Super Healer

Chapter 532

Huang Fu Junyi, who got up early in Wei's branch of Huangfu family, played Tai Chi. Standing under a plum tree, he frowned a little: "I always feel that something is wrong. In a hundred years, such a feeling first appeared."

Jingkun had been standing in a corner of the backyard. Now he came out without a sound and said, "there is still no news, but I'm sure I haven't left Weiss. The four sides left a total of 10 million pool coins, which also made many people take action. There is still no news. It seems that they have disappeared."

"Where on earth are you hiding?"

Huangfu Junyi breathed out his breath and misted his eyes. He thought, "Weiss is so big. Our Huangfu family has limited manpower, but the royal family and the official of plum blossom club have numerous resources. It is very simple to find out a person. Where do you think it will be?"

"A place we can't find, even if we know it, can't be searched," Jingkun said

Huangfu Junyi's eyes brightened: "speak in detail."

"Yes." Jingkun replied respectfully and said his judgment in his heart: "the action of the four party alliance is to remove the headquarters of the club of clubs, the Imperial Palace and the chief residence, and there are several other places. Even if Chu Feng is hidden, Sifang can't do it unless they want to."

When Huangfu Junyi nodded his head slightly, Jingkun thought clearly: "although she is only a woman in the garden of Prince Xinzi, because the emperor of this term didn't have the idea of son preference and paid attention to ability, the status of Prince Xinzi was very high both in the royal family and in the hearts of Weisi people.

Therefore, no one will or dare to search her place. But suddenly, the inner Prince Xinzi was impeached and placed under house arrest by Yu Ren. There must be undercover monitoring of her place, so there is no possibility of hiding there. "

Huangfu Junyi took over Jingkun's words and said: "we have killed Chunyuan taro. Even if Yu Ren is insidious, he dare not deceive us for the second time. Therefore, there is no possibility of Chu Feng hiding in his royal residence. That is to say, no one in the royal family can hide, and Chu Feng has not been discovered."

"Yes, old master."

Jingkun replied respectfully, but continued: "in addition to the headquarters of the club, it is impossible for the plum blossom emperor Shaojing shangmang's residence, because it is too late for him to avoid suspicion and stir up trouble because of the death of chunyuantaro. Otherwise, Weiss will spit on him and feel that he knows the cooperation between Xinzi and chufeng."

Huangfu Junyi nodded slightly: "what about the four fields of Yamamoto?"

"He?" Jingkun frowned, then shook his head and said, "if it wasn't for the relationship between his ancestors, he didn't even want to sit down as the second son of the plum blossom club. He preferred idle clouds and wild cranes. When he heard about the death of chunyuantaro, he just sent someone to mourn for him. He didn't show up and didn't care about anything."

"Of all the people I suspect, he is the least likely."

"No Huangfu Junyi opened his mouth and said when he was silent in Jingkun: "the Weisi people are all ambitious, just like the original Gongye. When you go to the imperial city to find me, do you think that he is bloodthirsty for the sake of his superior position?"

"What does the old master mean?" Jingkun thought

"Only dogs that can't bark are the most biting." Huangfu Junyi's eyes were calm and wise. He said, "send someone to look at Yamamoto's four fields. Although other people's animals are harmless, the more such a person is, we should be more careful. Who knows whether he has been hiding himself for many years and then gaining momentum with one blow?"

After thinking about it for a while, Jingkun felt that there was some truth: "wait, I'll arrange it."

Huangfu Junyi stretched out his hand to catch a fallen plum blossom and said, "who is in doubt?"

"Miyano can be basically removed, when the warship shelled that ship, he was destined to live with Chu Feng forever." Jingkun was approved to speak again: "so people like Miyano will check themselves first. Now we are the people who want Chu Feng to die, so Miyano is the second one."

"Although he was the chief of a country, he could not bear the Revenge of the Chu wind."

Huangfu Junyi crushed the plum blossom in his hand: "in addition to your analysis, it should be possible to hide Chu wind?"

"Snow Mountain has the possibility of hiding." Jingkun was silent and spat out a sentence: "even if Gongye wants to go there, he has to hand in the worship card in advance. If Chu Feng really hides there, no one dares to do anything."

Huangfu Junyi's eyes burst into Li Mang, and his body was full of fighting spirit: "he is really possible. If Wes has personal justice, it's him. And Chu Feng's talent can really attract his attention. Send someone to send me a post. It's time for me to meet this old friend."

"Whether Chu Feng is there or not, it's worth my visit. There are not many old friends."

"Yes Jingkun has not seen that man, but he has been with Huangfu Junyi for decades, and he knows who it is: "in addition, there are only two forces left who have no one to investigate in Weiss. The other forces, the royal family, the official and even the plum blossom club have ways to investigate and exclude them."

"Little Weiss, crouching tiger, hidden dragon!" Huangfu Junyi sneered: "which two forces?""Because of historical reasons, Hanhuang Nanliu family is not a top power in Weiss, but because of its particularity, no one will find it uncomfortable." Jingkun told all the things that had been checked in the past two days: "there is another one, even if it is the Royal tripartite alliance together, I don't dare to check it, which is also the most likely one."

Huangfu Junyi's eyes cooled down: "which force?"

"The Rothschild family!" Jingkun said a name calmly, and when Huangfu Junyi's breath stopped, he added: "Weiss, in order to develop in Wenzhou calmly, Meihua club will not be oppressed by all parties for the sake of Wenzhou development. In order to rise up, the royal family has given the Rothschild family absolute convenience.

Although the main force of the Rothschild family is not in Weiss, they have absolute freedom, and they only need to show their identity. They can go to all places, even the snow mountain, as long as they are informed. "

"According to where?" Huangfu Junyi suppressed the fluctuation in his heart and opened his mouth in a deep voice.

Jingkun took out a stack of photos from his body and said, "this is a picture passed on by the literati to the young master. Qing of the Rothschild family is currently in the holy pilgrimage, and lives in fengteng garden. There are rumors that she worshipped Chu Feng as her teacher. Qing herself knows the culture of the holy Dynasty very well, and respecting teachers and valuing the way is better than many of the pilgrims."

After that, Jingkun did not go on, but Huangfu Junyi had guessed vaguely. Looking at the photos in his hand, Huangfu Junyi said plainly: "tell Huangfu to ask the sky, the Rothschild family is worth our cooperation. He has so many sons, let him choose a person who is well-educated to contact with Qing."

"I don't care what kind of way, but before I go back to the holy court, Qing must be a woman of my Huangfu family."

Jingkun nodded: "understand!"

"Besides!" After a pause, Huangfu Junyi gently waved his finger and said, "Yamamoto's four fields are watched by people. I'll go to investigate the snow mountain myself. The Nanliu family and Chu Feng in the cold and wasteland never die. They want to kill Chu Feng more than we do, and we don't need to waste our hands."

After seeing Huangfu Junyi finish, Jingkun didn't go on. He opened his mouth carefully: "where is the Rothschild family?"

"Say it again!" Huangfu Junyi shook his head and revealed a bit of helplessness: "although our Huangfu family has a thousand years of history, it is still far from the world's giant Rothschild family. Moving our fingers can break us to pieces. When we make sure that there is no one in several forces, we can find a way."

"In any case, if we do this this this time, it is impossible for Chu Feng to leave Weis and return to the holy pilgrimage, or it will be the beginning of our Huangfu family's nightmare."

Jingkun nodded his head and left the backyard silently. Although he was the sixth most powerful person in the black list, he knew very well where he came from today. Without Huangfu Junyi's cultivation, there would be no Jingkun today.

"The new year is coming. Do you want to spend it in a foreign country?" The backyard fell into calm, and the snowflakes fell unconsciously. Huangfu Junyi was cold and helpless: "I hope my feeling is wrong!"

"Less wind, come out!"

At the same time, in the building under Liu's banner, catkins rushed into Chu Feng's room with a notebook, but immediately turned around and blushed, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!"

Chu Feng's hand was stiff there. He felt that this moment was very humiliating. Usually anyone would knock on the door. He could not imagine that he would run in without knocking on the catkins door. He looked down at himself holding his head and holding it there as if appreciating. Chu Feng had the meaning of falling into the ice cellar.

The willow catkins with her back to Chu Feng was red, and she guessed secretly that little wind must have been a woman for a long time, so what do you want to do?

Soon Chu Feng got dressed, and the embarrassment on his face was forced to disperse. Originally, he just got up and found that something was wrong. The color seemed to have turned black a lot after contacting women. Just as soon as he was ready to watch carefully, he was seen. It was still catkins. His old face was hot and said, "what's the matter?"

Catkins turned around with her small mouth, and the blush on her face still did not disperse. She put her laptop on the desk and said unnaturally, "you asked me to unlock Prince Xinzi's mobile phone, which has been untied, so I came to look for you. I haven't seen it yet!"

"I don't want to show you!"

Chu Feng turned his eyes. I'm not embarrassed to be seen. You blush and mumble to open the unlocking content. Click open a folder. It's a video. Just after opening Chu Feng's eyes, he widens his eyes: "Damn, Xinzi loves this?"

Willow catkins are also big eyes, but the feeling is not the same as Chu Feng. Pointing to the picture on the video, she said: "the wind is less, this is yurenhuang Shao, and the female is Miyazaki beauty!"

Chu Feng originally did not care, but heard the catkins words directly burst out the vulgar: "rely on, Yuren excellent ah!"

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