Super Healer

Chapter 65

"Miss Su, are you really not going

Today, Chu Feng went to work after leaving Jianghai University. When he came back at 6 p.m., he found Su Xinyu at home. Just looking at the time, Su Xinyu didn't seem to mean to leave. Chu Feng had a headache. He felt that he couldn't explain this matter clearly with Lin Yulin.

"Why should I go?" Su Xinyu asked in reply, his legs crossed: "today you heard that I am going to follow you these days. I don't want to go to the company with you. Do you want to drive me away? You know, I have no place to go in Jianghai. "

Chu Feng didn't believe that a man driving a BMW would have no place to go, but at the moment he couldn't see what Su Xinyu was thinking: "what do you want? Don't you know that you will cause trouble to me here?"

Lin Yulin is going to socialize when she is about to leave work. It's almost time to come back after nine o'clock. But Su Xinyu is here. Liu Yan is gloating. Chu Feng feels his head is big.

"Troubled? I don't think so

Su Xinyu crooked his head and seemed to think that Chu Feng's words were ridiculous in general: "I'm a friend of vice captain Liu. What's the relationship between me and you here?"

Chu Feng was stunned when he heard the speech. Yes, he could say that she was Liu Yan's friend. The little aunt certainly would not ask himself about other things?

Just just ready to settle down, suddenly saw the flash of light in Liu Yan's eyes. Chu Feng's heart felt like a lump: "that Yan elder sister, you come with me for a while."

"What's the matter? There's someone out there!" Liu Yan followed Chu Feng into his room, but the door was directly closed by him: "I tell you, do not have bad thoughts on me, I have not forgiven you up to now."

"Don't talk nonsense here. You'll help me with this, won't you?"

Chu Feng rolled her eyes and knew that Liu Yan wanted to pinch herself, but it was destined that Chu Feng would not give her too many opportunities: "don't say no to me. I have no way to do it. I will confess with my little aunt. At that time, you'd better wish that she won't believe it, otherwise you will be finished."

Liu Yan, who originally had a smile on her face, said, "dare you?"

But looking at Chu Feng's look that you dare not look at me, Liu Yan's tone or put a little light: "that is not can't help you, just have a small request."

Chu Feng was on guard immediately. He was completely afraid of Liu Yan. If he didn't open his mouth, he would not open his mouth. He must be harsh: "speak first!"

"What are you afraid of Liu Yan cut a show of disdain, but his face turned red. It seems that there is something difficult to say in general: "that, your medical skills are very good?"

Chu Feng rarely saw Liu Yan show such an expression, looking at her face covered with a layer of red, as well as her words, immediately knew what she was thinking, and immediately straightened up: "do you want to do?"

Liu Yan is different from other girls from the beginning of physical development. Other people stop when they are almost the same, but Liu Yan is still growing. She measured it by herself. If it is the normal range at the time of graduation from the police academy, it is enough to add two cups.

Although it looks just a little grand, it is a burden for Liu Yan. When she goes out to carry out the task, she has to tighten it with a piece of cloth, otherwise it will be difficult to run.

Such a thing has been bothering Liu Yan, but she is embarrassed to go to the hospital, so now knowing that Chu Feng's medical skills are good, she moved the idea: "that you should also see that I am a little different from other women, I hope you can help me to see, if it can be cured, it will be better, if not, give me prevention, OK?"

"Three conditions!"

Chu Feng naturally knew what was wrong with Liu Yan, and raised three fingers straightforwardly: "first, when my little aunt comes back, you will tell her that Su Xinyu is your friend, so you can stay here for a while. Second, you can't talk to my aunt about any of my things, including my medical skills."

Look at Liu Yan, Chu Feng Leng hum: "third, you must tell my little aunt clearly the misunderstanding between us, otherwise, if this development goes on, it will not be clear in the future."

Liu Yan blinked and didn't know what she was thinking. Then she nodded heavily: "deal!" Then he took Chu Feng's hand and looked forward to: "when will it start?"

"Do you want to come here?" Chu Feng white Liu Yan one eye: "then what standard do you want, is to restore to the size of ordinary people, or maintain this appearance?"

"It must have been kept like this. How many people can't admire it!" Liu Yan straightened up in an instant, Chu Feng's eyes almost didn't fall out, so you don't worry about breaking your clothes?

"OK, you can arrange the time and start at any time."

Shaking her head, she secretly said that women were all terrible. Chu Feng left a word and directly opened the door and went out. Just as Lin Yulin came back from the outside, she saw that her temperament was similar to her, but there was a noble Su Xinyu saying: "are you?"Chu wind secretly said, fortunately, immediately opened his mouth: "Yan elder sister's friend, just came to the river and sea to stay for two days."

"Oh Lin Yulin nodded her head and didn't ask any more questions. She just whispered that she was a beautiful woman. Then she hummed a little song to her room. Liu Yan came out of the room and was stunned: "sister Yulin is not in love, is she?"

Chu Feng didn't care, but when she heard Liu Yan's words, she felt that Lin Yulin was a little abnormal today. She asked in a low voice, "how do you say this?"

"I've known sister Yulin for two years, but I haven't seen her like this. Today, I'm humming a little tune. It's different from the past!"

Liu Yan nodded and analyzed, then patted Chu Feng on the shoulder: "but sister Yulin is twenty-seven, it is also time to find a good man to marry, you should be happy to be a nephew."

"Of course I am happy!" Chu Feng Lengran nodded his head, but he felt that his heart was a little bit not taste, subconsciously touched his mouth, his first kiss?

"Miss Su, you can sleep in this room. I have a room with my little man." Liu Yan didn't pay attention to Chu Feng's expression. At the moment, she thought that Chu Feng could cure herself quickly. So she pointed to chufeng's room and pulled him to run into her own room. It made people can't help but smack her tongue. This woman is too crazy.

Su Xinyu moved the corners of her mouth for a moment, but then shook her head with a bitter smile. Looking at Lin Yulin's closed door, she stood up and walked into chufeng's room. Anyway, she had nothing to do in Jianghai, so she could follow Chu Feng for a few days.

"Let's go. What can I do?"

At the moment, in the next room, Liu Yan looked worried at Chu Feng. The latter breathed out a breath and pointed to Liu Yan, but in the end it was just a sigh. This time it was really over. I and Liu Yan entered a room, and my aunt must know that, and she was more and more unclear.

No good gas said a: "strip, get down!"

"Ah Liu Yan thought that she had heard the wrong thing and put her hands around her body: "tell you not to have any bad thoughts on me, or I will kick you!"

Chu Feng took a deep breath to suppress the impulse of not giving Liu Yan a foot directly: "beauty, if you don't take off your skin, I can't see how to treat it? And it's not that I haven't seen it. What can I do with so much nonsense? Hurry up. I have to sleep

After saying something unpleasant, Chu Feng directly opens the door and goes out. It happens that Su Xinyu also comes out of the room to go to the bathroom. Their eyes collide with each other. The latter's eyes flit with light playfulness. Chu Feng is too lazy to explain anything. Obviously, Su Xinyu misunderstands his relationship with Liu Yan.

When I arrived in the kitchen, I opened some of the things I had brought from the classic blue, and Chu Feng stirred up some things. A bowl was filled with some things, and the black layer was like paste.

Liu Yan's situation is because of internal breathing disorder, need conditioning!

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