Super Healer

Chapter 49

The next morning, today is Saturday. Tomorrow he and Liu Yan will go to some police school party. So Chu Feng takes time to go to Jianghai hospital to see Xia Yan's sister. Although Su Xinyu has promised to eliminate everything, chufeng still needs to be careful, so let Xia Yan not come out for the time being.

Early Chu Feng prepared breakfast, washed Liu Yan's clothes and left directly. He just left a note saying what was good for him. Then he trotted to Jianghai hospital, holding the Chinese medicine he had cooked at home.

Xia Wei has sobered up and transferred from the intensive care unit to the ordinary ward on the 16th floor. This is what Xia Yan said, but Xia Yan's expression was a little strange when she said it. Chu Feng didn't go to investigate anything. Can he harm his sister?

Chu Feng, who came to the hospital today, specially dressed up, wearing a pair of sunglasses and a hat on his head. Because Xia Yan had told him what happened after he left the hospital that day, Chu Feng chose the time in the morning to come over. That is to say, everyone has not been to work.

On the 16th floor, she asked Xia Wei's ward. Chu Feng went straight to her. Just as she slowly approached the ward, Chu Feng finally knew why Xia Yan's expression was so strange when she talked to her.

Where is the ordinary ward, it is the VIP ward, shaking his head can not understand, Chu Feng directly pushed the door of the ward to enter.

Just just entered a step, Chu Feng immediately closed the door, hands on the face of a cover, now the girls are what, get up to change clothes you also want to close ah!

Xia Wei changes clothes for herself with her back to the door. She is going to walk in the small garden of the hospital. Staying in the ward all day is not very good for her recovery. Moreover, she lies for more than a month and walks around before the door of ghosts closes. Xia Wei naturally cherishes every morning when she can naturally open her eyes.

Just in the corner of her mouth with a smile in her heart secretly said that it was good to live, but behind came the sound of closing the door. Xia Wei was just stunned, and then tooted her mouth: "my brother is really, I don't know to knock on the door when I'm a little girl of seven or eight years old before?"

Dressed in her new clothes, Xia Wei went to open the door. She just wanted to call her brother, but she saw Chu Feng standing at the door. Her expression suddenly became very wonderful. Her face was covered with a layer of blush, and her head suddenly dropped down: "it was you who opened and closed the door just now?"


This kind of thing Chu Feng already had foresight, absolutely can't admit, pointing to a nurse who just turned his back here: "I saw her go out from here when I came. What's the matter?"

Xia Wei Leng looked at Chu Feng for a moment, tilted his head, and looked at him without blinking. When the latter was a little nervous, she pursed her lower lip: "you lie!" Then she turned red and turned back to the ward. She was very shy. The nurse would knock at the door. She knew that. She just opened the door directly. Xia Wei was not a little fool.

What's more, when Chu Feng talks, her eyes are blinking, and her body is still stiff. Xia Wei has guessed how much, so her heart is full of complexity at the moment.

Chu Feng was embarrassed. His habit of not knocking on the door seemed to be changed. He coughed to cover up the embarrassment. Then he walked in directly: "my name is Chu Feng, a colleague of your brother Xia Yan. Recently, the company is a bit busy. He has no time to come to see you and ask me to send you medicine."

"What are you, Chu Feng?"

Originally, I was shy in my heart and was seen changing clothes. Although what I saw was just my back, I was only a 19-year-old girl. But before the shyness subsided, I heard Chu Feng's words. Suddenly, I turned back and walked to Chu Feng: "much younger than I thought!"

Chu Feng was stunned and looked at the girl who was close at hand. Although there were two points of pallor at the beginning of her serious illness, she could already see that she was a fresh little beauty. She stepped back a little awkwardly: "do you know me?"

Thank you

Xia Wei nodded and bowed to Chu Feng: "my brother told me, and director Zhao also told me. When I was about to die, you saved me. But don't worry, my brother told me that you and my brother are colleagues."

She blinked her eyes lovingly. Chu Feng felt that chatting with Xia Wei was a little relaxed. Maybe she was about the same age. She went to put down the thermos bottle containing traditional Chinese medicine: "you're welcome. It's your strong vitality. I didn't do anything at all. If you want to thank you, thank your brother. It's his persistence and Dr. Zhao's kindness. Otherwise, you may not wait To that day. "

Xia Wei nodded and walked over: "I know that, so I am very grateful to Director Zhao and my brother. He didn't give up on me!" Standing next to Chu Feng, he opened the thermos bottle: "but thank you, brother and Dr. Zhao just didn't give up on me, but couldn't cure me, but you gave me a second life."

"So I wonder, how can I repay you?"

"Let's pay back. Your brother and I are good friends." Chu Feng smiles, and takes out the gallbladder of the thermos bottle and hands it to Xia Wei: "drink this medicine quickly. Although the medicine the hospital has prepared for you is also good, I think you can recover quickly after drinking it.Listen to your brother said you are a college student, soon will start school, early recovery, early school

"Really?" Xia Wei took the medicine from Chu Feng, and her eyes were shocked: "director Zhao said that although I have recovered a life, I want to return to my former appearance. If I take medicine and recuperate, it will take at least half a year. Now it is less than ten days before school starts."

"Don't believe me?" Chu Feng timely joked: "I said you can, don't worry, you just need to drink up the medicine I gave you, you can be discharged within a week, usually add a little exercise, within half a month you can be the same as normal people, school is a little fun!"

"I believe you!"

Xia Wei nodded seriously, and directly picked up the medicine to drink. But when she took a sip, she frowned slightly, but she still drank it all with her eyes closed. Chu Feng knew how bitter the medicine she had made. So she appreciated Xia Wei's drinking without saying a word.

When Xia Wei put down the courage and put out her tongue playfully, Chu Feng took out a candy: "not bad, reward a candy!"

Xia Wei was stunned and suddenly blushed, but she still reached out to take the candy from chufeng and peeled it off. She felt that it was the most delicious candy she had ever eaten in her life. She raised her head and said, "brother chufeng, go down with me?"

"Brother?" Chu Feng was stunned and shook his head with a bitter smile: "you don't think your brother is a colleague with me, so you are older than you?"

Xia Wei tilted her head: "isn't it?"

"I heard from your brother that you are only nineteen years old!" Chu Feng touched his head awkwardly. He really seemed to be a little tender: "and I'm only 18 years old. I can't bear your brother's voice!"

"Ah Xia Wei covers her mouth in surprise. At first, he thought that chufeng was only looking tender, at least in his twenties. But now she is only 18 years old. She feels incredible: "suddenly I feel you are mysterious."

"Well, sister Xia Wei, I'll walk with you."

Chufeng smiles, knowing that everyone will have such an idea after knowing his own medical skills. However, age does not represent ability, and Chu Feng will not explain anything. He cleans up the thermos bottle and leaves the ward directly with Xia Wei, and so on.

In the small garden behind the hospital, there is a small pool of more than 100 square meters in the center of which there are many kinds of fish. There is also a rockery in the center of the pool. Xia Wei sits next to the pool and kicks her feet directly in the water. She is innocent and innocent: "if you can't get sick, my brother must have owed a lot of money this time?"

"And he owes you a lot of gratitude. My brother will surely think about how to repay you. He should be very hard?"

When Chu Feng was standing behind her, Xia Wei's whole person showed a feeling of sadness that she had never had at her age. She thought of what she thought and looked back at Chu Feng: "I even thought that I couldn't repay the kindness of saving my life. Can I agree with you?"

"Weiwei, I finally see you. How are you?" When Chu Feng embarrasses Xia Wei's bluntness, a girl's voice comes from afar, with excitement and joy. Chu Feng is relieved and grateful. Otherwise, he really doesn't know how to answer Xia Wei's words!

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