Super Healer

Chapter 50

"Xiaoxue, why are you here?"

Xia Wei heard someone call herself. She looked back curiously, and suddenly she had a smile on her face: "but it's good to see you."

"What nonsense, what is it to see me?" Yao Qianxue came over in a simple white dress. Although it was not a valuable and exquisite dress, it was set off by wearing it on her body. She was fresh and refined, giving people a refreshing feeling.

Chu Feng can't help but also a daze, the heart pounded for a moment, because Yao Qianxue doesn't use powder and Dai at the moment, and his face is full of sincere smile, which gives people the feeling of spring breeze. The key is that this is the type that Chu Feng likes, clean temperament!

Yao Qianxue had a smile on her face, but suddenly she saw her eyes motionless and looked at her. Chu Feng still frowned slightly, but she did not make any impolite behavior. Instead, she squatted beside Xia Wei and held her hand: "at that time, you suddenly fainted and scared me to death. I always wanted to see you, but the doctors said that you were in the isolation room, and only today did you have time to come 。”

"By the way, Sun Li and Mu Tianfei are here too. They know that you are ill, and they seem to be very worried."

Originally, Xia Wei, who had a smile on her face, felt cold. Her eyes looked at the two gorgeous young men who followed him: "what are you doing? We don't seem to have any friendship with each other."

For Sun Li and Mu Tianfei, Xia Wei is a nuisance from the bottom of her heart. She is just relying on her family's money to make her powerful in the school. She also harms a lot of little girls, but Xia Wei is more angry with those girls.

Chu Feng also took a little look at Mu Tianfei and Sun Li. Both of them were handsome faces. They had gold watches on their wrists. They both held a new type of mobile phone and a series of car keys. Is that what the real Gao Fu Shuai is like?

"Weiwei, I heard that you were in danger. Let's have a look. How can you be a classmate? There's no need to resist people from thousands of miles away."

Sun Li chuckled and stepped forward. When he came, he saw Chu Feng. But at the moment he didn't see it at all. He also raised his other hand: "and I bought you some tonics. They are good things. Ginseng and bird's nest are all there."

Mu Tianfei echoed with a gentle and polite expression: "yes, everyone is a classmate to see you are normal, and Sun Shao likes you so much. It's not good for you to resist people from thousands of miles away!"

"Let's go. You're not welcome here."

Xia Wei didn't have too much good mood because of their handsome smile. Sun Li pursued her crazily from the moment she saw her. At first, she was still a little bit fond of her. However, once she saw Sun Li leave the car with a junior student in her arms, Xia Wei was totally dead to these high rich and handsome people.

When chasing oneself, you can also tease other girls. Then you must be greedy for freshness. Xia Wei is not a fool. Naturally, she knows this.

What's more, Xia Wei also knows that everything about herself is false. Maybe she knows that she's OK, and she feels a little bit hopeful. If she doesn't wake up, she won't know who she is!

"You two, let's go."

Yao Qianxue doesn't like them either. She came to see Xia Wei some time ago, but the doctor said she couldn't see her. She came here early because she called the hospital last night and heard that Xia Wei had woken up. As for Sun Li and Mu Tianfei, they met on the way to here.

Because Mu Tianfei is her suitor, even if it is a holiday, she will appear in front of her.

"Wei Wei, don't you understand what I mean Sun Li didn't leave because Xia Wei made an order to leave. Instead, he showed a sincere look: "I like you. I like you from the bottom of my heart. I admit that I've been a jerk, but I know I'm wrong."

"As long as you give me a chance to love you, I will let you see my change, OK?"

Chu Feng, standing on one side, has a trace of fun. If it is an ordinary girl, it is estimated that she has fallen. However, it can be seen that these Gao Fu Shuai are experienced people. However, if you look at Xia Wei, what Sun Li is destined to say is useless.

Xia Wei's eyes narrowed slightly, her body slowly stood up and suddenly took Chu Feng's arm: "I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend, thank you for your love!"

Xia Wei's sudden appearance not only makes chufeng lie down in the dark, but also gets Yao Qianxue's three eyes. Sun Li looks at Chu Feng, who adds up to less than 100 yuan, and shakes his head without hesitation: "no way, he won't be your boyfriend. He and I have no comparison."

"Yes, he's no match for you."

Xia Wei nodded, but her words revealed a trace of firmness: "you are not so handsome, not as tall as you are, not as high as you are culturally advanced, you know less about famous brands, and even less rich. Many things may not be as good as you, but what I can say is that at least I like him, that's enough."

Chu Feng's heart is slightly sweaty. Sister Xia Wei, are you so boastful? I'm worthless. At least I'm skillful in medicine, superb in martial arts and simple in character!"Weiwei, I know you have a problem with me, but there's no need to stimulate me like this. It's useless." Sun Li is also a character. Being stimulated by Xia Wei, she can still keep calm. Her eyes swept the Chu wind and then moved away, full of disdain: "I am your best choice. I firmly believe it!"

"Don't believe it?" Xia Wei sneers, suddenly two hands holding Chu Feng's head directly on the lips, two people's height difference is not big, Xia Wei just gently stand on tiptoe can touch.


Anyone who sees a woman who is her prey holding another man's kiss will get angry. Even if he just wants to catch up and play with him, Sun Li is like this: "I won't believe it. I will send out my pursuit again at the beginning of school, and you Xia Wei will be mine."

Sun Li directly throws the things in his hands on the ground and turns around directly. He can see that Xia Wei is stimulating himself for many years. As a smart man, it is the best choice to leave at this time. Otherwise, if you counter stimulate Xia Wei, it may be a sham.

Mu Tianfei looked at Sun Li who left, did not pay attention to Chu Feng, but looked at Yao Qianxue affectionately: "Xiaoxue, what I said to you?"

"Mu Tianfei, please don't disturb me in the future." Yao Qianxue directly and directly refused, Mu Tianfei's eyes flashed a trace of anger, but still a smile: "it doesn't matter, I'll wait for you, so I'll go first!" Then he chased Sun Li away, but he vowed to take Yao Qianxue.

"Two annoying guys, so many girlfriends, they still pretend to be affectionate and disgusting here!"

Xia Wei cold hum a, good mood was directly destroyed by two people, but found themselves still holding Chu Feng's head quickly released: "sorry!"

Chu Feng touched his mouth and sniffed a faint fragrance of his daughter: "I'm sorry, I'll be happy as long as your brother doesn't do it to me." Then he looked at the direction that Sun Li and Sun Li left: "be careful later. These two people are not simple. Maybe they will do something to you at that time."

"Vivie, let's find a place to chat?"

Yao Qianxue's first impression of Chu Feng was not good. She took Xia Wei's hand and opened her mouth. The latter looked at Chu Feng: "thank you still. I hope you can come to see me often when you are free."

"Yes Chu Feng nods, Yao Qianxue's disgust to himself. Chu Feng can clearly feel that he is very depressed. If you are a beautiful woman, you will inevitably be looked at twice more. You can't be regarded as a villain directly because people see you more? But also know that he did lose his temper just now, said a smile and left temporarily.

"Wei Wei, after less close to such a person, that look in the eyes is not a good person." Chu Feng just left not long ago, Yao Qianxue said to Xia Wei.

"I don't know if he's a good man or not." Xia Wei knows Yao Qianxue's temper, so she doesn't explain anything. She just looks at Chu Feng's direction of leaving and remembers a kiss just now and says faintly: "but if he nods, even if he plays with me today and abandons me tomorrow, I'll be happy!"

Yao Qianxue smell speech a Leng, she knows Xiawei and herself is not a casual girl, just because she knows, so very surprised that she said such words, looking at the distance, is that look at the wanton look at their own guy, what is special?

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