Super Healer

Chapter 66

Liu Yan's room layout is very simple, only a wardrobe, a bed, and a dresser and a bedside table, there is basically nothing outside of it, which is probably related to her personality, so such a simple is completely understandable.

Chu Feng came in with a black bowl of things, but he almost fell to the ground with unsteady steps. He quickly looked back and saw that the door of Su Xinyu and Lin Yulin's room were all closed, so he calmed down a little. Otherwise, he would not be able to explain clearly when he saw this scene.

"Come on, I feel sick on my stomach like this."

Liu Yan's hands and feet lie there, what does it mean. The most important thing is that she is unarmed at the moment. Chu Feng closed the door and rolled her eyes directly. She put down the bowl and threw a blanket directly on her body: "I told you to lie down on your stomach. When did you behave so obediently?"

Liu Yan raised her head and looked at Chu Feng, but she didn't know her posture was very tempting at the moment. Seeing Chu Feng's helpless eyes, she seemed to understand something. She suddenly picked up a pillow and smashed it in the past: "you bastard, lie down. Why do you want to tell me to lie down, you son of a bitch, do you play with me?"

"Shut up, you want the world to know?"

Liu Yan's voice is very loud. It's estimated that Lin Yulin and Su Xinyu have heard it. Chu Feng's face is covered with black lines. Liu Yan is lying on the bed as if she was wronged: "you know how to bully me, son of a bitch!"

Chu Feng understood Liu Yan's nerve and didn't want to talk nonsense. He sat beside the bed and pulled a blanket over Liu Yan's lower body. He murmured that he liked to show it to others? I don't know what I'm going to cure. I'm stupid enough.

Liu Yan was ashamed to close her eyes at the moment. Although she had been seen by Chu Feng and had been sleeping with her for a whole night, it was all unintentional and unconscious. It was the first time for Liu Yan to lie in bed peacefully. She always felt that her brain could not respond to it.

Once Chu Feng got to business, nothing could attract him. He took up the bowl of things he had just made, stirred it with his fingers and began to daub it directly. Liu Yan's body became stiff and opened his eyes: "why do you touch me?"

Chu Feng directly glared at Liu Yan. The latter immediately closed his mouth and looked at the things in Chu Feng's hands, as well as the black things. He knew that he had misunderstood: "that you continue to touch!" Then she closed her eyes, but her body was shaking and couldn't relax. For the first time, I didn't have one.

Liu Yan thought it was OK. She opened her eyes, but a gold needle appeared in Chu Feng's hand and closed his eyes with interest. Did this bastard look like that on purpose just now? Where is there any cure that needs to be touched? He doesn't want to eat my tofu, right?

But if you can cure me, eat it!

Chu Feng calmly held the gold needle and directly pricked it in the center of Liu Yan's chest. Then he flashed out two gold needles and directly fell on the two places. Then he stood up and said, "lie down well. After an hour, I'll pull out the needle for you. After that, you will have a complete stereotype."

"So fast?"

Su Xinyu had already gone to bed, but she came out when she heard something moving in the hall. She used to stay up after 12 o'clock in the evening. If you let her have a rest early now, you can't really sleep.

Although Chu Feng only stayed for that short second, she was still looked in the eyes by Su Xinyu, and a trace of dissatisfaction swept through her eyes. However, she still chuckled: "it seems that you and Liu Yan go into the room, less than 20 minutes?"

Chu Feng took a dry towel and wiped his hands there. Then he seemed to understand something and looked at Su Xinyu: "does anyone say that your thoughts are not simple?"


Su Xinyu shrugged her shoulders and felt the atmosphere was a little embarrassed. She went back to the room and looked down when she closed the door: "this bastard looks at me like this. She thinks about other people even when she has a girlfriend. It's really not a thing!"

Chu Feng didn't know Su Xinyu scolded herself at the moment. She just got ready to go out of the balcony to blow the wind and wait for an hour to pull out the needle for Liu Yan. However, she heard a slight movement from Lin Yulin's room. Look at the time, I should not have slept. Why is there any movement?

With a bit of curiosity, Chu Feng looked at the two closed doors and went to sit on the sofa. His ear power was amazing. Although the sound insulation effect of the suite was good, Chu Feng could still hear some sounds through the tiny gaps between the doors.

"Thank you for saving me tonight, but why don't you rest so late?"

"Really? I'm such a big man. I don't need to worry. You'd better have a rest early. I'm all right."

"Tomorrow? But I still have no time to go to work. I can do it in the evening, but I have to wait until after eight o'clock. Recently, the company is quite busy and I have a lot of things to do. "

"Good night, then. Call me."

As soon as Chu Feng sat down, she heard her voice coming from Lin Yulin's room. It seemed that she was talking to someone on the phone, and the tone of her voice was very clear and sweet. Chu Feng could be sure that although Lin Yulin was a little baby voice when talking to herself, it would never be so sweet.Is it really the same as Liu Yan said that my aunt is in love?

"Xiao Feng, why don't you have a rest?" When Chu Feng's head was full of thoughts, Lin Yulin came out of the room and saw him sitting on the sofa. Then she thought of something and put her hands in front of her: "don't turn around and come back!"

Chu Feng was going to turn her head, but when she heard Lin Yulin's words, she knew that she must have changed into some pajamas: "I'm not sleepy. I'm ready to wait and sleep. I don't want to sleep. I have to go to work tomorrow!"

"Nothing. Get up and have a drink and sleep."

Lin Yulin smiles slightly. Seeing that Chu Feng has not turned back, she puts her hand down and looks at her translucent pajamas. It seems that she has to buy two new pajamas on the weekend. These are very comfortable to wear, but a man at home is not wearing it.

Drink a cup of water back to the room of Lin Yulin admonished: "early rest, there are a few days you will start school, this week's class can be finished, but do not last a few days on the contrary poor spirit."

"If you know, go." Chu Feng nodded, still did not look back, but in the sound of the door closed, his heart was still a little uncomfortable feeling, a long time before he stood up and patted his head: "little aunt, someone pursues, I should be happy to find a boyfriend, what are you worrying about here?"

Chufeng shook his head with a wry smile. Chufeng turned off the lights in the hall, and then walked directly into Liu Yan's room. After an hour, the black on Liu Yan's body was completely absorbed by the skin. Liu Yan fell asleep unconsciously just now. Chu Feng was so nervous that he was not afraid to do anything by himself?

After pulling out the gold needle, Chu Feng completely covered her with the blanket, and then directly lay on the floor. Anyway, the floor was clean and the weather was not humid. It was not a thing to sleep for two nights.

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