Super Healer

Chapter 56

Night falls, Longquan villa!

The gathering of the police academy officially started at 12:00 p.m. and most of the people had already left by 5:00 p.m. now that everyone is on their posts, it is really rare that they can spare a day to get together in Jianghai.

Of course, the purpose of such a gathering is to let some people benefit from each other. After all, the graduates from the police academy are more or less the backbone of the police force in some areas, and some are even the top leaders of the criminal investigation team.

Under such circumstances, many people can still get in touch with each other for the sake of their own future or for the sake of many retreats in the future. When they leave, many people look very satisfied.

However, when some people left, others did not leave for the time being. When they were close to parting, Jingde said that it was rare for us to see each other once. Maybe this time it was a matter of several years. So at the end of the day, nearly 100 people who were not so busy chose to stay. Under the arrangement of Jingde, they went to a famous mountain villa.

Longquan villa covers an area of more than 500 mu. Although it is only on the edge of the river and sea, it can be seen that the owner is extraordinary after taking such a piece of land. However, the main reason for us to play here is to have fun, and no one will go to investigate who is the owner behind the villa. It can be said that it is a tacit understanding.

Although Jingde worked in the Imperial City, he still knew a lot of people in Jianghai Police Academy for three years. He took a villa as the venue for the evening party just by phone. Now in the garden, a lot of drinks have been placed and people have been specially invited to cook.

We're going to have a good night.

Although Liu Yan was temporarily suspended from duty by the criminal investigation team for a period of time, she didn't want to come to such a party because there was no need to drink and chat. Moreover, she drank too much that day, and she still has lingering fear.

But Guo Meimei is strangely pestering her. Liu Yan can only follow her helplessly. Of course, the people who come also have Chu Feng!

"It's not easy for us to get to know each other once in a lifetime. It's a great fate to have a drink together!"

As the initiator of the party, Jingde held up the wine glass and opened his mouth in a loud voice. He did not feel embarrassed when he was defeated by Chu Feng: "so, let's hold up our glasses here and have a good drink. I wish our friendship will last forever."

Although many people sneer at Jingde's words, it does not hinder everyone's enthusiasm for him at the moment. All of them hold up their glasses in response. Chu Feng and Liu Yan also raise them gently, but they are not as dry as everyone else!

With a glass of wine in Jingde, the atmosphere of the scene began to liven up. We drank together in groups, looking for each other's circle and people who were useful to them. Of course, some men would be around a woman. Such a party is often the best time for old acquaintances to break shoes.

Liu Yan is surrounded by no one, only Guo Meimei alone. Chu Feng sits in front of the barbecue stand on one side, drinking a bottle of beer that doesn't taste much alcohol in his hand. He feels that there is nothing to communicate with these people.

"Chu Feng!"

When Chu Feng was drinking carelessly and waiting for the end of the boring party, Jingde came with several people, and his face was full of sincere smile: "we don't know each other, and you picked our original school flowers. Our hearts are very uncomfortable, so we should punish you for drinking with us!"

Jingde's attitude at the moment is sincere and sincere, which makes people feel a very real feeling, but Chu Feng doesn't have much flattering look, because the Jingde he sees in his left eye is covered with a layer of black, which is a bad idea!

But Jingde likes to pretend at the moment, and Chu Feng doesn't say anything. He raises his glass and says, "I can't drink. I'll take a sip from myself." Said directly into the mouth of a mouthful of wine, but there is not much taste, smack tongue, the feeling is still in the classic blue when the kind of high liquor is interesting.

But Chu Feng's expression fell in the eyes of Jingde and others, but he was unable to drink. Zhang Degang seemed to know what he was going to do and generally jumped out: "take a drink from yourself. What's this? As a man, how do you want to drink a lot. Why don't we change to a white bar?"

"That's right!"

Jingde, a clever fellow in the dark, immediately said to the service staff of the villa, "go and carry me some cases of Maotai. Our brother will not come back tonight if he is drunk."

Chu Feng frowned. He didn't want to drink with these people at all, but they seemed to want to intoxicate himself. Thinking of this, Chu Feng's face was a little helpless. Liu Yan, Liu Yan, for you, I was completely hated by others.

The situation here was soon discovered by others. Seeing that Jingde was there with people and Chu Feng, he had a lot of fun in his eyes. We all know that Jingde must still be uncomfortable with the things in the daytime today. Now it seems that he is going to ask for justice in the wine market!

Liu Yan and Guo Meimei also came over. The former frowned slightly: "Chu Feng is still young. It's not suitable to drink liquor. You can drink it yourself!""Elder martial sister, that's not what you said."

He felt that he had found a good way to make chufeng look ugly. How could Zhang Degang let go: "he must be a man who can be a master sister. He must be very strong in all aspects, but two liang liquor is nothing. I think chufeng brothers, that's a thousand cups of wine!"

"That is to say, chufeng brothers are people who can drink." The rest of the people who followed Jingde echoed, but they didn't think much of it in their eyes. Drinking is something that needs to be exercised. The boy has never had a drink. He has to smack his tongue after drinking a beer just now, and the white wine is not killing him?

"Yan Yan, let the men go by themselves. I'll compare with you. You and I haven't drunk for a long time." When Liu Yan wanted to say something, Guo Meimei directly pulled her to one side. Two hours ago, she had received a call from her boss, and she became the acting captain.

Liu Yan knows that Jingde has already started to operate, so she naturally needs to do something. Moreover, looking at Jingde, how can Liu Yan not know what they are thinking?

Soon, the service staff carried several cases of liquor, and Chu Feng took a light look at it. Maotai, which is in its fifties, seems to be almost meaningless compared with the liquor he used to drink. Are these guys having brain problems? Why do they always like to look for abuse?

But Chu Feng's look fell in Jingde's eyes, which was timid. He coughed: "that chufeng, to be honest, I used to be Yan Yan's pursuer, but now she's with you, I can't help it. Today's shooting and fighting are not as good as you. Let me find a little bit of it on this wine ground?"

Chufeng said that he didn't really want to drink, not because he didn't like drinking, but because he had to drink with the right people to have fun. Drinking with such a group of people was called waste.

Seeing Chu Feng's silence, Jingde was immediately pleased, thinking that Chu Feng could not drink liquor, so he had such an expression: "why, don't you give face?"

"Compared with you, that is to give face?" Chu Feng stood up and knew that some things could not be avoided. He took a breath: "if so, how about I give up?"

The grudges between the two are already deep. Chu Feng doesn't want to intensify the conflict. After all, Jingde is the one who controls the real power. No matter how strong the chufeng is, it will not win.

Chu Feng is more like this, Jingde more do not want to let him go, black face: "how, do not agree?" Then he directly lifted a box of Maotai and tore it open. There were six bottles in total: "how about two bottles for you and four bottles for me?"

Chu Feng took a deep breath and looked at Jingde's appearance: "OK!" Then Chu Feng directly picked up two bottles and opened them directly and put them on his mouth. The two bottles drank together. That kind of crazy state immediately made all people feel a lump in their hearts. Is Jingde going to lose again?

Two bottles of wine soon completely into Chu Feng's stomach, a wine burp looked at Jingde: "to you!"

Jingde is really stupid at the moment. His drinking capacity is more than two bottles, and he said such words on the basis of chufeng's inability to drink. However, Chu Feng actually drank two bottles at a time. Isn't he really going to kill four bottles in one breath?

While Jingde was hesitating, Chu Feng was shaking his body and directly sat down on his feet, shaking his head: "good dizziness!"

Jingde seems to have caught a life-saving straw, pointing to chufeng: "Zhang Degang, that Chu wind is no longer good, hurry to send him to rest, remember, to the best room."

Zhang Degang and others immediately saw Jingde's abacus, that is, those who want to borrow the opportunity do not drink, but have not approached, but Chu Feng raised his head, as if drunk, pointing to Jingde: "your four bottles!"

Jingde looks stiff, in the dark, you bastard are drunk like this, and you still think about me, cruel enough!

However, Jingde is also a smart man. He opens a bottle of Maotai directly, but he drinks slowly. His eyes are also watching Chu Feng. He is still reciting in his heart that he should fall down quickly and quickly!

Chu Feng sneered in his heart. Two bottles of Maotai with more than 50 degrees are just a pediatrician to him. He just doesn't want to be too shocking. So he looks like this. He looks drunk and looks at Jingde drinking there. Until he drinks one bottle and opens the second bottle, there is no fall in Jingde's imagination.

Although Jingde drinks very slowly, it will be finished after all. In the dark, does the wine come slowly? This boy still can hold on. He thinks that Jingde slowly drinks the second bottle, and he already feels the burning pain in his stomach. He used to drink more than two bottles slowly. When is that fast?

But Chu Feng watched with his eyes open, and there were so many people around him. Jingde finally forced himself to open the third bottle. Just as the third bottle was just delivered to his mouth, Jingde vomited out with a whiff of wine, and immediately felt humiliated.

And Chu Feng also at this time a wine burp fainted in the past, but in the heart is sneer repeatedly, I am drunk, but you are drunk vomit!

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