Super Healer

Chapter 62

Jianghai university is a top university in China.

Although it is still in the holiday period, and there are still a few days before the start of school, many students have begun to go back to school and walk around in twos and threes. Many shops outside the school have also opened. After a month's rest, they need to start normal business.

Su Xinyu drove a BMW and directly stopped in a small street opposite Jianghai University. It is a small street itself, but many shops, large and small, have been artificially transformed. As long as the school starts, it is always hot.

Cars like BMW are very common in Jianghai, but when you see people who open the door, it is an instant that everyone is attracted. In recent years, the word "beauty of fragrant car" has been continuously appearing on the major network sites and in many automobile exhibitions, which naturally has its lethality.

With the emergence of Su Xinyu, some grassroots boys all looked straight. They all saw the models of famous cars. But at the moment, they felt that compared with the one in front of them, it was the contrast between crow and little Phoenix.

Although the voice of throat movement is slight, it is unusual for many people to do so.

Liu Yan got off the bus from the other side. Many people rubbed their eyes and felt that they were not awake today?

"Asshole, it's too much. I want to break up with you, break up!"

Just at this time, a delicate drink broke the silence of the scene. A woman with the appearance of Sister Feng suddenly jumped up and slapped the man's face beside her: "can't I satisfy you? Last night I said I was the most beautiful flower in your heart. Now I look at other people's eyes and can't move. I tell you that my mother doesn't serve you."

Then he gave me another foot: "unless you promise to buy me that bag, otherwise, don't expect me to forgive you."

The man who was thrown a hand quickly stood up, covered his face and roared: "what nerve do you have?" After a pause, the voice became louder: "if you want to break up, it's no good. Then I'll break up with you. You're so kind as to say this to me. I don't want to look at my own weight. Go away. I won't serve you."

After that, she threw down a hundred yuan bill and left, as if she was angry. The woman was stunned for a moment, and then quickly caught up with her: "don't leave me. I don't do well. You can say I'll change it!"

"It's no use. You can't change it." The man walked in front of him without looking back. When he was three meters away from Su Xinyu, he suddenly stopped and pointed to them: "because you can't change them like this. Otherwise, don't say a bag with more than 1000 yuan, and I'll buy you 10000 yuan clothes."

Very natural and unrestrained left a word, the man completely left, the woman with tears, but that look really dare not describe.

Su Xinyu and Liu Yan are both stunned. They want to say that the man has no conscience, but the man's turn admits their charm. He wants to say that this woman is not. He starts with the man first, but she is now abandoned.

"You little three, if you don't lie in your father's arms, what's the wind coming out?" The weeping woman suddenly seemed to find a way to vent her anger. She ran towards Su Xinyu and her ten fingers pointed at their faces: "it's OK. It's just like that snow fairy."

"Go away!"

Liu Yan had a little sympathy for this woman, because she was dumped because she was ugly. But now she was a little different. She kicked her to the ground: "it's not your fault to be ugly, that's the reason of parents. But if you're ugly, it's your fault, OK?"

Then he opened the door directly and pulled Chu Feng down: "you bastard, you woman, I have been bullied by others. You even sit in the car, are you still not a man?"

That's what Chu Feng was afraid of. Although he had been prepared for a long time, when Su Xinyu got out of the car, he knew he couldn't go down. However, he was pulled down by Liu Yan. All of a sudden, he felt a lot of eyes looking at him, both envious and envious.

But more is to let Chu Feng feel as a pet watching, very uncomfortable.

"That's right. We almost got cut in the face and you're still in the car." Su Xinyu saw Liu Yan quietly winking at himself, as if to understand what general came to take Chu Feng's other side of the hand: "do you think we two disfigurement, you look for other women?"

When she said these words, Su Xinyu's face turned red unconsciously. She has always been a person who is very strict with herself, even in front of people she doesn't know. But now when she sees Liu Yan, she seems to want to straighten up Chu Feng. Her interest will come. Maybe it's good to relax herself occasionally.

Chu Feng is feeling that the water is in hot water. Originally, Liu Yan's arm in hand has already made many people's eyes cast a bleak look. Now Su Xinyu also comes out like this. Isn't that to kill herself completely by the eyes of the crowd?But before he could publish anything, he was carried to the street by two women. Chu Feng secretly said that his eyes could not kill people. Otherwise, he must have died many times.

"Here it is, Yaoji noodle shop. The beef noodles here are good."

Soon, the three of them were in the middle of the street under the gaze of many people. Liu Yan pointed to a small shop with seven or eight square meters, but there were many tables and chairs outside. At the moment, they were all full of people, but their eyes were all looking at Chu Feng.

"Welcome. What can I have for you? Is it you? " As soon as the three men were standing here, a girl came over. As soon as she was about to ask Chu Feng what they were eating, she saw Chu Feng, who was sandwiched between two women. Then a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes: "then we have no place. Please go to other places."

Chu Feng says secretly, isn't she here?

The girl who came out was actually Xia Wei's classmate Yao Qianxue. Chu Feng had seen Xia Wei's traditional Chinese medicine twice in total, but Yao Qianxue seemed to have a lot of problems with chufeng. She didn't pay attention to her first meeting, but her eyes were a bit wrong when she met her for the second time. How could she feel that she was an enemy when she met for the third time?

"You silly wench, where is not finished, clean out not to have a place?" At the scene, the atmosphere is not right. Su Xinyu and Liu Yan catch something to ponder. Looking at Chu Feng, a middle-aged woman comes out and takes a picture of Yao Qianxue. Then she enthusiastically says to Chu Feng and others, "that child is not sensible. Wait a minute, you will have a position."

Then he turned to look at Yao Qianxue, but showed a rebuke: "don't hurry to clean up, do you want to die of me?" Then chufeng and others are enthusiastic smile: "three are to eat beef noodles? Wait a minute. I'll get ready now

Yao Qianxue glared at Chu Feng and snorted coldly. She walked over to clean up the table, and then hummed: "go!"

"Xiao Feng, be honest. What have you done to other girls?"

Three people just sat down, Liu Yan on the gossip of Chu Feng in front of a look of interest: "you will not be back to me, eat it?"

"Who are you? I have to turn my back to you when I steal food?" Chu Feng white Liu Yan a look, this woman is not too deep into the play?

Then she looked at Yao Qianxue, who was busy. Was this noodle restaurant her home? She just saw Liu Yan's angry appearance and explained: "she is a friend of one of my friends. She is not very familiar. This meeting is only the third time!"

"Friends of friends, friends of what kind?" Liu Yan is a pair of broken casserole to ask the end of the appearance, lovely small mouth directly pout: "tell you, do not eat with your back to me, otherwise I will tell you little aunt, you cheat!"

Chu Feng looks at Liu Yan and breathes out. If Su Xinyu is not here, he must be talking to her.

"Yao Qianxue, snow fairy, I love you, be my girlfriend!"

Just before the three bowls of noodles were placed in front of Chu Feng, a voice came through the loudspeaker, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. Everyone looked outside. Yao Qianxue looked back and frowned: "crazy!"

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