Super Healer

Chapter 60

Jianghai military hospital, standing 500 meters away from the municipal building, is not open to the public. It is only open to government personnel, military personnel, or their families. Not all the people who can live here are either rich or expensive. However, if it is not for the people who serve the country, it is impossible to come in.

At three o'clock in the morning, the military hospital tonight is a bit heavier than before. Soldiers and police with guns can be seen everywhere. There are garrisons on all floors of the hospital, which seems to protect something important.

Outside an operating room on the seventh floor, there were many people standing there, either anxious or silent, or walking back and forth, but everyone did not make too much noise, as if they were worried about the impact on anyone.

In the operating room, Su Xinyu stood beside her in a nurse's uniform, with a little doubt: "it's been an hour, why don't you move?"

Chufeng was taken away from Longquan villa by them, and directly came to Jianghai army hospital, and the first time into the operating room, but now has come in for an hour, Chu Feng is still sitting there without moving, do not know what is thinking.

"Old man, do you feel sleepy now?"

Chu Feng didn't answer Su Xinyu's words. He just looked at the old man lying on the operating bed. Zhou tianchu, the head of the Zhou family, was one of the seven big men. Chu Feng came out of the mountain village. Naturally, he didn't know who the man was. He only regarded him as a patient of his own.

Su Xinyu rolled his eyes, a little dissatisfied with chufeng's neglect of himself, but he also looked at Zhou tianchu. I wonder if he would be angry. Chu Feng didn't make a move for an hour.

Although Zhou tianchu looks old, there is still a light in his eyes that people dare not despise. However, at the moment, he is very calm: "I am old, and because of years of work, this point is basically half asleep, and now this situation, how can I fall asleep?"

"It seems that you are very busy, but no matter how busy you are, you need to rest."

Although Chu Feng didn't know the identity of the old man in front of him, he could feel a sense of oppression: "now it seems that it is impossible to wait for you to fall asleep. Then I have to use some special methods to let you have a good rest and take care of your affairs. I have to go to work tomorrow."

Zhou tianchu smiles and nods and closes his eyes. At his age, he can see a lot of things. It's good to be good, but it doesn't matter if it's not.

Chu Feng stood up, followed by a gold needle in his hand, quickly and incomparably toward Zhou tianchu's head. Next to the temple, Zhou tianchu, who had a rough breath, slowly breathed evenly and seemed to be slowly sleeping in the past.

"He is too tired, his body is overloaded operation, but also suffered heavy damage, can persist until now is good."

Chu Feng looks at Zhou tianchu, who has been in a coma on the operating table. Chu Feng is confident that he will not wake up even if he has opened his stomach for Zhou tianchu. In this era of narcotic drugs, chufeng naturally knows how amazing this skill is. But facing an old man like Zhou tianchu, the anesthetic will only make his body worse.

So Chu Feng directly anesthetized Zhou tianchu's body with a gold needle, which made him fall into a deep sleep. At this time, thunder could not make the old man wake up.

"His identity should be not simple, how can he wrestle to make the whole waist bone brittle?"

Chu Feng slowly faded Zhou tianchu's clothes, but his voice was very insipid: "know this situation, and then hold on for ten days and a half months, he will completely die?"

"No way?" Although Su Xinyu shocked chufeng, he even let Zhou tianchu sleep at once, but he was still curious about what he said: "every day, there are top doctors to treat Zhou Lao. They all say that Zhou's condition will not deteriorate, but if you want to get better, it's not as serious as you said, right?"

"Do you know what an expert is?" Chu Feng just laughed it off and turned Zhou tianchu's body back to the sky: "the old man's brittle injury is really under control, but also because the brittle lumbar bone affects the rest of the nerves, do you know what a one-time outbreak is?"

Playing with Zhou tianchu, chufeng stood up straight and looked at Su Xinyu, who showed doubts: "the brittle waist bone is like a lead wire. The old man's body is the buried explosive, hidden in every corner of his body. When he is in good health, these things do not exist, but now the injury has taken away most of his energy, and those hidden dangers have burst out."

"He has serious insomnia and spinal problems. He has a lot of minor ailments and pains, but he should have taken strong painkillers, so when all these problems break out, he will surely die."

Blinking at Su Xinyu, who was shocked on her face, she said, "so those top doctors and experts just focus on serious injuries, but ignore these minor problems. But if the small problems add up to a certain degree, they are no less than cancer, understand?"

Su Xinyu's face turned red. She was several years older than Chu Feng. But now Chu Feng talks to her in a tone that the elder teaches the younger generation. Her expression is a bit unnatural: "anyway, you can cure it. If you can't cure it, then I can't atone even if I'm dead!""It seems that the old man's injury today has a lot to do with you."

Chu Feng shook his head. He didn't have much interest in Su Xinyu. Maybe it was because everyone was far away from each other: "as long as he appeared in front of me, I would cure him, but I can't guarantee the result, but it should be better than now. You should reflect on it, because if the old man dies, you are a sinner."

Su Xinyu looks sluggish and feels a little guilty. She and Ma Qiduo and Zhang Yuner are nurses of the national medical hall. Although they just go in for exercise, they are also good nurses.

They themselves are responsible for taking care of Zhou tianchu, but one night, the three people went out to race the night before and did not have a good rest. In the middle of the night, Zhou tianchu wanted to drink water. As a result, he fell down and directly caused the fracture of his waist and could not stand up.

They were supposed to be thrown into the Imperial City prison, but because of Zhou tianchu's plea, the three were eventually sent to Jianghai hospital as nurses to learn how to take care of them, which is punishment!

At first, there were still some complaints, but now Su Xinyu is very lucky. If she had not been thrown to Jianghai hospital, she would not have seen Chu Feng. If she had not seen Chu Feng, then all the minor problems broke out and took Zhou tianchu's life. Zhou Jingxing must have buried them. Think about Su Xinyu, she is afraid and her eyes are full of expectation.

Chu Feng didn't look at Su Xinyu's eyes. He flashed out three gold needles and quickly fell on Zhou tianchu's acupoints, slowing down his blood flow. In this way, he would not worry about massive bleeding during the operation. Now Zhou tianchu is half dead!

When the gold needle fell, Chu Feng picked up the scalpel and whirled out a knife flower in his hand. When Su Xinyu covered his small mouth, he directly crossed Zhou tianchu's back. Su Xinyu was not calm: "what are you doing? Why didn't you say it earlier? Now I'm alone here, how can I help you, and how can you?"

Chu Feng suddenly turns around, and her eyes sweep Su Xinyu. When the latter's body is stiff and shut up, the scalpel in chufeng's hand directly and quickly cuts across Zhou tianchu's back, and soon reveals the position of his back bone. Su Xinyu, who was afraid to mention it, was stunned.

Because she saw Zhou tianchu's fragile place, there was a layer of black bone, but when she was in the national medical hall, it didn't seem to show?

But think about what she seems to understand, it must be that the experts are worried that Zhou tianchu is too old, so they just rely on medicine to recuperate, and there is no other good way to do it. However, looking at the dark appearance, Su Xinyu felt a burst of guilt, and her bones were blackened. It seems that she was hurt badly.

"Bone marrow necrosis, black bone, poor man!"

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and his heart was angry with the expert. As long as a serious examination can be found, he even let an old man bear the pain of osteonecrosis. Look at the cracked lumbar bone, the black on the top, which is the color of bone marrow necrosis. At this moment, the bone marrow is estimated to be stinky.

Hesitated for a moment, chufeng put down the scalpel in his hand and turned to the door. Su Xinyu was curious, but did not say anything. After a while, chufeng came back with Zhou Jingxing and picked up another clean scalpel: "how do you feel if you want to put some blood on you?"

Zhou Jingxing had been waiting anxiously outside. He was called in by Chu Feng. At the moment, he was surprised to see Zhou tianchu's back. He looked very surprised: "what's wrong with my grandfather?"

"Scrape bones and heal wounds!" Chufeng was playing with the scalpel, and his words were calm. He seemed to be saying an extremely common thing: "part of his bone marrow has become necrotic. I will transplant some of his body's things to regenerate bone marrow, but the old man's blood has lost vitality, and you are his grandson, you know."

Zhou Jingxing looked at Zhou tianchu lying on the bed at the moment, with a gold needle in his head. His eyes narrowed slightly and looked at Su Xinyu: "I hope you are right. Otherwise, don't blame me." Then directly stretched out his hand, Chu wind without a polite knife, with the blood bag ready to live.

More than three hours later, he put down a needle. Chu Feng took a towel from Su Xinyu, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and looked at Zhou tianchu after the wound was sutured: "give him a proper amount of nutrient solution. After five days, I will pull out the needle for him. During this period, no one should approach him."

Then he left the ward directly, bone marrow regeneration, bone suture, wasted a lot of energy!

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