Super Healer

Chapter 63

At the corner of the street, Mu Tianfei slowly walked towards it with a big bunch of red roses in his hand. In the other hand, he held a big trumpet, followed by dozens of people. Each of them held a sign, which said: Mu Tianfei loves Yao qianrao!

"What's going on? Who's nervous?"

The old middle-aged woman also ran out and yelled, but then she saw Mu Tianfei, who came by. After seeing the situation clearly, her face suddenly burst into a smile: "so it's master mu. Why did you come here today?"

"Hello, Auntie!" Mu Tianfei politely said hello to Mu Huanglian, and then looked at Yao Qianxue affectionately in his eyes: "today I came to find Xiaoxue specially. I want her to be my girlfriend, and I will love her for the rest of my life."

"It's good to come after Xiaoxue, OK, that's great!"

The smile on Mu Huanglian's face became more brilliant. She suddenly came back and took Yao Qianxue's hand: "Xiaoxue, you can see that master Mu has been pursuing you so many times, and he often takes care of our business. It can be seen that he really likes you, so you can promise him!"

"Mom Yao Qianxue knows that her mother is snobbish, and usually asks herself to find a rich boyfriend, but she has never been so direct. She even said it in front of so many people today.

"All right, don't be my father. You can follow master Mu!"

Mu Huanglian didn't listen to Yao Qianxue. She took her to the first hospital and said in a very low voice, "aren't you curious where I got the money to send your father to the first hospital? It's Mr. Mu who gave me 100000 yuan at one time. It's still in the early stage. If it's needed in the later stage, he will give it. "

Yao Qianxue seemed to understand something. She looked at Mu Huanglian in shock. Originally, Mu Huanglian told her that the money had been accumulated over the years. In addition, she asked her father and fellow villagers to collect the money. Yao Qianxue didn't doubt anything at first, but now it doesn't look like what she thinks.

"Xiaoxue, as a girlfriend, I love you!"

Mu Tianfei kneels down on one knee directly at the moment, with a sly smile in his eyes. He also knew that Yao Qianxue's father had an old problem when he fell down on the construction site and often suffered from physical pain. A few months ago, he couldn't stand up. His family's savings were emptied. Mu Tianfei thought of this way.

He chased Yao Qianxue for a school year, but failed. Yao Qianxue sometimes didn't even want to say a word to him, but now he was confident that he could catch up with Yao Qianxue.

Yao Qianxue stood there, feeling full of pain. Mu Huanglian looked at Mu Tianfei, who was kneeling on the ground, and pulled out a piece of things: "you promise him, otherwise, according to the terms I signed with him, I will not pay back within a month, and the interest is calculated according to the high interest rate, so we can't afford it at all."

"But if you can be his girlfriend, we don't have to pay back. In the future, your father's medical expenses will also be paid. How nice

Yao Qianxue felt her heart was so painful that her mother sold herself in such a way, and still couldn't refuse. Taking a deep breath, Yao Qianxue said faintly: "you gave birth to me and raised me. I will repay you. I won't let my father stand up."

She walked over and stood in front of Mu Tianfei. She struggled, but was finally crushed by the 100000 yuan and the follow-up medical expenses. Her hand trembled and took over Mu Tianfei's rose. In everyone's eyes, she was excited: "I promise you!"


Mu Tianfei is happy to stand up, want to embrace Yao Qianxue to express his happiness, but the latter is a timely step back, Mu Tianfei is stunned, but then disappear without trace, but in his heart is sneer, let you and I pretend, now you agree, I eat your chance will be less?

"Tell them to go away. We have to do business." Yao Qianxue felt the darkness of the future. After a cold voice, she turned to put the rose aside and started to do things directly. She didn't pay attention to anyone, as if all her emotions had been completely emptied just now.

"After that, I'll call you Xiaofei, Xiaoxue, this girl is not sensible, you don't want to see out!"

Mu Huanglian went to Mu Tianfei and said with a smile: "do you want to eat bowl noodles? Those who are busy with these things in the morning must have not eaten them yet?"

"No, I have something else to do. Come back this afternoon." Mu Tianfei understands that haste makes waste. If he is here now, he will only excite Yao Qianxue. He laughs and prepares to leave. However, he suddenly sees Chu Feng and his table. He is attracted by Su Xinyu and Liu Yan.

A little surprise flashed in her eyes, but then she took people away in silence. Mu Huanglian was smiling and watched them disappear at the intersection before going back to work in the shop.

"Why don't you help her?"

Liu Yan looked at Yao Qianxue, who was sitting on the side of washing dishes, and curiously approached Chu Feng's side: "aren't you related to others? You can see that she doesn't want to at all. You should stand out and rescue the beauty heroically.""Do you think my shoulders are broad?" Chu Feng patted himself on the shoulder and said calmly in Su Xinyu and Liu Yan's curious look: "it's not broad at all, and you don't want to express your opinions if you don't know the situation. The help in your eyes may be a kind of persecution in the eyes of others."

Just now Mu Huanglian turned her back to the public. She didn't know what she said to Yao Qianxue, but it didn't affect Chu Feng at all. He knew why Yao Qianxue was like this, but he also knew that he didn't have money. Of course, if he had money, he would certainly stand out. After all, he didn't want to see Yao Qianxue hurt by Mu Tianfei.

"Zhenxiang, will you come with me next time Twenty minutes later, three people finished the beef and walked outside. Liu Yan naturally took Chu Feng's arm: "don't refuse, otherwise I will tell you that you bully me."

Chu Feng stopped to look at the outside, gently shook his head: "how many disasters in the world?"

"Whose BMW is this?"

When Su Xinyu and Liu Yan were curious about Chu fenggan's inexplicable words, a dozen gangsters, headed by a broom head, walked over and patted Su Xinyu's BMW: "not bad. It's estimated to be 700000. Who's going to come out quickly, or we'll crash the car."

Su Xinyu frowned and went forward: "take your smelly hands from my car."

"Who is that big?" Broom head is usually arrogant in this area. Moreover, as a member of the Green Gang, he is not afraid of anyone. But when he was just about to show off Wang BA's spirit, his eyes could not move. The people who followed him were also dull and would not move their eyes: "damn Ba Zi, I haven't seen such a beautiful woman since I was so old!"

"Police sister, aren't you going out?" Chu Feng looks at the broom head where there is no one else. His eyes are playful, but she is more curious about Liu Yan. She looks like she is watching a good play.

"I'm suspended, don't you understand?"

Liu Yan looked at the front with interest on her face, and said, "and I also want to see what the Su Xinyu has in the end, and do you think those people can hurt her?"

Chu Feng shook his head and didn't bother to pay attention to these things. He just looked at the distance with a rather playful look.

"This guy, Xia Wei's small mouth I have not even kiss was gnawed by him, although it is acting, I will not let him look good." At the moment, in a car where Chu Feng looked over, Sun Li looked at the other side fiercely: "tell the broom head, take the two women of the boy away, and beat the boy before leaving."

The man sitting next to Sun Li is mu Tianfei, who has just confessed his success. When he saw Chu Feng, he called Sun Li for the first time. He also relied on his own relationship to find these people. The purpose was to help Sun Li express the tone of Xia Wei kissing Chu Feng when he was in the hospital.

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