Super Healer

Chapter 531

It has been three days since the fighting that night. The bloody night involved Chu Feng and the Huangfu family, which did not threaten Weiss' interests. Therefore, it was easy to cover up the bloody night, but spread news among the responsible persons.

As for the more than 100 Royal elite who died, Xinzi didn't make a statement, but just dealt with it in a low-key way. After all, she didn't want others to know that she had something to do with Chu Feng, even if someone had insight.

A building is not the best but not the worst building here. It looks peaceful. However, a few people can occasionally walk back and forth, which seems like a stroll in the courtyard. However, if you pay attention to it, you will find that their eyes are wary looking around when they walk, as if they are guarding.

"Sleeping for three days scared me to death."

On the second floor of a spacious and bright room facing the East, a young man with pale face opened his eyes. The girl who was busy nearby saw the expression of joy and said: "sister knows that you are injured and unconscious, and you are worried that you almost want to kill Laiwei. Fortunately, she was caught by Xiaoxue sister. Otherwise, she must be waiting in front of you now."

The person who wakes up is Chu Feng, who was attacked by Huangfu Junyi three days ago. He shakes his head and looks at catkins: "I am not dead now. If she comes, she may be dead."

The one who hooked his arms and feet was only a little sore. It seemed that there was no big obstacle. Chu Feng took a breath and sat up with the help of catkins and said, "I've been in a coma for a few days. What's the situation outside now?"

"The dark waves are raging!"

Liu Xu looked at Chu Feng and could not understand that they were concerned about these things. However, she told the truth: "because you and the Huangfu family are both from the holy Dynasty, the official doesn't attach much importance to this matter, so there are not many hands and tails. However, some things happened during your coma."

Chu Feng was relieved. He was worried about what the official did when he was in a coma. Now Wes doesn't do anything. His living space will be a little bigger, and he says: "let's talk about it."

"Chunyuan taro is dead!"

Liu Xu is a Wes, so she can walk easily and know the news. This is also the reason why Chu Feng left her: "on the night of the fierce battle between you and Huangfu family, chunyuantaro died on the body of a female star, and suffered torture before death. It can be said that it is a tragic ending."

Chu Feng's eyes sank and said, "it's a pity that there is a chess piece. Has the official made a conclusion?"

"Here it is."

Willow catkins nodded slightly, hesitated for a moment, and continued: "the official has thrown out the contradiction between you and Junichiro a few days ago, saying that this is your revenge. The most important thing is that several remaining pure taro guards have also proved that it was the Pilgrims who attacked them."

"If it's a pilgrim, it's me?" Chu Feng laughed at himself, but he also caught a bitter smile and said: "it seems that I still underestimated Huangfu Junyi's means. Not only did he want to kill me completely, but also I had difficulties in Weisi. He just killed Chunyuan taro for no reason. I still can't think of it!"

"Because there are few emperors in the universe!"

At this time, the door of the room opened, and a woman in a black dress came in and put up a smile: "when Chunyuan taro died, they thought it was you who did it. But an hour ago, someone secretly sent news that you and Prince xinzinei met on the Wangdu tower, and provided photos of you and Prince xinzinei together.

The purpose is to trade with you, so that you can kill the man chunyuantaro, because as we all know, he is the most advantageous competitor of the plum blossom emperor Shaojing shangmang. Xinzi's doing so can make sense and clear the way for the future fiance. "

"So before I came here, Prince xinzinei was under house arrest under the control of the elders of the Royal cabinet. I don't know the details."

"Damn it!" Chu Feng directly let out his rude words, but he was not curious about the arrival of the woman in front of him. He asked, "the strength of the joint efforts of Lao Wang Ba and Xiao Wang Ba can't be underestimated. The old guy stabbed me secretly, and Xiaowang eight obviously killed my only ally with some strength in Weiss. Bad luck!"

Pat the head, Chu Feng is hate and helpless: "it seems that want to go back to the new year, is impossible."

The person who came was Liu Zhixin, who was firmly in line with Chu Feng. She had already obtained the agency right of fengteng medicine Hanhuang south, and tasted the great sweetness. She said jokingly: "you still have headache."

"At the same time, the royal family also sent experts to kill you, the shameless person who lures the prince to make mistakes."

He winked at chufeng and said: "in addition, the chief Gongye also made the official of the holy court declare that the life and death of Chu Feng and what he did have nothing to do with them through diplomatic pressure. As long as Weiss can provide evidence that can stand the textual research, they will clear the gate of the holy court."

When Chu Feng frowned slightly, Liu Zhixin covered her exposed knee with a skirt. When there were other women, she asked herself to strive for perfection: "however, the declaration issued by the official pilgrimage made Weiss extinguish his voice, because now it's just their wishful thinking, and the evidence can't come out at all."

"So, Weiss is struggling now, but at least there is room for activity. As long as you kill the old Huangfu monster, everything will be solved. He is the key to all parties in the alliance."Chu Fengmo sat quietly on the bed, and finally understood why the leader of the Shengchao wanted to leave Huangfu Junyi in Weis. Although the old monster has not been out of the imperial city for decades, it still has a huge influence. The power of a kingdom is all because he has given the alliance the right thing.

Chu Feng exhaled a breath, temporarily dissipated these annoying things and said, "thank you, Miss Liu!"

"We are partners. Thank you very much."

This is what Liu Zhixin provided to Chu Feng for hiding. Now, no one in Weisi dares to accept Chu Feng. Even ordinary people want to see Chu Feng and make a fortune.

Because the official offered a reward of one million Chi coins, the Huangfu family secretly offered a reward of 5 million yuan. The plum blossom club lost 2 million yuan, and the royal family also offered 2 million yuan. The total reward of 10 million Chi coins was aimed at chufeng. There was no need to kill Chu Feng or win Chu Feng.

As long as anyone provides his whereabouts, then whose ten million pool coins belong to.

Liu's family is one of the world's consortia. In addition, Liu's family also has a huge enmity with Chu Feng. Although Liu has won the agency right, the next agency company will only know that it is Liu's family unless it uses a huge relationship to investigate. However, no one will be so bored to check.

After all, it was Han Huang Nan's chief husband as a legal person, and Liu's 50 million pool currency was smashed out. Who dares to check it?

"Always say thank you, or there will be no hiding place for me in a small place."

Chu Feng got out of bed with the help of catkins with a smile. The wound on Jingkun's shoulder was very serious. At the beginning, it was all money. The effect was not very good, but the recovery was OK: "in addition, Miss Liu, please check the second childe of plum blossom club for me. I haven't seen him for a while."

The corner of his mouth raised a touch of gentle meaning and said: "I heard that this man is elegant and indifferent, and does not fight for grabs. He is a man who can coordinate the daily management of the plum blossom club. He is a man who is at ease with Chunyuan taro and Jing shangmang. But I don't really believe that the person who can sit in that position has no ambition at all."

"Of course it doesn't matter, but if there is, I will light the devil in his heart."

Liu Zhixin looked at Chu Feng in surprise. He didn't understand what he wanted to do, but he still whispered back: "the second young master, Yamamoto and Siye, is a good man. Of course, this is the cognition of the outside world. The specific person still needs to be carefully investigated. However, my cognition is similar to that of you. This position is doomed to have no such person."

Chu Feng nodded gently: "thank you!"

Liu Zhixin smiles and nods to Liu Xu and leaves the room. At present, Chu Feng's people are not convenient to show up. She is in charge of many things. As for the reason for coming to the south of Hanhuang, Liu Zhixin goes back and forth between some overseas companies of Liu's every year.

Willow catkins looked at the closed door and mumbled: "little wind, how do you get together with this plastic surgery woman?"

"Together?" Chu Feng was still thinking about some things. She heard Liu Xu's words and looked at her speechless: "can you speak more civilly? How can my relationship with Miss Liu be whiter than white paper? How can you say it so bad from your mouth?"

Willow catkins look aggrieved said: "you think too much, together, on behalf of a lot of meaning."

A embarrassed face, Chu Feng also found that he was preconceived, coughed and transferred embarrassment: "interest cooperation caused, there is no too much friendship, but for the time being, it is not the enemy, and may not die in the future."

In the look of catkins, Chu Feng thought of something and said to himself, "I was badly injured a few days ago. Who helped me take a bath and change clothes?"

"The wind is weak, you have a rest first, just wake up, I'll get you some porridge." Willow catkins did not seem to hear, Chu Feng helped to sit on a chair to run away from the room, so Chu Feng was stunned: "this little girl, she can't help me wash and change clothes?"

"Or don't give Yan Yan to know, or it will definitely kill me and say that I pollute her sister's eyes."

"Damn Chu Feng!" At the same time, Xinzi, who was under house arrest in the Weiss palace, smashed his fist on the table after hearing the report from Jingshan. Although under house arrest, she just couldn't leave the palace. The rest was similar to that outside.

She asked Jingshan to look in that area for several days, but she couldn't find anything. Thinking of the video and some things in it, Xinzi was in a bad mood.

And Chu Feng has been sneezing, in catkins to her to bring a bowl of light porridge, handed her a mobile phone, said: "this is Xinzi's mobile phone, but there is a password lock, I'm afraid of disorderly caused by file blockade, you give me a way to crack open, see what can be used."

"If you can't, I'll wait until you go back to the pilgrimage."

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