interesting?"

"Who said the first time? This is the second time we've met."

"Rogue!" Chu Feng did not speak, but Liu Yan directly jumped out of two words, went to pat Ma Qiduo's shoulder: "I support you spiritually to attack such a heartless man, then I will not disturb you, goodbye!" Then a slip of smoke toward the outside to run, but also back to the Chu wind sat a grimace, gloating!

"Are you completely satisfied now?"

Liu Yan also left, Chu Feng sat down directly, his voice was cold, and he could not see any emotion on his face. Ma Qiduo looked at the people around him curiously, and suddenly changed into a person: "what are you looking at? I haven't seen the woman abandoned after playing. I'll beat you again!"

After all the guests in the cold drink shop turned their heads aside, Maggie duo sat down directly, completely different from the one who started. He waved to the waiter for a cold drink, took a sip and said, "this is quite satisfactory, but it's a little different from what I expected. But don't blame me. Who told you that your friend likes acting more than me?"

"Besides, it's not a big deal for me to come to you this time. I just want to ask you a favor."

When Ma Qiduo was talking, Su Xinyu and Zhang yun'er came in from the outside. They were both outstanding beauties. They just appeared in the cold drink shop and attracted many people's attention. When they saw them walking towards the position of Chu Feng, they were all stunned. Who was that guy? Who did they know?Ma Qiduo smiles at Su Xinyu and lets them sit down. After sitting down, he continues: "if you promise, I'll apologize for what happened just now. You can go and explain to your aunt that this is just a joke. How about another 10 million?"

Chu Feng took a sip of the cold drink in front of him, then looked at the three people, and finally stayed on Su Xinyu's body. He squinted slightly and looked at it for a few seconds: "have we met?"

"Yes, once!" Su Xinyu nods, and the whole person presents an indescribable noble temperament. His legs are crisscross under the transparent glass table, sketching a charming arc. Chu Feng can't help looking at it more, but more often than not, he has seen it on his three legs, which are rare beautiful legs!

"Jianghai hospital?"

Chu Feng pondered for a moment and directly said four words. Then he looked at Zhang yun'er and Ma Qiduo. Finally, he knew who they were. When he was doing the operation for Xia Wei, Shen Xueyan had three assistants of his own. He leaned on the chair and asked, "I don't know what you're looking for me for?"

"Yes, we were the three nurses who helped you that day, but we only stayed in Jianghai hospital for a while. We are from Huangcheng!"

Su Xinyu whitened Ma Qiduo, and then said in a flat voice: "and we came to you this time because your amazing medical skills shocked us, and the three of us made a little mistake when we were in the imperial city. We just need a skilled person to help us, so I hope you can do it."


Chu Feng laughed it off, then exhaled a breath and stood up: "if finished, then listen to me." When Su Xinyu was stunned, he pointed to Ma Qiduo: "your game is very boring, which makes me feel threatened. There are more than 10 million people, and people are also very tempting. I also yearn for the imperial city."

The corner of his mouth immediately aroused a warm smile, which made Su Xinyu feel in a trance. However, Chu Feng's words were indifferent: "it's just that I'm not interested." Cold left a sentence, Chu wind directly turned away.

Although Su Xinyu's practice is a little irritating, it's not unforgivable. After all, it's harmless. However, they can come to the door and know that their name is from dianlan. This is disgusted by Chu Feng. He doesn't like this method of digging people's details. Although they may be excusable, it doesn't mean they can be forgiven.

"How, have you played big?" Zhang yun'er was expected to look at the time and stood up: "but I don't have time for the moment. I'll go to the Panlong in an hour, and I'll leave the rest to you."

"It seems that it's really fun. The Chu wind is really cold." Ma Qiduo snorted coldly and looked at the time: "well, I'll go to Hangzhou too. I have something to deal with at home. It's estimated that it will take a few days. I'll leave the rest to you."

Seeing that the two partners had finished speaking, Su Xinyu gave a helpless smile and thought of Chu Feng's determination just now, and clubbed his chin with one hand: "it seems that we should use a special method!"

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