Super Healer

Chapter 64

The broom head hung up a phone call and then slightly tilted. The two gangsters went directly to the Chu wind with clear goals. They also said carelessly, "what kind of thing, when the little white face can find such a good product, we can only find two fat ones, which is unreasonable."

"If we don't beat you, we won't feel comfortable."

Chufeng was glad that he didn't drink water. Otherwise, he would laugh. He knew that these people were mainly aiming at himself, but he didn't expect that all the excuses were saved, so he could attack himself in this way. It seems that the current hooligans are very unprofessional!

Only two thugs came to Su Xinyu's side, but she suddenly flew out with one foot. The two thugs immediately fell down again. Ouch, Su Xinyu's face suddenly became cold: "how can Jianghai be regarded as an international city? How can you be such a scum?"

"Oh, beautiful women can fight, but I don't know how to be in bed."

The broom head didn't expect that his two subordinates were kicked by Su Xinyu and turned over on the ground. They couldn't even climb up. Greedy eyes swept over the beautiful legs and waved his hand: "go up, play with the beauty well, but don't hurt it. Otherwise, brother Ke will be heartbroken."

Suddenly, more than ten gangsters walked away with a grim smile. Su Xinyu's look became more and more ugly. Her means to deal with five or six of them was no problem, but if there were more than ten people, it would be a little difficult.

"If you dress like this, don't stretch your legs too high." In Su Xinyu's heart, a little nervous, afraid of these mischief, Chu Feng went directly to her side, close to her ear and whispered: "but I really don't see, noble and cold you, inner,"

before finishing words, Chu Feng directly burst out, but Su Xinyu's face is red, she was angry at these gangsters just now Hun Guangzheng dares to make trouble without thinking too much, but now Chu Feng reminds her that she has no protection when she goes out today.

Looking around, no one seemed to see her just now, so Su Xinyu was not so embarrassed. Then she looked at Chu Feng's figure full of resentment, shame and anger. The bastard was staring at others when he had nothing to do. He seemed to be a serious guy.

When Chu Feng and more than ten people started to fight, Yao Qianxue also looked at him from a distance and hummed: "we must tell Xia Wei that this guy is not a good man. I really don't know what Xia Wei likes about him. He's taken care of by others and doesn't say it. It's not a good thing."

Then she turned directly and didn't want to see it. She was a girl who liked to be quiet. She didn't have any good feelings for people like fighting and fighting. At the moment, she had agreed to Mu Tianfei's pursuit, and her mood was not very good.

At this time, Chu Feng naturally did not know what other people were thinking. He made a wolf like move, and each blow made those thugs cry. In just a few minutes, all the thugs fell to the ground.

"Don't come here. I'm from the Green Gang. If you dare to move me, you'll have bad luck."

The broom head on his face was really scared at the moment. I thought that more than ten people would be enough to solve these problems. But I didn't expect that Chu Feng, who looked clear and beautiful, could fight so well. In a few minutes, he solved more than ten people.

"Green Gang again?" Chu Feng heard Yan's eyebrows slightly wrinkled and turned to look at Su Xinyu: "is this what you promised me?"

Su Xinyu's face changed. Chu Feng's affairs have been dealt with by others. I believe it must be no problem. But how come the people of the Qing Gang still come to trouble and slap the broom head in the face: "say, did Huang Luowen send you?"

"Do you know the leader?" The broom head, which had already been frightened by Chu Feng, almost fell on the ground when he heard Su Xinyu's words. No backbone or loyalty existed: "it's not from the sect leader. Don't tell the leader. It's Mu Shao who asked me to teach a little boy a lesson and take away the women around him."

"I really don't know about other things. Don't tell the leader, or he will surely kill me!"

"Mu Shao?" Chu Feng walked over to the corner of his mouth and said, "is it Mu Tianfei?"

"Yes, he is!" The broom head did not fall, for fear of Chu Feng. They continued to say, "the leader is mu Tianfei's brother-in-law and occasionally plays with us, so this time the thing is what he asked us to do. It is not difficult to think about it. So I agreed. I really don't know that you know the leader of the gang!"

"Go away!" Chu Feng probably knew something, so he was too lazy to embarrass these little ones: "when bullying people later, your eyes should be open a little bit, otherwise, you're not lucky every time."

"Thank you, thank you!" Listening to Chu Feng to let them go, the broom head nodded in gratitude. If he still felt that he was an ordinary person, then he was really a fool. He called up his underground companions and helped each other to leave here.

"Is it too easy to let them go in this way?"

Su Xinyu looks at the broom head and other people who leave, and frowns slightly. She is not used to these thugs. Today, she did not succeed in meeting them, but if she met other people, her fate might be the same as those girls who were hurt."Isn't the mastermind more interesting than them?" Chufeng eyes to the distance, said a meaningful, suddenly burst out, Su Xinyu do not know what happened, chufeng has been out more than ten meters.

"No, he found us. Let's go!"

Sun Li was very surprised to see that Chu Feng had knocked down so many people. At the moment, seeing him running towards this side, he knew what was going on. He directly cheered Mu Tianfei to drive quickly.

Mu Tianfei's reaction is also very fast. He just turned the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator in a moment. But before the car rushed out, a man suddenly appeared in front of the car. Mu Tianfei subconsciously stepped on the brake, and the car stopped directly and drew a long mark.

It took eight meters for the car to stop, but mu Tianfei and Sun Li both hit the front, and their heads were swollen. At the moment, the car was only 30 centimeters away from Chu Feng, which was very dangerous in the eyes of others.

Chu Feng knocked at the front of the car: "come out and talk about it."

Mu Tianfei and Sun Li touch their brows and are shocked by the speed of chufeng. They are 40 meters away from the scene, but only a few seconds later, chufeng actually blocks in front of their car and looks at each other. They don't know that the broom head has already sold them, and they get out of the car directly.

After Sun Li left the hospital that day, he had already asked someone to check Chu Feng. He knew that he was a poor boy from Dian LAN. Now he lives in his aunt's house and works with Xia Wei's brother. That's how he got to know Xia Wei. But in Sun Li's eyes, chufeng wanted to pursue Xia Wei, which was his rival in love.

"Chu Feng, why do you stop our car? It's a white death to hit you like this, you know?"

"You investigate me?" Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. Originally, she thought Sun Li wanted to teach herself a lesson because of Xia Wei's things. The fact is the same. But now it seems that she has done a lot of work before deciding to teach herself a lesson. It seems that she is not a guy who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun!

"Of course I have to investigate you, otherwise how can I know who you are and why I want to approach my future woman?"

Sun Li nodded and lit a cigarette. However, Chu Feng appeared in front of him. One hand pinched his cigarette end and burned it directly on his ear. The voice of crying and wolf roaring suddenly exploded. All the people who saw this scene were afraid and touched their ears subconsciously.

Chu Feng directly grabbed Sun Li's neck with his backhand, and his voice was cold: "I know why you want to teach me a lesson, but I tell you, I have nothing to do with Xia Wei. I believe you can see it. I don't want to say anything about it. But if you do it to me next time, don't blame me."

"I'm sure it's heavier than this time, you know?"

In the face of hard fists, Sun Li didn't have the courage to be tough. He nodded without falling. Chu Feng then looked at Mu Tianfei, which startled him. Chu Feng wanted to teach him a lesson, but he was Huang Luowen's nephew. This still needs to be considered: "you called the man, but the mastermind must be Sun Li. I don't care about you."

After a pause, Chu Feng punched them in the front of the car, and a deep collapse appeared there: "but if there is another time, then we should be prepared to do this. I don't provoke people, but it doesn't mean you can provoke me!"

"Do you think it's useful?"

After chufeng taught Sun Li a lesson, he got on the bus and left directly. He still needed to go to the company for the last few days. Su Xinyu was curious and looked at him: "can't you see that the person you beat is not a man who can't give up?"

"Did I kill him?" Chu Feng asked back. Naturally, he knew Sun Li would not give up, but he could not kill people. So the only thing he could do was to teach him a lesson: "I just don't know if they are students of Jianghai University. If so, there will be no less trouble in the future."

"Do you want your godfather to touch him?" At the moment, Mu Tianfei is still worried about the collapse of the car. He doesn't dare to attack Chu Feng for a short time. Moreover, Chu Feng has no grudge against him, so he asks Sun Li.

Sun Li touched his blistered ears with a ferocious look: "this guy is still a freshman in Jianghai University. Wait. I'll let him know my strength at the beginning of school."

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