Super Healer

Chapter 57

"This bastard, he will pull me up when he dies. He should have died drunk."

At 11:00 p.m., the scene where the doctor came to wake up immediately had been comfortable for more than two hours. He said with a cruel look and looked at Zhang Degang: "have you arranged the things you have done?"

"No problem, it's all arranged!" Zhang Degang knew what Jingde was going to do and made a gesture: "that guy I just went to see it again. The wine was fumigated. The two bottles of wine were strong. It is not estimated that they will wake up tomorrow morning, and maybe even stomach bleeding may not be necessary."

Hearing Chu wind may stomach bleeding, Jingde cruel look eased some: "then good, in addition to Liu Yan?"

"The elder martial sister and Guo Meimei are on the first floor. As you tell me, I arrange Chu Feng on the second floor. There are no people around them, and there will be no movement or quiet." Zhang Degang's face showed a very man's smile: "it is just a pity to sacrifice Guo Meimei. Although the woman is a little bit demon, she is still heard of it."

"There is no pity that such a woman only values benefits, and it is difficult for you to hold her hand without enough benefits." Jingde shook his head directly, and the voice was stern: "so you don't tangle with anything, because even if you fight for a lifetime, you can't catch up with this woman."

"So for women who can't catch up with, we should try our best to extract their value."

Zhang Degang's smile is naturally in favor of Jingde's statement, but it is painful to think about Guo Meimei and other things to do. However, it will help him and Jingde to do bad things together when he thinks of success.

"Cheap that stinky boy, but defiled the police officers, or the acting captain of Guangzhou, this boy is waiting for the bottom of the prison to wear!" Jingde felt her stomach, feeling a little comfortable: "then Liu Yan, the smelly woman who is not known to raise, will come to me, and see if I will not torture her well."

What then came to mind and said to the people around us: "should we have any women here before?"

"Yes, but here?" Zhang Degang knew immediately what Jingde said, and a smile on his face was also revealed. The latter looked at it: "most of them went to other places and wanted to do nothing good, but they couldn't be here. I contacted the villa next door. I went with you and asked the people here to send the best ladies."

"Wait a minute, I'll arrange it. Here is Chu Feng?" Zhang Degang is also very excited at the moment, especially when he thinks Guo Meimei will be arched out of his heart, but he still thinks about the most important thing.

Jingde looked back at the downstairs and sneered: "no hurry, it's only 11:00 now. Guo Meimei has not been up. We will come back at threeorfour, and Guo Mei yells that we will rush up. The boy can't wash it even if he jumps into the Yellow River."

Zhang Degang nodded in succession, and then took out the phone to arrange the things Jingde told. After a few minutes, the two left the villa to the next door in the evening. Fifteen minutes later, a van stopped outside the villa, and seven women with flowers and branches came down on the bus and entered the villa next door directly.

Just after 12 o'clock, all people have been sleeping early because of the reasons for drinking too much. At this moment, the room door where Liu Yan and Guo Meimei are located open, a slim and healthy figure walked out of the room with a light hand and foot, and then walked towards the stairs, and soon reached the door of a room on the second floor.

Guo Meimei looked around, and then posted it at the door to listen. As a police officer, her basic investigative ability was still available. She heard the uniform breathing sound in the room vaguely, and judged that the people in the room had fallen asleep with a high probability.

There was a key in his hand. This is the key that Zhang just gave her. It was the key of Chu Feng's room. He gently slipped into the key hole, opened the door a few times, looked at both sides carefully, and walked in and closed the door.

With the faint colored lights in the room, Guo Meimei saw Chu Feng lying in bed and slept steadily. She walked and sat by the bed. A hand passed over Chu Feng's face: "I don't know if you are lucky or unfortunate, but it is lucky to get my body. Unfortunately, you will go to jail after you get it."

Feeling a sentence, Guo Meimei stood up, gently faded the pajamas, suddenly revealed the body of the body, and suddenly came to Chu Feng's room, then climbed to bed with a light hand and feet, and there was an unnatural red color on her face.

Looking at the Chu wind with a clear face, Guo Meimei is completely facing Chu Feng at the moment, but he is not touched: "when I touch the guy who will still have chicken skin, how can it possibly have a relationship with Yan Yan, so I will not suffer from it!"

Then slowly lowered her head. Although Guo Meimei was very open outside, she was very conservative. She could sacrifice her body, but she had to sacrifice valuable. So this is her first time. She naturally wants to slowly come. Even if there is interest, she doesn't want to leave regret for herself.

Just in her mouth to touch Chu wind lips, originally even breathing deep sleep Chu wind suddenly opened eyes: "do you want to do?"Guo Meimei, who is a little nervous in her heart at the moment, feels her body sluggish. She looks at Chu Feng in her eyes in surprise. She is a bit at a loss. The whole body is stiff there. Isn't Jingde saying that he is drunk and knows nothing about it? How come now it seems that there is nothing?

But it was just a moment of Leng Shen, Guo Meimei was suddenly pressed up, no matter what the results are good, she had to rely on Chu Feng, directly kiss Chu Feng's mouth: "don't ask me what I want to do, you just need to lie down!"

Chufeng's body became stiff. He had never met such a thing. Even on that day, Liu Yan just held it for a night. At this moment, he suddenly felt that his brain could not control his hands and feet.

When Guo Meimei saw that Chu Feng didn't push herself away, she felt a little smile in her heart. After all, she was still a young man of high blood. How could she bear to come up against her like this?

Because Chu Feng didn't resist, Guo Meimei became more and more fiery. At the end of the day, Chu Feng suddenly turned over and pressed Guo Meimei under her body. She looked at the woman whose body was red and breathed heavily: "why did you do that?"

Guo Meimei gave a smile and put her hands around Chu Feng's neck. Her voice was sweet and greasy: "I've been fighting with Yan Yan for everything since school, but she's always holding me down. I'm not convinced about this. With your performance today, I find myself very interested in you and want to wear a small hat for Yan Yan."

"Don't worry, I just satisfy myself that I haven't won Yan Yan's heart. I won't entangle you with anything, and I won't tell anyone."

"Is it?" The depth of Chu Feng's eyes flashed a faint playfulness. If it wasn't for her left eye to see the color of deception, Chu Feng would really believe what Guo Meimei said, but at the moment, she was destined not to believe it. She looked down at her delicate body, which could make ordinary men spurt blood. The look in Chu Feng's eyes slowly recovered her calm.

"Come on, take me!" Guo Meimei, who didn't notice Chu Feng's expression, loosened Chu Feng's neck. She was lying on the bed in a big font, looking like you were cutting her.

Chu Feng raised a smile and raised Guo Meimei's chin with one hand: "if it's in the rest of the environment, meeting a charming woman like you and your identity as a police officer, I don't mind going to a romantic scene, but tonight is doomed to fail, because it will bring disaster to me."

Guo Meimei's heart was stunned, but her face was full of resentment: "I said I didn't tell Yan Yan where the disaster came from. When the matter is over, you go your way and I go my way. You are in Jianghai and I'm in Guangzhou. Where's the trouble? Now everyone is sleeping!"

"Have a good rest. You'll be fine tomorrow morning." Chu Feng pulled a blanket over Guo Meimei's body. She walked to the balcony, sat on the hanging chair and looked at the distance. Tonight was doomed to be a bad night.

"Help, indecent!"

At this time, Guo Meimei cried out when she couldn't move her strength. The calm Chu Feng looked stunned, and finally knew what she was wrong about. That is, she ignored the reason why Guo Meimei did it, but it was too late.

In the villa nearby, Jingde, who has just entered a young lady's body, hears the cry, but is more excited: "I thought it would take three or four hours. I didn't expect Liu Yan's man to be so rubbish. I guess it will not work until the beginning."

Because he explained that Guo Meimei had a relationship with Chu Feng, he firmly believed that Guo Meimei must have done that. After all, the attempted indecent police officer was different from the crime already committed.

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