Super Healer

Chapter 43

In the next few days, Lin Yulin's requirements on chufeng were not generally strict. It could be said that he was making chufeng a good professional man.

Chu Feng can only be helpless in his heart, but in order not to make Lin Yulin angry, he did everything he could to help Liu Yan prepare breakfast, cook rice for her, accompany her to go shopping in the evening, and wash her clothes and so on. In his heart, he could only hope that after the weekend, Liu Yan could keep his promise!

"I suddenly feel that you are a good little man, these days I have really moistened ah!"

On that night, Lin Yulin drove them out again, saying that lovers need to cultivate their feelings. Walking on the noisy street, Liu Yan said happily, "there are people preparing for food, drink, and clothing. When tired, some people beat their back. Before, they felt tired of falling in love. Now I suddenly feel that a man is also good."

"I advise you not to think that." Liu Yan's words made Chu Feng tremble. These days, he was really afraid of how hard a man in love was. He was really afraid: "according to our agreement, I will accompany you to the police school party, and then you will confess everything, understand?"

"Do you dislike me?"

"That's what it means Chu Feng doesn't care whether Liu Yan is angry or happy. For Liu Yan, he gets along with each other these days. This is a person who is afraid that the world will not be in disorder. He is really afraid that Liu Yan will come to the last whim and carry out this misunderstanding thoroughly!

"Hum, you don't want to. I don't want to. I don't want to. I don't think it's a little bit of a kid's hardware. I don't think so. Who's rare!"

Liu Yan also showed no weakness. She looked down at Chu Feng with disdain and said, "so you can rest assured that I will find a man, but it is definitely not a tender vegetable like you. What I am looking for is a first-class strong man, and it is better to be an elite person in the police field. You? No way

Chu Feng looked at Liu Yan's back, pointing to his own up and down to see, very depressed, what is the hardware facilities did not grow, put out to scare you!

But looking at Liu Yan's words, his heart also calmed down a little. Otherwise, he would really be with people like Liu Yan. Although seeing a beautiful woman can live a long life, it also depends on how this beautiful woman is. At least with Liu Yan, Chu Feng feels that he wants a short life.


Is two people you one I one of the bickering walk in the street, behind came a burst of drink, chufeng looked back, eyes slightly coagulation: "is he?"

"Do you know?" Liu Yan looked back, but then did not take a look: "such things you see when you do not see, although Jianghai said there is no Jidao, but there are some, so chasing and fighting in the street often happen, but they also have their own bottom line, will not hurt innocent people, so the police are lazy to pay attention to it."

"So don't get too close to these people, or your aunt will skin you. Hey, where are you going?"

"I stomped my feet out of the house, but I didn't mean to run out of the house in the name of Yan chufeng, but I didn't feel angry when I stamped my feet out of the room Vent a sentence, Liu Yan can only catch up, she does not want to see Chu Feng was chopped to death.

Xia Yan came out this evening to buy Chinese herbal medicine for Xiawei according to the prescription written by Chu Feng. Although there are some in the hospital, the price is too expensive, and the time and time are also important. So Xia Yan went out to the drugstore to buy it during Xia Wei's rest time. But soon after she left the hospital, she was surrounded by more than 20 people.

Those people come up and ask Xia Yan to take a trip for them. Seeing Xia Yan's refusal, they will start without saying a word. If Xia Wei's life or death was unknown a few days ago, Xia Yan might fight with these people to vent her anger. But now Xia Wei's situation is getting better and better. He has to protect himself and take good care of his sister.

So after he knocked down four people and rushed out of a road, Xia Yan kept running forward to get rid of these people. Moreover, he could see that these people seemed to be from the jianghaiqing gang. He knew that the time was too long and there might be others around, so he ran very fast.

All the way, Xia Yan turned a few streets directly and looked at no one in the back. Only then was he relieved. But before he had completely relaxed, several cars stopped in front of him. The people saw this scene scattered and went far away from here. However, out of curiosity, they still watched from a distance.

"I'm still running very fast. If I hadn't thought of it in advance, I would have been run away by you."

Soon, a thin man came out of the car, with a cigar in his mouth, and looked at Xia Yan with a cold look in his eyes: "but it's still blocking you. Let's have a drink with me. I appreciate you very much. I still remember what happened that day, and I still remember it very deeply."

Xia Yan recognized the person who appeared at a glance. It was tiger Yuan who surrounded them when they protected Jin Xiaoqi from the river and sea that day. One of the four tigers of the Green Gang: "what do you want?"

"Well, what do you think I want?" Although it's on the streets of the city, Huyuan doesn't mean to be seen. He leans on the front of the car with a winning hand in his hand: "it's not so good. I'm here to see you break your hand and then forget it.""How about one hand and one life, isn't it difficult to choose?"

Xia Yan's eyes narrowed slightly and heard the rapid footsteps behind him. He knew that his pursuer had caught up with him. His heart sank. There were more than 30 people surrounding him. It was absolutely impossible to leave safely. As for the words of breaking hands and living, Xia Yan didn't believe it at all.

He also knew why Hu Yuan wanted to stop him. He must have been held by himself that day. He felt that he was disgraced. Such a thing is nothing in the extreme.

"It seems that you are not willing to sacrifice a hand to save your life?"

Huyuan's mouth was filled with a grim smile. He was held by Xia Yan that day and was still in front of many members of the Green Gang. Although the people below dare not say anything, Hu Yuan knows that he must have laughed at him. So he has been looking for Xia Yan these days. Today, he finally received the news that Xia Yan appeared in the hospital, so there was something about this evening.

With Hu Yuan's gloomy voice, more than 20 people behind him and more than 10 people around Hu Yuan gathered around. People in the distance saw this scene and their eyes were shining. It seemed that they could see how excited it was to chop down people. As for the police, they didn't think about it and offended the extreme way. Isn't that for death?

Xia Yan knows that it's impossible to run out safely this evening. Her eyes squint slightly, and her body bursts out directly. It's better to start first.

This time, Hu Yuan is very smart. He is still a little far away from them. He is also worried that he will be caught by Xia Yan for the second time. By then, he will lose his face to his home. So when he keeps pressing his subordinates, he also backs down and tries to keep a distance. Moreover, he puts his hand in his pants pocket, where there is a gun.

At this time, Xia Yan also scattered the meaning of capturing Huyuan. Instead, he fought fiercely with more than 30 people. His position was limited. It was just a few people who could really hurt Xia Yan. Xia Yan's body quickly dodged the chopper they waved and kicked it on one's wrist.

As soon as the man's hand was loose, the machete fell directly on the ground. Xia Yan's body rolled out and picked up the machete, directly blocked the three knives that had fallen down. Then he drank and kicked the three people.

With weapons in his hands, Xia Yan is more comfortable. However, his fists are difficult to beat four hands. He still leaves a wound on his body, which is not very deep, but also takes away some strength. Xia Yan clenches his lips and constantly dodges and brandishes his machete. The huge force directly shakes those hands numb, and then he will be kicked or knocked out by Xia Yan.

As for cutting them to death, Xia Yan knows that he can't do that. This is in the streets of the city. Although these people are extreme, if they are dead, their meaning will be different. Maybe they will become murderers tomorrow.

With a bang, Xia Yan's shoulder was stabbed again, and his bones could be seen. He shook his body and took a step forward. He was scratched on his left leg by a member of the Green Gang on the left side, and more than ten members of the Green Gang fell down. However, we all can see that Xia Yan will fall down completely if we take a few more charges.

At this time, a figure suddenly burst into the air. A man with a mask on his face held a baseball bat in his hand and a hat on his head. When he swung out, he knocked over two people, and his teeth all collapsed!

"My dear, I thought he was going to buy a baseball game instead of a fight?" Liu Yan, who happened to be in the distance, saw this scene. When she called the police, she smacked her tongue and looked at Chu Feng, who was dressed up, with a smile on her face

In a BMW car in the distance, Su Xinyu also looked at this scene. She was surprised: "it turns out that he is not only good at medical skills!"

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