Super Healer

Chapter 48

"Silly woman, easy to get drunk, don't drink!"

The next morning at six o'clock in the morning, Chu Feng, who had just squinted for an hour, opened his eyes, slowly took away his hands and feet, and then slowly got up and looked at Liu Yan, who was lying on the bed without a trace of lady like appearance, with a slight bitter smile.

Chu Feng leaves her room directly. After returning in the early morning, Chu Feng determines that Liu Yan is really drunk. However, Liu Yan knocks over what she originally configured to know about wine. Finally, Chu Feng thinks it's OK to let this woman suffer. In the future, she still dares to drink.

"It's good to be able to get up so early last night when it was more than four o'clock!"

"Aunt Lin Chu just opened the door, but she didn't have a good look when she came out of the room, but she didn't have a good look when she came out of the room

Chu Feng is stunned, but then he knows what Lin Yulin means. But he also knows that the explanation is not clear. It can't be said that Liu Yan went to the bar to drink because he was wronged by himself last night, so he got drunk and made a scene all night?

Seeing that Chu Feng didn't speak, Lin Yulin just shook her head and walked directly to the bathroom, but after turning on the light, she looked strange. Chu Feng and her clothes and Liu Yan's clothes were all piled up there, soaked in water, and shook her head slightly again. Young people did not know how to control when they tasted forbidden fruit.

Chu Feng, who is in the kitchen at the moment, naturally doesn't know what Lin Yulin is thinking. She is just quick and ready to cook a porridge. Last night, Liu Yan had too much to drink, so she must be uncomfortable. She should have a clear porridge to eat. Her stomach should be more comfortable.

"Xiao Feng."

Lin Yulin, who came out conveniently, went directly to the kitchen. She felt it necessary to talk to Chu Feng: "I know that now you and Liu Yan have established a love relationship. She is a little older than you. She may be reluctant to teach you a lesson. Many things are accommodating to you, but you also need to make some restraint.

If you do too much of that kind of things, it's not good for both men and women. Besides, you are still a student, and you don't want to be a father so soon, do you? "

Chu Feng, who had just washed rice and put it on the stove, couldn't help crying and laughing at Lin Yulin's words. However, he knew that this kind of thing became more and more black. Because of the big noise last night, everyone would misunderstand him. Chu Feng didn't have a clear conscience. Last night, apart from being vomited by Liu Yan, he did nothing else.

He turned around to say that he knew, but when he saw Lin Yulin, Chu Feng couldn't move his eyes. He just got up and came out of Liu Yan's room. He was embarrassed, so he didn't pay attention. At the moment, Chu Feng swallowed hard and forgot to speak!

Lin Yulin, who wanted to educate Chu Feng, suddenly thought of something when he suddenly looked at him. She patted her head and quickly went to her room. What happened to me? I knew that there was a man at home. Why did he still wear such pajamas and came out. It was over and was seen all over.

But in the heart suddenly also has a question, small breeze and Liu Yan tossed about a night, do not have energy, otherwise how to see oneself like that?

Chu Feng touched his head, this time he really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it clearly. However, looking back on the scene just now, Chu Feng still felt that his spirit was moving. His silk gauze pajamas, everything was so indistinct. Chu Feng shook his head. How could he not start school? If he went on like this, sooner or later, I would be irritated to death by my aunt!

At more than seven o'clock, Chu Feng had just finished cooking porridge. Suddenly, she screamed in Liu Yan's room. Lin Yulin, who was sitting on the sofa watching the morning news, jumped up. Chu Feng, who was washing clothes in the bathroom, also jumped. What kind of nerve did she have? She screamed like a pig in the early morning?

But Chu Feng didn't go to see it. He knew what Liu Yan was like now. He was washing the clothes he had changed, so he didn't go in and find himself uncomfortable. However, he was forced to sleep by Liu Yan last night. Chu Feng still felt the blood in his body has not subsided.

"What's your name in the morning? Don't disturb others."

Lin Yulin went in and saw Liu Yan sitting on the bed, naked, as the reason why Chu Feng and Liu Yan were too crazy last night: "get up quickly, Xiaofeng has cooked porridge, now the bathroom is helping you wash clothes, don't be silly here!"

Liu Yan wants to say what happened last night, but listen to Lin Yulin's words, shut up tactfully, and just nod gently. After Lin Yulin goes out and closes the door, Liu Yan holds her head and recalls what happened last night.

I used to drink in a bar, but later, it seemed that Chu Feng came and took him away. When he came back, he seemed to vomit. Then Chu Feng took himself to the bathroom to wash himself. Finally, he returned to the room. Thinking of this, Liu Yan's head boomed and disappeared!

"This bastard must have done something to me

The more you think about it, the more terrifying it is. Liu Yan directly jumps out of bed and wants to go straight out to find Chu Feng to settle accounts. But she looks like she is still looking for clothes to put on. This asshole, asshole!"Auntie, do you want to go without eating?" And outside at the moment, Lin Yulin is going to work with her bag. Chu Feng asks in the bathroom.

"Recently, I may be eating your cooking every day. I'm going to lose weight because I've gained three pounds." Lin Yulin laughed and then looked to one side: "you take care of Liu Yan and have breakfast. I'll go to buy something after work in the evening. You can make a soup for her to make up for it. After all, it's necessary to make up for it."

Said a, in Chu Feng's stunned look, directly left, Chu Feng finally can only shake his head: "this is really finished, will not Liu Yan explain that she does not believe it?"

"Chu Feng, you bastard!"

When Chu Feng sighed, Liu Yan, who was casually dressed in a suit, jumped out of the room: "you said, what did you do to me last night, wronged me, and did something worse than a rascal to me, are you still a human being?"

Chu Feng stood up puzzled, but because of what happened last night, she still felt a little guilty about Liu Yan. She threw a piece of Liu Yan's personal clothes in the basin: "that I didn't apologize to you last night, you also said forgive me once, how can I blame me here now?"

"I forgive you. Why don't I know?"

Liu Yan Dudu mouth, drunk last night after what she said she did not remember, so directly as if she did not say: "tell you, you wronged me, want me to forgive you is impossible, my girl is not so good to talk, my tears are not so cheap."

After a pause, Liu Yan recalled the situation when she got up: "who took off my clothes last night?"

"I took it off." Chu Feng did not want to return to the way, but see Liu Yan will be angry, quickly explain: "that you drink too much, you vomited their own body, my little aunt at that time has gone to sleep, you look like that also can't sleep, so I changed your clothes for you, not intended to take off your."

Liu Yan clenched her lips: "did you stay in my room all night?"

"Yes Chu Feng nodded and honestly said, "I don't trust you as you are, so I took care of you all night by the bed." As for Liu Yan crazily holding him to sleep for a night, Chu Feng still chose not to say, who knows what storm will happen!

Liu Yan squinted at Chu Feng: "what didn't you do?"

"Absolutely not!" Chu Feng directly raised his hand: "I just took care of you for a night. If I do anything to you, I am a rascal!"

When Chu Feng nodded to show that he did not, Liu Yan angrily picked up the slippers on his feet and threw them in the past: "you are a rogue, I will not forgive you!" Then he turned over and went directly into the room: "it's so shocking!"

Chu Feng grabbed the slipper and wondered why Liu Yan was still angry. After thinking about what she had just said, her expression on her face immediately became very wonderful: "what structure is this woman's brain? Don't let me off if she has done anything. Instead, she says that I'm not as good as a scoundrel. Is there any reason?"

It seems that in order to respond, the room suddenly came to let Chu Feng heart shaking words: "no reason! This bastard, look down on people

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