Super Healer

Chapter 533

At more than nine o'clock in the evening, a car slowly left Liu's building. The driver was Liu Zhixin. Looking at Chu Feng, who was sitting next to him, wearing sunglasses and combing his hair, he looked like a bodyguard. He didn't know if his disguise was too deep, although there was no water in my investigation

Chu Feng is playing with the mobile phone in his hand. In the past two days, he has recuperated his body and recovered 50% of his peak strength. Few ordinary people can survive. What's more, his current identity is Liu Zhixin's Bodyguard: "I'm not in a hurry. I'm just going to make sure."

"At first, I wanted to find a breakthrough point in Yamamoto's four fields, but I don't need it now."

Thinking of what she saw after cracking catkins, Chu Feng's eyes were full of fun. Her mobile phone was Xinzi's, but there was no redundant information. It was just a few files, but the content contained in it was powerful.

Liu Zhiye always asked, "why don't you want to see the light wind?"

"You see it, not me!"

Chu Feng shook hands, the mobile phone has disappeared in his palm. He took off the sunglasses and rubbed his eyes. Wearing sunglasses on such a night is still a little inconvenient. He said faintly: "I just want to confirm some things, yes or no, I can plan for the next time."

Liu Zhixin scattered the idea of inquiry, and Chu Feng met for a period of time, she can not understand the last minute, never know what Chu Feng wants to do: "then why don't you take people, do you think I can protect you?"

"Don't worry. I don't want to die. No one can kill me."

Murong Bing was secretly following him, and Chu Feng didn't need to worry too much. Leaning on his chair, he looked forward to a restaurant in ancient times, which was like a restaurant in the Tang Dynasty: "it seems that this mountain is still alive and moist."

"Indeed, I envy them." Liu Zhixin was successfully distracted by Chu Feng's attention. She looked at the plum blossom restaurant where she could be seen. She chuckled and said: "in the life of Yamamoto, that is, wine and beauty. Money and power do not seem to have much attraction to him. According to his words, there is wine at present and drunk today."

"Some people say that Yamamoto shiye doesn't know when he will die and enjoy himself in time."

"Pragmatism." Chu Feng broke a word, but a certain idea in the heart affirmed two points.

Liu Zhixin nodded and didn't speak any more. She drove directly outside the plum blossom restaurant. She got out of the car and took Chu Feng into the restaurant. There was also some business contact between the Liushi in Hanhuang and the plum blossom club. All these things were in the charge of Yamamoto's four fields. So Liu Zhixin asked him to meet him and was not bald.

"Although Yamamoto Shino seems to be a man who doesn't seem to be doing his job, that's how his connections are strong." When taking the stairs, stagger the rest of the people, Liu Zhixin's final account of Chu Feng: "if you want to start with him, it's better to change a place for another time."

"Otherwise, if something happens, I can't hide you."

Chu Feng's left eye has seen the situation in a room on the third floor. He laughs and says, "don't worry, I'm here to play soy sauce tonight."

Although Chu Feng seems to be very sure, Liu Zhixin is not at ease after all. She sends out a message in her pocket with her left hand. She always needs to be a little bit behind her. Otherwise, Chu Feng will lose her mind and the Nanliu family will be dragged into the whirlpool by him.

Subtle movements should not have been noticed, but Chu Feng's left eye is clearly seen, but this is human nature, Chu Feng completely as do not know.


Just after they appeared on the third floor, two men in black stood in the way. Their tone was not polite, but they were not very sharp either: "this place has been contracted. You should drink, eat and have fun some other day."

Chu Feng's eyes were more than three points of fun, looking at two men in black with more qualities than other members of plum blossom club. What kind of master, what kind of person!

"I'm Liu Zhixin of the Nanliu family in the cold desert."

In the face of obstruction, Liu Zhixin didn't have much embarrassment and anger. She showed her great demeanor and said: "I've made an appointment with Mr. Yamamoto and Mr. Shino here tonight. Please let me know. This is my business card!"

The man in black on the left took the business card from Liu Zhixin's hand. Seeing the photo of Liu Zhixin, he didn't immediately let him pass. Instead, he picked up the walkie talkie and said, "wait a minute!"

Liu Zhixin frowned. It seemed that she was not happy to be blocked, but she could still suppress her anger. Chu Feng was playing with her in her heart. I'm afraid that the guards of Chunyuan taro are not so serious?

Soon, a tall woman with curly hair came along and clearly recognized Liu Zhixin. She arrived before the voice of her voice: "Liu, you are late!"

"China and the United States are sorry. Wang Du is in a traffic jam and is five minutes late." Liu Zhixin smiles back a way.

China and the United States put up a smile, but there is also a strong expression: "we Wes people are chronists, but read in Liu is the first time, Weiss do not understand the prosperity of the Wangdu, go out early, but we also hope this is the last time."

Liu Zhixin mouth, but think of the Chu wind account, no contending relative back way: "nature!"Liu Zhixin, the first strange woman in the south of the cold desert, was so polite to herself. The United States and China were more than three points proud, slightly straightening the body, and the clothes were almost broken: "please!"

Out of two steps to think of what, looking back at Chu Feng: "who is he?"

"Although it is Mr. Yamamoto, I need a companion, too?" Liu Zhixin secret way vigilant woman, the face does not change the way.

"Companion?" China and the United States repeated Liu Zhixin's words with a noncommittal smile. They glanced at Chu Feng, who was straight, wearing sunglasses and combing her hair. Then she fixed her frame and said, "it seems that Liu is not a lonely person, but also a person with great vision."

Chu Feng eyebrows stir, the eyes of China and the United States to see where unbridled, how he can not clear, just as do not know.

As a strange woman, Liu Zhixin's ability to observe words and expressions also saw the color in the eyes of China and the United States. She said with a smile: "here and there, we can have a communication with each other when we have time."

"Liufeng, a southerner from the cold desert, the name of the holy Dynasty, interesting!" China and the United States nodded slightly, not anxious to lead Liu Zhixin in, but walked to the front of Chu Feng, looking at Chu Feng wearing sunglasses, and said steadily, "take off your glasses, I'll have a look!"

Liu Zhixin frowned and tensed up. Although the photo of Chu Feng was not released, it was not a secret in some people's eyes.

But Chu Feng didn't have much fluctuation. He just stood there with a little more smile on his face and said: "Liu, your bodyguard, it's really interesting!"

"He only listens to me." Liu Zhixin looked at Chu Feng's silent and motionless appearance and knew the implied meaning: "Liu Feng, answer the words of China and the United States."

Chu wind slightly raised his head, a heroic spirit sent out, that is human temperament, can not hide: "I want to maintain a bit of mystery."

"What if I had to ask you to take it off?" China and the United States are more and more interested, a look of indomitable, standing behind Liu Zhixin eyes condensed.

"You're Liu's partner, only once!" Chu Feng takes a smile from the corners of his mouth. He slowly takes off his sunglasses and prevents anyone from recognizing him before he comes out. Chu Feng asks catkins to deal with him a little. If he is not a very familiar person, he can't recognize him at all.

Liu Zhixin although also know, but the face still maintains a three-point contour, she does not want to appear any accident.

"How handsome China and the United States looked at Chu Feng equally for a while, whispered out a word, then suddenly took a step forward, body close to Chu Feng, whispered: "brother, what do you think of me?" At the same time, a hand down is accurate, the eye also skims a different color, still have inexplicable blazing heat.

Brother? You are older than me!

"What an honest fellow. I'm so excited." After blowing breath in Chu Feng's ear, he turned around and took Liu Zhixin's shoulder, as if nothing had happened before: "Liu, when I went to the south of the cold desert before, why didn't you introduce me like this?"

"I've been there three times, and I've been alone for a month."

"Next time, I'll let him play with you all over Hancheng." Liu Zhixin is very clear about the character of China and the United States. As the spokesperson of Yamamoto's four fields, she is almost the same kind of person as Yamamoto's. When Chu Feng was not recognized, she was ridiculed by three points. I can only succeed by pushing backward. Do you deserve it?

"Young master Yamamoto, here comes Liu!" At the door of the box, China and the United States released Liu Zhixin's hand, opened the door and opened the door to respectfully open the door. There was no fierce and warm feeling when we started outside. It was a kind of humility.

Chufeng's eyes under the sunglasses are a little more fun. Yamamoto shiye doesn't do a good job. But from the beginning to now, chufeng sees that the quality of his men is much higher than that of chunyuantaro!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

A hearty laugh came from inside. A man with a handsome face of a seven cent Weiss popular boy came over, showing his dandy color with a smile: "I heard that Liu Zhixin, the first strange woman in the south of Hanhuang, was beautiful. At first, I thought it was exaggerated, but today I saw it, it was not true."

When Liu Zhixin wanted to respond politely, Yamamoto's four fielders waved and said: "China and the United States, take Liu's bodyguard to the next door for a rest. I want to talk about life and ideals with Liu. She reminds me of her who once married Yu renhuang Shao."

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