Super Healer

Chapter 58

The lights of the villa are all turned on with Guo Meimei's cry. People who are half asleep and half awake are confused about the meaning of the situation, but then they react and quickly rush out of their room and run towards the second floor.

"Meimei, what's the matter with you?"

Although Liu Yan drank a lot this evening, she was the first person to react after Guo Meimei's call sounded. She quickly went up to the second floor and kicked the door open with one foot. She saw Guo Meimei, who was paralyzed and covered with quilts on the bed.

"Yan Yan!" Guo Meimei immediately shed tears, as if she had been greatly wronged: "Chu Feng, Chu Feng, he, Wuwu

Before she finished speaking, Guo Meimei's voice rang through the whole villa. Some people who didn't follow up came to the door of the room and saw the uneven covered by the blanket. Her eyes flashed a look of fun. Maybe she guessed something. She looked at Chu Feng with a banter in her eyes. This guy is really brave enough!

"Don't move me, Chu Feng, this scoundrel, has no strength at all."

Seeing Liu Yan coming to help herself, Guo Meimei quickly made a voice, a very aggrieved look, in fact, she is now naked, if you do not carefully pull the blanket, it will be completely exposed in front of people, that face is really lost.

When Liu Yan nodded, everyone was more curious and could not get up. Why was there no movement? Was Chu Feng covering her mouth, and it seemed that there was only such a possibility. The eyes of people looking at Guo Meimei were full of sympathy, especially those who coveted Guo Meimei, and their hearts were filled with anger.

But Liu Yan stood in front of them, and could not turn to be that person.

"Do you want to do me wrong once?" Chu Feng has been sitting there peacefully since the beginning of shock. At the moment, she just stood up and looked at Liu Yan who was walking towards her step by step: "if I told you that I didn't do anything to her, she came up on her own, do you believe it?"

Liu Yan is not a vase. Although she is a little tiger, it doesn't mean she is really stupid. When she came in just now, she thought Guo Meimei was stained by the Chu wind. She just saw the pajamas on the ground and became more sober. If Chu Feng really wanted to do something, how could the pajamas still be so intact?

The most important thing is, this is on the second floor. If Chu Feng brought Guo Meimei up on the first floor, it would not be so quiet. Of course, the most important thing is that Guo's bed is too neat!

Seeing Liu Yan blinking at himself, Chu Feng knew that Liu Yan believed in himself, so he shut up and looked at the others with a cold look in his eyes. Those people standing at the door immediately felt that they were being watched by a poisonous snake, and all of them subconsciously stepped back.

"You go out, Guo Meimei needs to dress!"

Chu Feng said coldly, Guo Meimei was stimulated by her own gold needle and lost her ability to move. We can't see that, but if you wait for a lot of people, it will be exposed, and she is really speechless.

Liu Yan also looked back at those people: "go out!"

Although those people are not happy, but Liu Yan opened his mouth or quickly quit to close the door. Some people were surprised that Jingde did not appear. I believe he would be very happy to suppress Chu Feng. This is an absolutely great opportunity!

After everyone went out, Chu Feng went to the bedside and lifted the blanket on Guo Meimei's body. Two fingers merged in Guo Meimei's armpit and poked: "get up, or your play can't go on."

Guo Meimei's body suddenly moved. Her tears stopped. She realized that she was still naked. She quickly picked up her pajamas on the floor, which made the whole room short of spring.

"What's going on?"

At this time, the door of the room opened again, and Jingde took the lead to walk in with Zhang Degang. Seeing Guo Meimei's tears still, she immediately showed her concern: "Meimei, what's the matter with you?"

Guo Meimei is curious about why chufeng is still so calm at this time, but it has already been. She always wants to continue: "chufeng, he is a rascal to me!"

"What, how dare you attack Meimei, you rascal

Zhang Degang suddenly jumped up as if he had been stabbed by something, and seemed to be very angry about going to attack Chu Feng: "bastard, Meimei is the acting captain of Guangzhou, a group police officer. You even treat her as a scoundrel. Do you want to die?"

"Is that enough?" Chu Feng had insight into everything when Guo Meimei screamed, so he didn't worry at the moment. After carefully sweeping Jingde, he looked at Guo Meimei: "how did I bring you to the second floor?"

Guo Meimei was stunned and finally realized that she had made a mistake just now. She should not let Chu Feng let her move. But she sobbed and said, "I drink too much. It's convenient to get up in the middle of the night, but I was beaten from the back. When I wake up, you will be on me. How do you think I got up?"

Jingde timely stood up, a pair of selfless appearance: "Chu wind, beauty has already pointed out you, what else do you have to say?" Looking at Liu Yan standing in the back: "although you are Yan Yan's man, but the son of heaven committed the same crime as the common people. The victims of this matter are there, and there are so many witnesses, Yan Yan can't protect you.""Why should I have the courage to protect me? Can innocence exist? "

Chu Feng sat on the bed and patted the bed gently: "you only believe in one side of the story, but it's reasonable, but you are all policemen, and the basic investigation ability is also there. You don't wonder why Guo Meimei's clothes and this bed are so neat?"

With these words, Chu Feng pointed to the bed of the bed, or neatly folded there: "of course you can also say that Guo Meimei fainted, so there was no struggle, so I think it is the same."

Chufeng is not an idiot, right? If there is such evidence, how can he deny it himself?

Chu Feng stood up and looked at Guo Meimei, who looked unnatural: "I just wonder if Guo Meimei doesn't wear shoes when she goes to the bathroom. Is the bathroom clean? Or is it to walk without any movement? "

When everyone looked at the floor of the room and didn't see any extra shoes, Chu Feng patted his mouth as if he was a little sleepy: "of course, these are not important, but do you forget that there are two cameras in the hall of the villa? Why don't you go and check whether I carried her up or she came up by herself? "


People look stunned when they hear the speech. Is there a camera in this villa? It seems that they didn't pay attention to this, but it seems that Chu Feng's appearance seems to be true. Everyone looks at Guo Meimei again. Does she come up by herself.

"Zhang Degang, where are you going?" At this time, Liu Yan suddenly opened his mouth. Everyone's eyes were on Zhang Degang. The latter slowly retreated, as if to go out: "now such things happen, do you still have private affairs?"

"No, I just want to make it convenient." Zhang Degang's face was frozen, and his words were a little hesitant.

"Well, this matter still needs to be investigated, you several control Chu Feng temporarily."

Jingde just winked at Zhang Degang to see if there was a real camera. If it was, he would find the deletion. But seeing what Liu Yan seemed to have caught, he decided to directly get chufeng: "the rest of the people don't leave the villa. I'm calling the Jianghai criminal investigation team to deal with this matter. After all, we are all in the rest time."

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. There is no camera in this villa. Otherwise, who dares to come to Longquan villa? What he said just now is just to confirm what he thinks in his heart. Now he is sure that Jingde has something to do with this evening.

In his heart, he tried to cover up and then went away. Looking at Jingde, who was commanding everything there, Chu Feng looked at Guo Meimei: "are you sure I'm really strong. Raped you? "

Guo Meimei looked a little dodgy, but still nodded, chufeng chuckled and shook his head: "I hope you won't regret it, wait a moment!"

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