Super Healer

Chapter 51

It's sunny on Sunday, the sun has been hanging in the sky early, but it doesn't feel dry and hot. It's relatively pleasant!

"Auntie, I went with sister Yan. You're good at home."

At more than eight o'clock in the morning, Chu Feng stood helpless at the door, feeling that he had no dignity of a man. He got up at six o'clock to prepare breakfast, and then he had to help Liu Yan wash his clothes. Finally, he was coldly opposed by her. Obviously, he was still angry about what he wronged her that day.

"I'm not a three-year-old. Are you worried about my accident?" Lin Yulin angrily patted Chu Feng and said.

Liu Yan took a cold look at Chu Feng and was still angry about the incident that night: "don't worry, if you don't listen, I'll kill him directly with one foot!"

"Then I'll rest assured that you can go too. I'll go out for an activity." Lin Yulin nodded, as if very satisfied with Liu Yan's appearance, but also is Chu Feng's age is still young, Liu Yan tube his words, Lin Yulin also a little bit at ease.

Chu Feng sighed directly and helplessly, and finally shook his head to go outside. How did he feel that his bitter days had just begun? These days, Liu Yan seemed to really regard her as his girlfriend. The real thing was to stretch out her clothes and open his mouth. Chu Feng could not help but doubt that after coming back today, he might still be the one with a miserable life.

Liu Yan and Lin Yulin said and followed, but they were very strange one after another, especially looking at the back of Chu Feng. Liu Yan's mouth was full of sly smile. She was a little younger, but it was easy to use. Washing and cooking were not a problem. It seems that I need to extend this matter indefinitely.

At the moment, Chu Feng naturally did not know what plan Liu Yan was doing in his heart. He just walked down the stairs and looked at Liu Yan standing beside him with a cold face: "still angry, if a woman is angry, she will be old!"

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

Liu Yan snorted, and then went to the first floor when looking back at Chu Feng: "tell you, don't think I'll forgive you like this. When I wronged me, my tone was so hard, I won't easily forget it. And you'd better show me better today, otherwise, you can't get my forgiveness in this life."

Cold left a word, Liu Yan walked to one side, for today's party, she also used the bus for private use, so as not to be told that she was too miserable.

Jianghai police academy is one of the top ten Police Academies in China. There have been many great people here. For example, the big man in charge of the national police security system used to go out from here. Although the big guy's family background accounts for a part of the relationship, his ability can not be denied.

At the same time, after he took over the core power, Jianghai police academy became more and more popular and attracted many people.

Today's Jianghai police academy is not the same as usual, especially quiet, because today is Sunday, the police academy has two days of vacation a month, today is one of them, so there are not as many people here as usual. Of course, the difference is that at the moment, there are many colorful bars hanging at the gate of the police academy.

Because today is the day for the police officers who graduated from school three years ago to have a party, the senior management of the school specially vacated the auditorium of the school to do activities for them. Since 7:00 in the morning, the people who are nearer have already started to go back to school, and those who are farther away are on their way. Even if the party started at 12 o'clock, hundreds of people have gathered.

Three years ago, there were more than 2000 students who graduated from China. Now some of them have become the top leaders of local police and some of them have become police officers of important cities. However, the work of those who can get out of here is not so bad.

"You see, isn't that the big brother?"

While we were looking for acquaintances to chat with, a thin man suddenly pointed to a man who had just stopped in Audi, and his eyes flashed with excitement: "I heard that the senior brother has now served as the captain of the criminal police in the Imperial City criminal investigation team. In two years' time, he may be a deputy. In the future, his future is limitless."

Next to a beautiful woman also saw the man who came out of the car. Her beautiful eyes flashed: "it's really Jingde. It's much more handsome than before. It's more manly!"

"You're crazy about flowers. What the elder martial brother likes is school flowers. You're the second best The man who started to say next to me gave a timely blow and said with a smile, "I am a vice captain in Hangzhou now, and it's not a problem to become a full-time officer in two or three years. Meimei, why don't you just follow me? I still have a strong affection for you now

"I forgot to tell you, the prince of Penguin Group is one of them. Although it's good, it's a pity that he has money but no power."

At this time, Jingde also came over, the whole person revealed a kind of masculine breath: "everybody, long time no see!"

When Jingde appeared, someone met him. Many people were envious of this legendary figure of the police academy at that time and his excellent background. Guo Meimei is one of them. Compared with rich men, she prefers men with powerful background: "senior brother, you are much more handsome now!"

"It's beautiful. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't recognize it. It's much more beautiful!" Jingde takes a look at Guo Meimei. There is a man's light in her eyes, but it is hidden very well.In the past, Guo Meimei had shown a good impression on him when he was in the police academy, but he was confused by Jingde. He knew that once a woman like Guo Meimei got involved, he could not leave. However, he felt that he was still young and could play well for two years.

And when he had a better choice, he naturally didn't have much interest in Guo Meimei.

Although Jingde has tried to hide it, Guo Meimei still clearly captured the light and stamped her feet with hurt on her face: "even if you don't like me even though you are beautiful, it's useless for me to be beautiful again!"

When people around hear Guo Meimei's words, they feel their back is cold. One of the overlord flowers will be coquettish, which is too frightening. However, seeing Guo Meimei's coquettish appearance and slight shaking, it's still dizzy. If this woman is gentle, it's really good!

Jingde also felt a little thirsty, but he just laughed it off lightly and then moved his eyes: "look at this, I came early, and there are many people who haven't come!"

"Elder martial brother, you don't miss elder martial sister, do you?"

Zhang Degang came up at the right time. Although he was the deputy team title, Jingde was just the captain of the criminal police force. However, he was employed in the imperial city and himself was in Hangzhou. That grade was not comparable at all. He said with a smile: "I heard that the elder martial sister stayed in Jianghai after graduation, and now she is also the deputy leader of the criminal police force."

Jingde's eyes flashed a glimmer of light: "is it, can become the vice captain of the criminal police team in the river and sea, it seems that your master sister is not simple!"

"That's right. Otherwise, you wouldn't have pursued her so warmly at the beginning." Guo Meimei still tries to show her charm as much as possible. However, Jingde is still not seduced. She says sourly: "but a few years have passed, maybe you can find a boyfriend!"

"Master sister can find a boyfriend, that's really strange!" Naturally, people can hear Guo Meimei's discontent in her words. At the beginning, the two overlord flowers in the police academy were very beautiful and domineering women. Guo Meimei was one of them. However, she was always held down by another person. At the moment, she was unavoidably uncomfortable. Zhang Degang also knew what Jingde liked to hear and said it in a timely manner.

"Who said I can't find a boyfriend, I still eat tender grass

However, when everyone laughed and felt that Zhang Degang's words were reasonable, a savage and domineering woman's voice came from one side, and everyone was stunned. Their expressions were particularly wonderful, especially Jingde, who looked directly at the young man who was holding hands with that woman.

Chu Feng smiles bitterly. Although he had expected it, he found that he underestimated Liu Yan's charm when he really appeared. Other people's pursuers were not only there, but also the most powerful one!

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