Super Healer

Chapter 44

Chu Feng directly disguised himself into the battle group, and the baseball bat in his hand kept falling. In addition to the two unfortunate guys who were hurt a little, the rest of the people were knocked down with one stick, which would not be seriously injured. However, it is basically impossible to gather strength to get up in a short time.

Xia Yan looks at Chu Feng who suddenly killed him in surprise. He is curious about who he is, but he still vaguely catches the familiar feeling. Then he keeps fighting with these people quietly. Knowing that Chu Feng helps himself, there is definitely vitality.

The dramatic scene made Huyuan stare round his eyes, and then he hated him: "Damn it, you dare to destroy Laozi's good deeds. I really don't know how to live or die!" Take out the mobile phone to make a phone call to transfer people, but not out of the phone ring, press to answer on the next person's voice: "brother yuan, the police out, is toward you there."

"Asshole, how did the police appear? Who called the police?"

Huyuan angrily roared a word, but also know that it can't go on now. Just wanted to roar a retreat, but the police car has already sounded, Huyuan a Leng: "not just come?"

Then he knew that his subordinates must have received the wind late, and angrily smashed his mobile phone on the ground: "this bastard, go back and teach him a lesson." But also know can't fight down, just ready to call a stop, the last person has been chufeng a stick down on the ground.

Chu Feng didn't go to the scene, looking at the police car coming from afar. He directly threw away his baseball bat, grabbed Xia Yan on his back, and quickly left the scene. Liu Yan opened his mouth, but immediately followed up. She reported the police, but also knew that Chu Feng could not appear in front of the police.

Otherwise, so many people injured on the ground always need some explanation. The most important thing is that they will be exposed in front of those people of the extreme way. Liu Yan is still clear about this point. It's just strange how Chu Feng wants to save people for no reason.

Xia Yan's left leg was injured, and he couldn't run. Chu Feng carried him on his back and ran for more than ten kilometers. He picked up some unimportant streets and small alleys. Although some police cars caught up with him, he slowly lost the shadow of Chu Feng and Xia Yan, and failed.

My sister and I will rent a room for two days, and I will take a rest

"Thank you, then."

After Chu Feng saved Xia Wei, Xia Yan gave his life to chufeng, so he was not affectated at this time. Moreover, he believed that Chu Feng would take good care of his sister. If he appeared like this, he might be targeted and hurt Xia Wei in the hospital.

"All colleagues, there is nothing to do. Thank you. Take a rest and I'll go first." Chufeng said with a light smile, and then picked up something to deal with the wound, and then left here.

"I don't see that you can fight, didn't you fight a lot before?"

Liu Yan has been waiting outside, secretly chufeng is a monster, carrying a person can run so fast, but she still catch up with: "but why do you want to rescue him? The person who pursues him is the Green Gang. That's an old brand. If you offend them, your life is not easy!"

"You are still a policeman, how can you say such a thing?" Chu Feng didn't care about Liu Yan's teasing, and went straight to the direction of the Green Garden: "he is a colleague of mine, and is also a friend. As for who those people are, I have nothing to do with it. I just can't see the people I know being bullied."

"What's more, as a policeman, you didn't do anything like that just now. It's so cold!"

"If I am suspended from work, I will be a common people." Liu Yan didn't mean to be ashamed at all, but she sighed: "do you think I don't want to? If I can, I wish I could deal with all these scum, but it's not realistic at all, so I look at it."

When she just graduated from the police academy, Liu Yan was also a policewoman full of fighting spirit and passion. However, with the passage of time, the reality has broken many things. She will do her own things well above her own duty. The rest of the time, she is an ordinary person, not her indifference, but the reality is too cruel.

"The end of evil?"

Chu Feng immediately understood Liu Yan's meaning and simply said four words. The latter nodded: "yes, these Jidao personnel, if you don't kill them all, you can't clean them up at all. It's like the golden wolf that you and I caught. We all know that he killed, but in the end?"

Wryly smile of shake head: "no evidence, not or only let him go!"

"Yes, but it's good for you to have such an idea. At least you won't let yourself live too tired." Chu Feng understands Liu Yan's helplessness. The system of the Chinese dynasty is very wonderful. Good people may not get good returns, and bad people will not get bad ones.

"Do you know why I want to be a policeman?"

Perhaps it is rare to say such words with Chu Feng, or it is rare to have such a mood. Liu Yan suddenly asked.Chu Feng looked at her: "I am not the insect in your stomach, how can I know?"

"You won't ask why. It's not emotional." Liu Yan snorted, quite lovely: "because this is my childhood dream, because there are some gangsters in our place, but they are afraid of the police, so I want to be a policeman, so that I can protect my parents."

"It was only when I grew up and became a policeman that I found that I could protect my parents, but not everyone."

Looking at Liu Yan's rare trace of sadness, Chu Feng did not speak. Maybe everyone who had a dream of becoming a police officer thought so. But after he became a police officer, he found that many things were beyond his ability. As a saying goes, where there is light, there is darkness that cannot be illuminated.

"Chu Feng, why can you fight so well? I wanted to ask you last time."

Maybe the topic has opened. Liu Yan and Chu Feng seem to have a little topic: "just like just now, you took the stick to fight directly, that calm look, is not a simple person can show oh!"

"Think I'm a man with a story?" Looking to blink his eyes, Chu Feng's mood was relaxed a lot: "if you think so, maybe it is. As for why I can fight so much, if I tell you that I will kill more than a dozen wolves a year, and there are some beasts trained out, do you believe it?"

"Cut, even if you don't want to say it, don't be known by your little aunt when you go back, otherwise you will be finished. She hates people fighting the most."

Liu Yan naturally didn't believe what Chu Feng said, but she would not ask if Chu Feng didn't say it. She just didn't forget to tell her when she was near the green garden, and then she stopped talking. What she had in her mind was Chu Feng's striking manner on the street just now. Maybe every girl has a restless spirit in her heart, advocating violence?

"Don't move, raise your hands?" As soon as they got to the downstairs where they were, suddenly a group of policemen with guns and bullets came out of the night. Liu Yan frowned, but Chu Feng looked at her with a gloomy face: "it's really a good police officer of the people!"

"Not me!"

Liu Yan didn't know what was going on at the moment, but Chu Feng didn't hear him. He stretched out his hands and immediately two policemen came up and handcuffed him. Liu Yan was really worried: "what are you doing, why do you want to catch him?"

"Vice captain!" The person carrying out the task obviously knew Liu Yan. At the moment, she was surprised at how she was with Chu Feng. However, she still said: "someone saw this man fighting with people in Puxin district more than an hour ago, resulting in more than 20 people injured and hospitalized. We are responsible for arrest."

Chu Feng didn't go to see what expression Liu Yan was at the moment. She just walked out with the two police officers silently. Liu Yan looked at the back of Chu Feng and bit her lips: "it's not me!"

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