Super Healer

Chapter 59

At this time, everyone saw that Chu Feng still said such words. All of them should be cooked ducks with a hard mouth. Three people went up to control chufeng, but Liu Yan frowned. The key to this matter is Guo Meimei. If she doesn't let go, Chu Feng will be investigated.

Moreover, Liu Yan believes that the investigation has come to the end. It is certain that Chu Feng has defiled Guo Meimei, and there will be no second result.

When the three people were about to control the Chu wind, what sound suddenly sounded in the dark night. Everyone's eyes subconsciously looked out, and suddenly looked strange. At the moment, there were three armed helicopters circling in the distant night. Although they could not see it, they could already hear that sound.

Jingde looks stunned. How can armed helicopters arrive so late in the dark? And it seems that the target location is still here. He waved: "you guys stay and watch the Chu wind. In addition, I'll calm down Meimei's mood. I'll take a look at the situation."

Then, without waiting for everyone to say anything, he went out directly and walked down the stairs. Then he looked into the hall, looked carefully at it, and then sneered. It was really cheating us. Otherwise, I would be surprised. I didn't know that these cameras were installed here before.

After the possibility of having a camera, Jingde is more confident about the accusation of Chu Feng tonight. Looking at the three armed helicopters that have been slowly circling down, Jingde decides to go out and see what happens first.

The arrival of the armed helicopter did not cause much fluctuation. After all, everyone had fallen asleep at night, and dozens of them came out of Jingde.

Everyone looked at the three armed helicopters curiously, and then their bodies were shocked. It turned out that they were the exclusive helicopters of the imperial guards. All the people who could be mobilized must be big men. Jingde straightened up in an instant. He didn't know who it was, but he could be a big one.

A cabin door opened, and a man in his twenties jumped down directly from the top. The whole man was dressed in a police uniform. He only saw the bar on his shoulder. Everyone didn't believe his eyes, but Jingde seemed to see a ghost. At the next moment, he saluted directly: "Vice Minister Zhou!"

Zhou Jingxing, 25 years old, has solved many serious crimes since he entered the police system at the age of 18. Now he has become one of the three vice ministers of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Chinese government, and has a great power. The most important thing is that he is also the eldest grandson of the red Zhou family in the imperial city. His background also accounts for a part of the reason why he can get to this position today.

However, it was good anyway. Seeing Zhou Jingxing, Jingde was only respectful, because all of their Jing family so far came from Zhou family.

"Jingde, why are you here?" When Zhou Jingxing saw that someone knew him, he was surprised that he was rarely seen on TV and that some people knew him. However, he saw that it was Jingde. He suddenly understood: "as the leader of the criminal police of the Imperial City criminal investigation team, he didn't do well in his post. What did he do when he ran away from Jianghai? It was very leisure, wasn't he?"

Jingde felt his heart beat faster, but still said in a low voice: "I came to Jianghai to attend the gathering of police school students, and I will return to my post tomorrow."


Zhou Jingxing nodded slightly and looked at a beautiful woman on and off the helicopter: "heart language, the person you said is here?"

Su Xinyu looked in front of dozens of people, did not see the person he was looking for, took out the phone to contact someone, and then hung up the phone: "it's really here."

Zhou Jingxing nodded and looked at Jingde: "is there a man named Chu Feng here?"

Chu Feng?

Everyone is a Leng, in the middle of the night, three armed helicopters are out to find Chu Feng. What's going on? Seeing that Jingde was so awed by Zhou Jingxing, Zhang Degang felt that it was an opportunity for performance and pointed to the villa behind him: "that is strong. The criminal who raped the police is on the second floor, under our control

"Strong. Traitor? Or police officers? " Originally, Zhou Jingxing was stunned when he heard the speech and looked at Su Xinyu beside him, but the latter shook his head. Zhou Jingxing's face suddenly cooled down: "what's going on?"

"That, that, he!" Zhou Jingxing's high-ranking momentum is Zhang Degang can bear. There are cold sweats on his forehead, and his words are not clear.

"Let's go in and have a look. There must be some misunderstanding." Although Su Xinyu doesn't know Chu Feng very well, she probably knows what kind of person he is, a teenager with amazing medical skills. Does he need to do such a thing?

Zhou Jingxing nodded his head to disperse his anger. He followed Su Xinyu with four guards. However, one helicopter did not open the cabin door all the time, and all the guards on and off the other helicopter were standing around the helicopter, which made everyone curious.

"Miss Su, long time no see." Chu Feng's left eye just now knew that Su Xinyu was coming, so he said something that let Guo Meimei not regret, so he didn't mean to worry.

But Chu Feng's understatement in Guo Meimei and Jingde and other people's hearts is a fierce stimulation, the dark end, just when Zhou Jingxing came in, Guo Meimei had already recognized who he was, so at the moment only thought Chu Feng might know Zhou Jingxing.Some regret in the heart, I said that Yan Yan how can find an ordinary man, all blame themselves.

"What's going on? Why do they say that?" Su Xinyu ignored other people's eyes, just looked at Chu Feng sitting on the bed: "you won't really be?"

"Do you think I am?" Chu Feng smiles and looks at Guo Meimei, then looks at Jingde: "actually, what I want to say is that I don't know. It happened in the middle of the night. Maybe you can ask Miss Guo and Mr. Jingde."

Zhou Jingxing's eyes narrowed slightly, examining Chu Feng, feeling different breath, and then moved his eyes to Jingde: "what's going on?"

Jingde secretly said that this time it's really over. Why don't you check out the identity of this jerk?

"Vice Minister Zhou, I was just joking." Guo Meimei began to be nervous, but later she calmed down and took a look at Chu Feng. What was the status of this jerk? However, she put more eyes on Zhou Jingxing, and her voice was soft: "but I didn't expect that everyone reacted so much."

"So, it's just a misunderstanding. Chu Feng didn't do anything to me."

Zhou Jingxing looked at Guo Meimei, who was in her pajamas, and then moved her eyes to Chu Feng: "the matter has been solved. Are you Chu Feng?"

Chu Feng looked at Guo Meimei with a little appreciation. This woman was not simple. She just thought of a solution at once. However, Chu Feng would not expose anything. I believe that after tonight's event, Jingde will swallow up even if she still has resentment.

He stood up and looked at Zhou Jingxing, who was full of righteousness. Chu Feng didn't know him: "not bad!"

"Come with me!" Zhou Jingxing looks at chufeng with two points of doubt in his eyes. However, Su Xinyu has repeatedly assured him that he also chooses to believe it once. Moreover, he has investigated the affairs of Jianghai hospital before coming. At this moment, he has five points of confidence in chufeng. The final five points depend on whether chufeng can succeed.

"Has no one told you that I am not going far?"

Chu Feng took a look at Su Xinyu beside him, and then calmly met Zhou Jingxing's eyes, which made people around him beat. This bastard was really bold. He dared to talk to Zhou Jingxing like this, but Liu Yan opened his mouth slightly. How did Chu Feng know Vice Minister Zhou.

This is my boss's superior several levels!

"Somebody, please come with us, Mr. Chu!" Zhou Jingxing's eyes narrowed slightly. Suddenly, he turned and walked toward the outside. Suddenly, two guards came over. Chu Feng's mouth lifted up a smile. Su Xinyu's heart felt a lump: "stop it!"

Then he walked over and took Chu Feng's arm: "let's go?" Then, taking advantage of Chu Feng's stiff expression, she dragged her way out. Liu Yan hesitated for a moment and finally followed her.

"Don't you play like that?" In the garden, Chu Feng came back to his senses and shook his head with a bitter smile. Suddenly, a goddess took your arm and changed it into any grass root.

"Get on that helicopter!" Su Xinyu is referring to the helicopter that slowly opens the hatch, and then pulls Chu Feng directly up. It seems that there is no room for discussion.

"Are you?" Zhou Jingxing just wanted to get on the plane to leave after seeing Chu Feng. However, he saw Liu Yan standing there at a loss. The latter pointed to chufeng: "I am his girlfriend!"

Zhou Jingxing suddenly nodded and jumped on the helicopter: "then you also come up!" Liu Yan's face was tight, and she felt uneasy. This was the Vice Minister of criminal investigation and his super boss, but she nodded and followed up.

"Who is that Chu Feng?" At the moment, a group of people were standing in the garden, looking at the helicopter circling away. Zhang Degang nono said to himself, "and the helicopter he went up to, I saw an old man sitting on it. How can I feel a little familiar?"

"Bastard, you want to die?"

Jingde felt his whole body was wet with cold sweat at the moment. Hearing Zhang Degang's words, he punched him in the head: "do you dare to say that man is an old man, who is that? Do you know?"

Pointing to the sky: "Zhou tianchu, one of the seven big men in the Chinese dynasty, is the top figure in the two departments of the security department and the criminal investigation department, and the owner of the red Zhou family. You say he is an old man and doesn't know him. You don't want to live?"

Zhang Degang felt pain when he touched his head, but when he heard Jingde's words, he sat on the ground with soft legs and a burst of fear: "my God, it's good that we didn't go too far with Chu Feng. This guy even knew Mr. Zhou!"

When everyone is in a complicated mood, Guo Meimei looks at the departure direction of the helicopter, which only sees a little light in the distance. A meaningful smile passes through her mouth. It seems that she is more powerful than Jingde!

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