Super Healer

Chapter 52

Liu Yan then naturally took Chu Feng and walked over. She didn't care about anyone's eyes. After standing still, she looked at the silent people: "who said I couldn't find a boyfriend just now?"

"Elder martial sister, are you serious?"

Although Zhao Degang is now in a high position, he is still a little timid in the face of Liu Yan, the elder martial sister of the former police academy, because he was beaten violently for teasing Liu Yan different from other women.

"Is there any fake? Or shall I prove it to you? " Liu Yan pretended not to see one side of Jingde, directly pulled Chu Feng to his body: "I still come is true, and we both live together, this matter forgot to tell you, but it's not too late."

"Yan Yan, even if you don't like Jingde, it seems that you don't need it?"

Guo Meimei also recovered from her stupidity. She had fought with Liu Yan many times. She knew Liu Yan very well. Otherwise, she would not look for a man. If she wanted to find a man, she must be better than her. But Chu Feng seemed so weak that she could push him down as long as she had more strength.

Guo Meimei's words are also in everyone's mind, but Liu Yan looks natural: "you don't believe it, but he is my man."

"Really, I don't believe it." Guo Meimei just wanted to make a fool of Liu Yan, so she seemed to catch something and walked over and looked at Chu Feng with her eyes straight in her eyes: "Yan Yan said that you two live together, so there must be some super friendship relationship. Can you tell me what features Yan Yan has?"

"Come here, I'll tell you!"

Guo Meimei swayed her strong waist and walked over. Chu Feng attached herself to her ear and whispered a few words. Then she said with a smile, "what do you have to ask about these three things?" Chu Feng has seen Liu Yan's body twice. Naturally, some characteristics of Liu Yan's body are clear.

And even if you don't know, your left eye has the function of perspective, and you're afraid you can't say it clearly?

Guo Meimei stood there in a daze, because what Chu Feng said was true, and everyone's eyes were also looking at Guo Meimei. Because she was Liu Yan's roommate, she knew Liu Yan naturally. Especially Jingde, her whole heart was torn up. He used to love Liu Yan, and now she is.

But Guo Meimei looked at Liu Yan, and then looked at Chu Feng. She shook her head in disbelief: "I'm really curious about how you created love!" Suspiciously looking at Liu Yan: "you have not said you want to find a strong man, how to suddenly change taste and find a small fresh ah?"

Today's chufeng is wearing the casual clothes that Lin Yulin bought him that day. With her immature face, the whole person looks like a little fresh. Guo Meimei feels a little inconceivable.

"Yes, he is very strong!"

Liu Yan nodded. She saw Chu Feng's two moves, both facing dozens of people, and fighting with ease: "what's the problem?"

Guo Meimei is chuckling Jiao Xiao, up and down to see the Chu wind: "can't be some places strong?"

"Guo Meimei, are you itchy?" Liu Yan is not a fool, Guo Meimei's potential meaning how can she not understand, angry look at the past, the latter is not willing to show weakness: "it is really a little itchy, at the beginning you always press me a head, so long did not see, but really want to discuss with you."

"But now it seems that the competition between you and me will be postponed. This little guy has become the first school flower of our police academy. Tut tut!"

"Hello, my name is Jingde, Yan Yan used to be a classmate." As soon as Guo Meimei finished, Jingde came over. He wanted to say that Liu Yan would not choose Chu Feng, who looked like a college student. However, Guo Meimei could not cheat. She was upset when she thought that the goddess in her heart was arched by the boy in front of her, but she still kept calm and stretched out her hand.

The secret way of Chu Feng won't it? But still stretched out his hand: "Yan Yan man, Chu Feng!"

At first, everyone saw Jingde's initiative to greet Chu Feng, but they felt that they wanted to give Chu Feng a strong hand. However, they did not have the bloody competition in the movies and TV series. They were just a touch and a point.

When everyone was surprised why Jingde was not angry, he laughed: "Yan Yan was the first school flower of our police academy. Even though I am a man and she can't get through a few moves, she chose you. You must have something special. I don't know if I can compete with you, run with guns and so on?"

When people heard the speech, their faces flashed with interest. Jingde was a senior brother at the beginning. He was very proficient in all kinds of things. His physical quality was also very strong. Maybe he was in a high position and lacked exercise in the past two years, which is not a small fresh and fresh one to compare with.

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. If Jingde could make such an invitation, he must have such self-confidence. As for what he said in Liu Yan's hands, a few moves were simply polite words. Chu Feng could still see a person's strength and strength.

Liu Yan knows that Chu Feng is good at fighting and running, but she is worried about guns. After all, Jingde used to be a sharpshooter in the ring 99. Over the years, she may have stepped back a little, but it is not comparable to ordinary people.Just waiting for her to open her mouth, Chu Feng nodded: "I used to like the police profession, but now I come to Jianghai police academy, naturally I want to try it. Please give me some advice."

Jingde's heart flashed a sneer, but his face was a warm smile: "that's natural, then I'll let you shoot!"

Then Jingde was surrounded by people and went to the shooting range, where they used to train. Liu Yan took Chu Feng's hand and followed behind. Guo Meimei asked her to go away and said to Chu Feng, "that Jingde is a sharpshooter. Are you sure you can?"

"A man can't say he can't, don't worry, I won't let you lose face today." Chu Feng's face appears strong self-confidence, and Guo Meimei looks stunned when she looks back. Is there anything special about this man Yan Yan is looking for?

A group of people soon came to the shooting range, already someone had prepared two targets, 20 meters shooting distance!

"Twenty meters, we can't get any level in the test. How about 50 meters?" Jingde looked at the two targets in the distance, and the bullets he fired here were at least tens of thousands. It can be said that he was very familiar with his eyes closed. Now he turned to ask Chu Feng.

Chu Feng looked at the target 20 meters away and nodded: "100 meters!"

People are directly shocked by Chu Feng's words and can't say a word. Is this guy pretending to be a pig eating a tiger? But then he thinks about it and denies himself. This guy looks like he's only eighteen or nine years old, and Jingde has been trained since he was a child, so he can't be compared with him.

Jingde is also a Leng, but then he laughed: "good, 100 meters on 100 meters!" Then he asked, "do you have any requirements?"

"I won't have guns. I'll use my hands." Chu Feng slightly smile, but said the words is to make everyone surprised speechless, look at the expression of strange people: "how, the bullet can't use the hand?"

"What are you doing?" Before other people answered, Liu Yan pinched Chu Feng fiercely and said in a low voice, "that's a hundred meters distance. How much does a bullet weigh? It's good if you can throw out tens of meters. You still want to throw 100 meters to hit the target. Do you think you are Xiao Li's flying knife?"

"It seems so. Teach me how to shoot!" Chu Feng was stunned. He didn't think of this layer just now. Now Liu Yan reminds him that if he really throws a bullet to the target with his bare hands, it will be too shocking. He apologizes to Jingde and others: "sorry, just a joke. Let's start!"

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