Super Healer

Chapter 61

"How's my grandfather?"

I am worried about the situation of my grandfather's leaving the hospital. Why is there any time for him to leave the hospital

Chu Feng slightly frowned, but also can understand Zhou Jingxing's anxiety: "other people's gold needle may have chemical reaction, but you can rest assured that mine is absolutely OK."

"Xiao Feng, this is Vice Minister Zhou!" Liu Yan, who is next to him, sees Chu Feng talking to Zhou Jingxing like this. He looks a little worried. This is a high-ranking figure. He can pinch a dead man with one finger.

"In my eyes, he is also a human being."

Chu Feng naturally knew that the person in front of him was not simple, but for him, it was just a person: "anyway, I'll leave my words here. I'll come here in a few days. You don't have to worry about me running away, because you can easily find me and know that I'm in Longquan villa. Where do I go, it seems you don't need to worry?"

Zhou Jingxing does know that Chu Feng's words are reasonable, but he needs to be careful after all: "it's just a few days, so please stay here for a few days, my grandfather, I'll send you away."

"So if your grandfather doesn't wake up, are you going to kill me?"

Although Zhou Jingxing did not say, but Chu Feng still knew his potential meaning and shook his head gently: "just I want to leave, can you block me?"

Zhou Jingxing's face sank, and no one had ever dared to talk to him like this. He raised his hand, and immediately several guards came up, completely blocking the way Chu Feng might go out.

Chu Feng just laughed at this. If it wasn't for his left eye to see Zhou Jingxing's body without color, he would have directly put down his hands now, because what he hates most in this life is those who bite the hand that feeds him: "it seems that you really don't want me to leave, so I'm not polite!"


When Chu Feng was about to break through by force, Su Xinyu, who caught up with him, cried out and looked at Zhou Jingxing: "if you believe me, let him leave. If it's really not possible, I'll be with him these days. Now we are asking for help. If you imprison people like this, you can't help but feel cold."

"It's not about the three of you." Zhou Jingxing snorted coldly. He seemed to have a very general opinion on Su Xinyu, but he still waved to the guard to retreat: "but you said that. I'll wait a few more days. If my grandfather doesn't wake up by then, don't blame me for being cruel."

Cold left a word, Zhou Jingxing went to the operating room, he wanted to arrange people to look after the ward around, although for Chu Feng young hold doubts, just do not believe, also can only temporarily choose to believe.

"I'm sorry, he's just like this because of Zhou Lao. Usually he's a good talker." Su Xinyu shows an apologetic look to Chu Feng.

"Don't follow me!"

Chu Feng didn't communicate with Su Xinyu more. She just dropped a word and pulled Liu Yan to leave directly. The latter hesitated to see the direction of the operating room, but still kept up with Chu Feng, because what she left now can only increase Zhou Jingxing's resentment.

"Xiao Feng, can you cure?" Outside the hospital, Liu Yan and Chu Feng walked to one side. The former thought of what happened last night and looked at Chu Feng: "and I'll treat old Zhou. You're amazing. It's something that Chinese medicine can do."

"You can worship me, but don't fall in love with me."

Chu Feng knew that these things could not hide Liu Yan. Why did Zhou Jingxing take Liu Yan with him: "and yesterday I helped you finish your work. Today I remember to fulfill your promise. As for now, I'll give you a chance to invite me to have breakfast. It's a small reward."

"Stingy!" See Chu wind did not say with their own meaning, Liu Yan slightly Du mouth.

When they were still bickering, a BMW stopped directly beside them, and the window dropped to reveal Su Xinyu's beautiful face: "get in the car. After a busy night, it's time to have some breakfast!"

"Miss Su!" Liu Yan doesn't know Su Xinyu's identity, but seeing that she can talk to Zhou Jingxing, she is certainly not an ordinary person. She said politely that she was not the mean woman when she was with Chu Feng: "how interesting, what we eat is not necessarily suitable for you."

"Jianghai university has heard that things are good. I have been to Jianghai for some time and haven't tried it. How about vice captain Liu taking me to have a try?"

Su Xinyu gently smile, generous and decent, revealing a noble and elegant beauty: "and I did not say, street food I can not eat ah!"

"Really, I haven't been there for a long time, just together." Liu Yan heard Su Xinyu's words, eyes a bright, subconsciously added the lower lip: "Xiaofeng, go!"

Chu Feng, look at Liu Yan, who came here? Won't he be so snobbish?

"What are you looking at? If you don't go, I'll tell your little aunt that you last night, hum!" Liu Yan sees Chu Feng does not speak, direct mouth threat, this has been tried and tested."You cow

Chu Feng really didn't want to go, but Liu Yan said that he couldn't help it. They didn't go back last night. Lin Yulin must have thought a lot. If Liu Yan went to add fuel, I don't know when the relationship between them will be the same.

Su Xinyu secretly smiles. It seems that Chu Feng is afraid of his little aunt. When they get on the car, they step on the accelerator directly, and the car goes directly to Jianghai University.

"Elder martial brother, it has been found out that the chufeng is a peasant from the countryside."

At the same time, in Longquan villa, Jingde, who had not slept for a night, sat in the hall. Because of what happened last night, many people left all night. At the moment, just a few people are here, which can be regarded as a good relationship with Jingde. However, Zhang Degang came in from the outside with a smile on his face: "any one of us will abuse him."

Jingde saw that Chu Feng was taken away by Zhou Jingxing last night. He was terrified. He was afraid that he would do something to himself. So he asked Zhang Degang to investigate. He took the information that Zhang Degang found out and sneered: "it turned out that it was an orphan who was adopted. I thought it was the offspring of some big crocodile."

Just when he was about to say something, Jingde's eyes were slightly condensed and he raised a photo in his hand: "who is this man?"

Zhang Degang looked at it, and his eyes were straight. Then he looked at the information in Jingde's hand and compared the photo: "this man's name is Lin Yulin, the sister of Chu Feng's adoptive mother. At present, she is the Secretary of general manager of Shengyuan security company, that is, the aunt of Chu Feng!"

"It turned out to be her little aunt. What a beautiful woman she is!" Jingde nodded and looked at Lin Yulin in the photo. Deep greed flashed in his eyes, and finally raised a smile: "Chu Feng was taken away by Zhou Jingxing. No matter what the reason is, it is not easy. These materials may have been changed. We should be careful after all."

"In addition, through the relationship between the river and the sea, I have a plan."

Zhang Degang seems to know what Jingde wants to do, thumbs up to him, and then quickly arranges these things. Guo Meimei, who has not slept all night, comes over and is surprised to see the people in the photo. It seems that she has temperament!

"Meimei, although what happened last night failed, thanks to your alertness, I will finish what I promised you." Jingde looked at the photos in his hand and smelled a smell of fragrance before he thought of Guo Meimei: "it is certainly not easy for Chu Feng to leave with Zhou Lao in the same helicopter. I have a plan to cooperate with you."

"We'll do it both ways. If it's the same as I guess, then we'll take off together. If not, we won't lose anything."

When she said this, Jingde's eyes always looked at the people in the photo, and seemed reluctant to move it. Guo Meimei stood beside her. Although Jingde didn't elaborate on it, she had already guessed: "Heroes think alike!"

Jingde a Leng, and then laughed: "good!"

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