Super Healer

Chapter 534


In the next room where Liu Zhixin and Yamamoto Siye met, China and the United States poured a glass of red wine for themselves and chufeng. Looking at Chu Feng, who had been wearing sunglasses, he was full of interest: "don't deny it. I know you are curious about why Yamamoto is so passionate about Miss Liu!"

Both Chinese and American words are so straightforward that Chu Feng does not deny that he said, "yes, but I am more curious about the relationship between the current imperial concubine and Yamamoto."

"It doesn't matter. If you insist on it, Mr. Yamamoto once pursued the imperial concubine."

The United States and China sipped a mouthful of red wine, and said in a quiet voice: "it's just that the imperial concubine was born in a famous family. Although it has been broken, young master Yamamoto can't reach him. Finally, he watched his beloved woman join the royal family and become emperor Shaofei. That is to say, from that time on, Yamamoto was more depressed than ever before."

"Every day, he changes different women, models, actresses, some powerful families, beauties from all over the world. There are not a thousand or eight hundred women who have experienced under the master Yamamoto. But we all know that he just takes those women as a tool to vent his anger."

Chu Feng clearly nodded, did not expect to have such a thing, the eyes under sunglasses a little more fun, dispirited?

"Brother, do you have a girlfriend?"

At this time, China and the United States suddenly held Chu Feng's hand, intentionally or unintentionally. In addition, the hand that put down the wine cup had a downward trend, but was blocked by Chu Feng: "why, don't tell me, you'd better stay here?"

Chu Feng took a deep breath and stood up. China and the United States are not the best, but they are tall and moving. They are charming: "I am working!"

China and the United States were stunned, and a meaningful smile appeared and said, "are you working or don't look up to me?"

Looking at China and the United States, who are not inferior to men, Chu Feng said without expression: "it's not that miss Zhongmei is not attractive enough, nor are you unattractive, working hours are inconvenient!"

"Is it?"

Chu Feng felt the loneliness of China and the United States, and there was a trace of helpless anger. He put his hand around the waist of China and the United States and said, "why embarrass yourself and leave when you want to leave. Why do you force yourself to do something you don't want to do?"

In the eyes of China and the United States, it seems that Chu Feng can see through his mind and be surprised, but only for a short time to recover calm. Looking at the hand in his arms, he said with a smile: "are you afraid your hand will be cut off? Although I am a little warm to you, it doesn't mean you can be so warm to me

Close to sniff the taste of the woman's body, Chu Feng light mouth: "you really only follow Yamamoto young master?"

"What can I get if I cheat you a little bodyguard?" It's very rare that China and the United States suddenly become short of breath. She doesn't know how she is interested in a small bodyguard today, but Chu Feng always has an indescribable smell that attracts her.

Chu Feng's mouth slightly cocked and released China and the United States. His left eye had told him something. He edited a message and sent it quietly. He found that the woman in front of him might be a pawn in his hand, because she had hatred.

Seeing Chu Feng go back and sit down without saying anything, China and the United States also turn around and sit down on the other side. Although she wants to do whatever she wants like other women, she knows that it doesn't matter if she has a relationship with others, Yamamoto shiye will destroy her.

The box fell into silence, Chu Feng sipped the red wine, and his left eye was always observing the things next door. Liu Zhixin and Yamamoto Siye didn't know what they were talking about, but what was certain was that Yamamoto's four fields wanted to throw Liu Zhixin to bed.

When Chu Feng was looking at the next room, Mei Mei, who didn't know his left eye ability, also sat and watched him. Occasionally, he looked at the wall. It was a plum blossom landscape painting. But what attracted her more was that Chu Feng kept silent and sipped the red wine quietly, which had an indistinct flavor.

"Miss Liu, it is said that you are not married and have never been in love?"

Next door, Yamamoto's four fields are full of wine and vegetables. She looks at Liu Zhixin without moving her eyes. She says, "if you are in the world for a long time, it is the king's way to have fun in time. Otherwise, you may not see the rising sun any more and regret not enjoying life. Don't you feel regret?"

Liu Zhixin frowned slightly, a little uncomfortable with Yamamoto's four fields, but she didn't know Chu Feng's plan. She was still polite: "Mr. Yamamoto, you can talk to me."

"The beautiful woman requests, must say clearly."

Yamamoto and Ono chuckled, picked up a glass of wine and began to open his mouth: "people live a lifetime and make contributions. If you don't leave a little footprint in the world, you can't avoid regret and earn everything, but you haven't enjoyed anything. It's also a pity. Miss Liu can listen to my personal thoughts, or you can forget them."

Liu Zhixin's red lips opened and said: "luck goes against the sky, but luck is not enough!"

"Not bad!" Yamamoto nodded and continued: "so as a person, on the road of pursuit, we should enjoy it constantly. In the end, whether it is success or failure, at least we have enjoyed it. Just like that general, we only know that the war is forgetting enjoyment, and we only know we regret when we die."Liu Zhixin nodded with approval, but there were many doubts in her heart. She did not open her mouth: "it seems that Mr. Yamamoto is such a person. What he lives is free and easy!"

Yamamoto's smile was meaningful: "because I don't know when I will be the same as the general, so of course I should enjoy myself in time."

Like the general?

Liu Zhixin eyebrows stir, Yamamoto four fields this sentence contains two meanings, like the general did not have pleasure to die, or like that general, standing on the top of the peak, did not have pleasure to die?

Deep in the eyes of Yamamoto four field scan, Liu Zhixin suddenly some tendency Chu Feng said.

"I have a villa in Wangdu, which hides good wine from all over the world."

As Liu Zhixin's thoughts whirled around, Yamamoto put down his chopsticks and opened his mouth: "I wonder if Miss Liu is interested in having a cup with me and having a romantic love affair with me?"

Liu Zhixin secretly burst the vulgar words, too direct!

Just like the rumors outside, Yamamoto has never covered up his needs, and Liu Zhixin is not good at abusing him for his shamelessness, but nodded politely: "thank you for Mr. Yamamoto's appreciation, but I don't want to consider these things for the moment, and I'm just a woman. It's unrealistic for peak to say to me."

"So pleasure and unhappiness are of little value to me."

Liu Zhixin's refusal, Yamamoto four fields did not show anything unhappy, just a warm smile: "this matter to your love, I wish is good, Miss Liu refused to matter, I look forward to one day Miss Liu want to open, I can become your first man."

"There's a chance." Liu Zhixin scolded the best in his heart and said with a smile: "in addition, I think of something else. After drinking this cup of wine, I'll see you next time."

Yamamoto Siye nodded slightly, raised the glass in his hand and drank it out. But his eyes never left Liu Zhixin's body. His breath was slightly heavy.

"See you next time, Mr. Yamamoto." Liu Zhixin didn't want to waste the extra time. She stood up and politely said a turn. She just walked out two steps and felt her head was a little dizzy and her body was a little restless.

Yamamoto Siye drank his third glass of wine and said with a smile: "Miss Liu, did you ever hear that Miyano's niece was drugged by me half a year ago?"

Liu Zhixin spirit of a shock back, this thing she naturally know, shocked to cover his head to see Yamamoto asked: "you?"

Yamamoto shiye put down his glass, stood up and went to Liu Zhixin's original seat, picked up the bottle of wine on the table top and said with a smile: "once I didn't grasp the opportunity to waste the woman I love most in my life. Since then, I told myself that the woman I like, no matter who she is, can't run away, even if it's the royal family."

Looking at the flushed and angry Liu Zhixin, Yamamoto shiye put down the bottle of wine, picked up a paper towel to wipe his mouth, and will continue to say: "so Miss Liu doesn't have to wait for later. Although you are the first lady of Nanliu family in the cold desert, I believe that the benefit is enough for me to go to you once."

Showing ferocity, Yamamoto shiye walked toward Liu Zhixin, but the door was kicked open with a bang. Yamamoto stopped and looked at the door. He saw that China and the United States were apologetic, and then looked at the Chu wind which had no fluctuation. He said with regret: "is it God's will again?"

Chu Feng approached Liu Zhixin and picked her up. She took a light look at Yamamoto's four fields and turned to leave the box. Today, he has got what he needs. There is no need to stay. But he is also surprised at Yamamoto's boldness. Liu Zhixin dares to take the medicine directly.

China and the United States looked at the back of the departure, a little bit lost. Looking back at Yamamoto's four fields, he bowed 90 degrees and said, "I'm sorry, I can't stop him."

"It doesn't matter. Everything goes with it." Yamamoto shiye waved and sat down, looked at the bottle of wine, took it up and threw it to Zhongmei and said, "send this bottle of wine to jijijimyo and see her bring it to me after she drinks it. If you can't bring anyone this time, you don't want to come back!"

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