Super Healer

Chapter 53

Both sides soon had a gun with a range of two hundred meters in hand. Jingde Kwai was skilled at checking his hands. Chu Feng was looking at his hand, and his left eye was shining with light. His left eye had a strong learning ability and could quickly simplify the East and west to learn.

After Jingde checks and loads the bullets, chufeng starts to move. Although the speed is not as fast as that of Jingde, for the first time he touches the gun, chufeng is already very fast.

"It's your first time to play with guns. Let's familiarize yourself with ten bullets."

Looking at Chu Feng's clumsy appearance, Jingde sneers in his heart. He just wants to crack down on Chu Feng and let Liu Yan know that he is much better than xiaoqingxin, regardless of his family background or personal ability.

"Please wait a minute." Chufeng also had this intention. In the playful eyes of everyone, Liu Yan asked Liu Yan to teach himself the steps of shooting. The latter was helpless, but he still taught him patiently. As one of the former overlord flowers, Liu Yan taught people with a strict attitude. Only a few minutes later, Chu Feng learned how to use the basic.

Chu Feng suddenly raised the gun in his hand, and continued to buckle. After the sound of bang bang, all ten guns were shot, and then the corner of his mouth picked up a smile: "can start!"

Jingde is stunned, but he still nods. Both of them are standing at a distance of 100 meters to shoot the target. Each of them has 10 bullets. To see who has the highest number of rings. Although Jingde is good at 50 meters, he is not bad at 100 meters.

As steady as Mount Tai, he raised his head and directly pulled the trigger. Every shot of Jingde was very stable, and his arm did not shake. Until the ten shots were finished, he put down his gun and looked at Chu Feng. His eyes showed a sense of contempt, but not so strong.

"Come on, I believe you!"

Liu Yan kisses Chu Feng on the face, and then goes to one side, which stimulates the present people severely. When did the overlord flower become so gentle?

Chu Feng is also a little surprised. Liu Yan's enthusiasm gently shakes her head and raises the gun in her hand. Her left eye twinkles with light. The gun in her hand and when she starts to test it, the ten guns are three times faster than that of Jingde!

Everyone looked down upon this with slight disdain. Even if they came to shoot, they would have to shoot one shot at a time to get good results. In this way, they could not get any good results at all, let alone Chu Feng, who just took a gun.

"Senior brother, ninety Third Ring Road!"

Soon someone ran over to count the points. Finally, he told everyone in a loud voice that everyone was in a burst of sigh. Zhang Degang thumbed up: "elder martial brother's demeanor is not inferior. In those years, I remember that your 100 meter shooting was only 89 rings highest, and now the score has risen again. In a few years, it will be full circle."

"No words, maybe Yan Yan's boyfriend is taller than me!" Jingde is very useful for Zhang Degang's words, but he looks at Chu Feng with a banter in his eyes. What he says is a trap. He is not afraid to raise you now, and so on, he will kill you!

Soon the past man went to the target of Chu Feng, and finally said in a high voice: "ten rings!"

"Ha ha, one shot, one ring, good result!" Zhang Degang heard the speech and laughed, ten shots and ten rings. Even when he was just learning the gun, he was not so bad. He got more than 20 rings in 100 meters. Later, he gradually increased. Chu Feng even had ten rings. It's ridiculous.

The rest of the people also laughed. When they were learning to shoot a hundred meters, none of them shot ten shots in total. They just took into account that Liu Yan was here, not as reckless as Zhang Degang laughed.

"It's OK. It's a good result to shoot a second shot like this!"

Jingde was smiling and went to the front of Chu Feng, comforting: "I had the second shot is to play more than 60 rings, compared to you are not much where to go."

Chu Feng shrugged his shoulders and didn't care much about it. There were no more than 60 rings compared with 10 rings, and only Jingde could say it. It sounded like he was comforting himself. He just changed a way to humiliate himself. However, Chu Feng knew that he didn't want to say anything, and there was nothing to say.


In everyone's joking look, the person who went to report the target roared as if he had been bitten by something, and everyone's eyes were attracted.

The man did not stand next to the target, but stood in the sand behind the target of Chu Feng. Then he turned over something and finally raised it: "Chu Feng, full circle!"

The words of the target immediately made the people with sarcasm on their faces stiff and smile, and made Liu Yan's expression of slightly apologetic to Chu Feng stiff. She felt that she had brought Chu Feng to him that he would have suffered such an insult. But at the moment, he was whispering, unable to respond for a moment: "full circle?"

Soon the man ran back, looking at Chu Feng's eyes are full of worship: "it's just a gun god!" Then he raised his hand and said, "everybody, look!"

The crowd looked at what he had in his hands, and soon the scene of nearly a thousand people became silent. They could only feel the sound of beating heart and even the sound of breathing. Because the things in the hands of that person were so shocking, they could be sure that they had never seen them in their life.Because it was ten bullets, but it was not ten scattered bullets. Instead, one bullet hit the back of one bullet and the ten bullets were connected in series. Just now Chu Feng had ten shots in a row and only one ten rings appeared?

When everyone thought of something, the man said directly: "at first, I was curious why only one shot fired ten rings, and the rest of the bullets didn't hit. So I made a bold idea that not all ten bullets passed from one place, right? So I went to find out and confirmed my conjecture

"Chu Feng is the God of spear. He is not ten rings, but full rings. It's just that ten bullets pass by in one position, so I misunderstood him just now."

"Xiao Feng, I love you so much!" Liu Yan was the first to react to it. Suddenly, she hugged Chu Feng's head and gave it a fierce kiss on the mouth. Then her little daughter took his arm and looked proud: "I knew you were the best. You played a hundred meters round the ring!"

With Liu Yan's excitement and behavior, everyone came back to their senses. Some people who did not need to please Jingde deliberately looked at Chu Feng with reverence. No matter who Chu Feng was, he was a man worthy of respect.

But Zhang Degang was standing there with an embarrassed face. Just now he was the biggest laugher. At the moment, the result was 100 meters full of rings. He felt that he had been slapped hard, and the situation at the moment just made Jingde more embarrassed. He felt that he was flattered on the horse's leg.

Jingde, after all, is Jingde. In an instant, he eliminated his embarrassment. He could only secretly tell Chu Feng that he had learned before, but was just pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger: "it's worthy of being a man with beautiful face. It's really extraordinary. If you want to come here, you must have some skills in fighting. I'm a bit of a tripod. I want to compete with you."

"Jingde, my man is tired and needs a rest. Let's talk about it later."

At this time, Liu Yan is directly pulling Chu Feng, a very protective look. She is not worried that Chu Feng can't beat Jingde, but that Chu Feng will cause unnecessary trouble if she defeats Jingde again. She knows that although Jingde looks friendly, she secretly wants to face everyone else.

Chu Feng just a hundred meters full circle is equivalent to a fight in the face, if you beat him in the fight, you will definitely hate Chu Feng, and let Chu Feng lose, Liu Yan did not think so, unless not fight, hit her would like to see Chu Feng spirited and put down Jingde.

Zhang Degang seems to have found the opportunity to perform again. He stood up and said: "elder martial sister, he is the man you are looking for. The shooting is so fierce, so fighting is certainly not bad. It seems that it is a bit unreasonable if you don't give him a hand like this, or are you worried about the elder martial brother's beating him?"

"Are you sure you want to fight me?" Chu Feng stopped Liu Yan and Zhang Degang from fighting against each other. He just looked at Jingde, because at the moment he saw the color of jealousy on Jingde, which showed that Jingde had evil thoughts on him, and Chu Feng was not easily provoked.

But if you take the initiative to find trouble, Chu Feng will not be used to it, and Jingde is like this at the moment, the color of jealousy is getting stronger and thicker, but his face is still a hypocritical face, even hate himself, that is, it is impossible to solve, then let you hate a little more, so that you don't stab me in the future, I can't teach you!

What Jingde thinks at the moment is that when fighting, he "accidentally" injures or destroys the Chu wind, so he nods and says, "it's just a contest!"

"Well, let's have a discussion." Chufeng's smile in his eyes is more exuberant. He was jealous just now. Now he has a trace of real evil thoughts. Chu Feng knows that he will not feel guilty any more!

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