Super Healer

Chapter 45

"Xiao Feng, it's not me!"

In the interrogation room of Jianghai criminal investigation team, Liu Yan followed her all the way, because she found that if she didn't come, she would definitely carry a black pot on her back. She was a person who was very clear about right and wrong. If Chu Feng beat an ordinary person, she would certainly arrest him. But now that Chu Feng is fighting a group of scum, she will not call the police.

"It's you, it's not you. Is it important?" Chu Feng was totally disbelieved at the moment and sneered, "but I'm really naive when I think about it. You're a policeman. How can you let the criminals go unpunished?"

Chu Feng's indifferent words made Liu Yan's heart cold. It was a pain of being distrusted, but she still held Chu Feng's hand: "no matter whether you believe it or not, I didn't tell anyone about this evening's affairs. Why would you be known and arrested? I didn't have a clue."

"Vice captain Liu, are you finished?"

Chu Feng directly interrupted Liu Yan, who still wanted to talk about it. She was caught for no reason. She knew that the disguise was his own. Only Liu Yan was alone. Chu Feng also wanted to believe that all this was not what Liu Yan said, but the fact was so clear in front of him.

"Maybe it's Xia Yan, maybe?" Liu Yan was thinking of something, and her face showed an excited look: "maybe he told the police that you hurt those people in order to avoid others' trouble, so that the police would not be involved in him, and the people of the Green Gang would be attracted."

"Liu Yan!"

Chu Feng suddenly shook off Liu Yan's hand, and her voice was much higher: "as a police officer, you have to maintain the authority of the police. It doesn't matter if people arrest me. I can understand. After all, everyone's position is different. But if you slander my friend here, don't blame me for falling out with you."

"You'd rather believe others than me. I'm your girlfriend!" Liu Yan suddenly felt very aggrieved and her tears whirled in her eyes.

"Girlfriend, it seems that you are really too involved in the drama."

Chu Feng shook his head with a sneer in his words: "what's going on between us? You know very well, but it's also true that you stabbed me so many times. It seems normal to betray me now. I understand it!"

Liu Yan stood there, tears falling down his face. Just then, the door of the interrogation room was opened. A police officer came in and saw Liu Yan: "vice captain Liu is also there?"

Liu Yan turned her head to one side with her back. She has always been a strong person in the criminal investigation team. She can't be seen crying: "well, what's the matter with you?"

"We have found out the cause of the matter. This little brother is brave enough to do justice. Those people are all extreme members who have a criminal record, so the Deputy asked me to take him to identify people!"

The police officer didn't recognize the mistake in Liu Yan's voice. After saying it, he looked at Chu Feng: "little hero, according to our investigation, you are innocent, but now you need to testify against those people. After confirming their criminal evidence, we will lock them up. Come with me!"

Chu Feng's heart is getting colder and colder. He disguises himself in order not to be recognized by the police, and doesn't want to be remembered by those people. Now all his efforts are in vain. He stands up and walks by Liu Yan. Chu Feng sneers: "now, are you satisfied?"

Liu Yan's body was shocked, and her heart was even more miserable. When she turned to explain, Chu Feng had already followed the police officer to go out. Liu Yan stayed there directly. Finally, she closed the door of the interrogation room and clapped on the table and cried: "it's really not me. Why don't you believe me?"

"Chu Feng, you bastard, always bullies me, I hate you!"

At this time, he came to a temporary detention place several rooms apart from the interrogation room. The golden wolf and more than 30 people were standing there in a line. As soon as Chu Feng appeared, the golden wolf recognized him and added his lower lip to show a sinister color. He already knew that the person who was fighting in the street was Chu Feng.

And not only, when they intercepted Jin Xiaoqi, Chu Feng was also among them, and injured many of them.

Chu Feng looks not so good-looking walked over, the policeman pointed to the golden wolves: "you know, this evening in the street fight is not them?"

Chu Feng's eyes slightly coagulated, suddenly felt a trace of wrong force, want to recognize people themselves, directly convict them, or let themselves come out to be recorded by the golden wolf, so as to revenge?

Looking at the policeman beside him, Chu Feng moved his eyes again. Suddenly, he felt as if he had been calculated. When the policeman asked again, Chu Feng shook his head: "I don't know them!"

Gold wolf and others, who originally showed a sinister color, were stunned and then showed a meaningful smile. They all felt that Chu Feng was afraid and did not dare to testify against them. The golden wolf even laughed: "police officer, I said that we were playing and training ourselves. You don't believe it."

"Now that people say they don't know us, are they going to let us go?"

"Chu Feng, you confirm again, really not them?" The policeman raised his eyebrows and asked again: "don't worry, our police are your strong backing. As long as you testify against them, we can protect your safety. These are bad people. If you let them out, they will harm other people."Chu Feng's heart sneers repeatedly, at this moment he can finally be sure that there is a problem, the police urgently want to testify against the golden wolf, that is to say that he wants to have a thorough feud with the golden wolf. Although the resentment with the golden wolf is no longer solvable, it can be imagined that if the golden wolf is locked up.

So Chu Feng hardly hesitated and shook his head and said, "I don't know you."

The policeman saw Chu Feng like this, did not go to ask again, waved to let the golden wolf take them away first, then looked at Chu Feng: "follow me!" And then I went to one side.

A few minutes later, he came to the first floor of the criminal investigation team building and came to the door of a room. The policeman knocked on the door and heard the voice coming from inside and said, "go in!" Then he ignored Chu Feng himself here and turned away directly.

Chu Feng's mouth raised a smile, know and his heart's idea really coincide, directly push open the door to go in, but found a little deviation from his own expectations, because he saw a familiar figure, Su Xinyu!

"I didn't expect to see you again. We are still here, but it seems that you are in a bit of trouble." Su Xinyu stood up with ease and went to Chu Feng and stretched out his white right hand.

"It's no trouble, but it's a little bit troublesome after being missed."

Chu Feng didn't reach out his hand to shake Su Xinyu, but said coldly: "if I didn't guess wrong, the person who let me come here is you?"

Although it was a little embarrassed by Chu Feng, Su Xinyu still took it back with a smile, which was a good way to dispel his embarrassment: "yes, it's really my reason that you can appear here, but you amaze me a little. I originally intended to let you testify against Golden wolf, but you are very smart and don't do that."

When I have a grudge with the golden wolf, you will come out to dissolve these things for me and let me be grateful to you. But unfortunately, I didn't go according to your calculation, did I? "

Su Xinyu's eyes flashed a trace of color. What Chu Feng really said was what she thought in her heart, that is, to let Chu Feng have a complete feud with the Qing Gang. She used her own relationship to suppress and dissolve these things, and then appeared in the way of benefactor. She did not expect that Chu Feng could see the essence at a glance.

"You're smart, but you know if this doesn't work, do I have another way?" Su Xinyu is astonished that Chu Feng has insight into his original plan, but there is not much fluctuation.

Chu Feng looked directly at Su Xinyu, without any timidity: "of course I know. If I don't follow your setting, the golden wolves will become innocent people, and I will become the murderer who hurts others. I have to say that you are insidious and play a good conspiracy. I can't escape from your grasp

Su Xinyu was stunned and then laughed: "I'm really more and more interested in you. Consider my starting conditions. If you can, you can go out tonight. If you don't agree, the second item you said will happen!"

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