Super Healer

Chapter 583

Suddenly, Zhang Siqi's body was shocked. She opened her eyes, which she had just closed for fear, and blinked: "Chu Feng!"

Zhang Fei and Wang Ting also recognized them. After a moment of stupor, joy sprang up on their faces. They wanted to make Feng Shao stopped by Chu Feng's eyes. Seeing that many people around him looked at him, the couple understood that Chu Feng's identity was not suitable to be told. However, seeing that Chu Feng had already made a move, most of the tension in his heart was gone. It was all right this time.

"Long time no see."

Chu Feng sees that Zhang Siqi is a little less bright than before. She smiles more simply and throws out a sentence. Lin Sicong walks back a few steps. Chu Feng looks at him and says, "it's your ability for others to accept your pursuit. If others refuse you, it's not interested in you. If you're forced to come, you're almost interested."

Lin Sicong disdained to smile and took out a wet paper towel to wipe his hands. It was as if Chu Feng had just soiled him by holding his hand. He left the paper towel and said arrogantly, "which green onion, I do things, do you want you to teach me?"

"Zhang Siqi's man!"

Chu Feng touched her nose and said a direct reply. Zhang Siqi, beside her, was blushing. She lowered her head and did not dare to speak. She understood that Chu Feng wanted to get rid of her troubles, but she felt very comfortable when she heard this.

Hearing Chu Feng's reply, Lin Sicong opened his eyes and looked at chufeng. He was not tall, his skin was not white, and he was not handsome. He shook his head in a funny way: "just you, even if Zhang Siqi's family degenerate, it's not a bumpkin like you that can hook up with. Apologize and get out of here. I don't think you've ever appeared."

"I'm really her man."

Chu Feng raised his hand to stop Guo Weitong from coming over. He said, "do you need me to prove it to you?" he put his arm around Zhang Siqi's waist and looked at Lin Sicong

Seeing that his target was hugged by Chu Feng, Lin Sicong's eyes flashed with anger, but the suppression didn't break out. He firmly believed that the mean Wang Ting didn't even look up to him at the beginning, and now he's down and out. He shakes his head: "it's really naive to act in front of me. Do you think I'll believe it?"

As the voice falls, Lin Sicong's pupils shrink sharply and his fist clenches tightly. Because Chu Feng has already directly kissed Zhang Siqi, Zhang Siqi not only does not mean to push away chufeng, but also embraces chufeng. The two kiss deeply and excites everyone.

Guo Weitong's corners of the mouth twitched violently for a moment, and said in disbelief: "how many women are there now in Chu Feng?"


Lin Sicong finally couldn't help but roared, pointing to the Chu Feng who was separated, and his tone was gloomy: "who are you?"

Chu Feng shrugged his shoulders and took back the hand on Zhang Siqi's slender waist and said, "Zhang Siqi's man, didn't you just tell you?" Seeing the latter's obviously angry appearance, Chu Feng understood that such a person was going to smash his thought: "do you still want to see me and Siqi's more intimate behavior to believe it?"

Zhang Siqi bowed her head, her body was stiff, and her face was shy. They had kissed each other the first time they met. But that was when there was no one. Now that so many people are not shy, that's fake. After looking back on Chu Feng's more intimate action, Zhang Siqi even vaguely expected it.

"Your name is Chu Feng?"

Thinking of what Zhang Siqi said just now, Lin Sicong threw out a sentence. Then he remembered what he took out of his body, took out his mobile phone and opened it. There was a MMS message on it. He said with a smile: "it turns out that Feng Shao wants me to make you, but I still want to forget it. Now I send it to the door and kiss my woman in my arms. Blame yourself for your bad luck!"

One hand raised, incomparably pulling the wind: "brothers, your sister-in-law was eaten tofu, do you agree?"


Shua Shua Shua Shua came out of the surrounding more than 20 young men, one can see that they are some ignorant dandies, everyone raised his head and chest and roared: "flat him!"

With so many people supporting themselves, especially seeing that the crowd retreated, Lin Sicong's vanity was greatly satisfied. A little bit of Chu Feng's finger had the meaning of commanding thousands of troops: "it's better to beat the disabled, it's mine."

Chu Feng pushed Zhang Siqi behind him and stopped Guo Weitong from coming over. He looked at the more than 20 young men who came with a sneer in his eyes.

Zhang Siqi has nothing to worry about. She has seen Chu Feng fight at the beginning, but Zhang Fei and his wife are holding their fists and shouting in their hearts. Let's have a bad time with you and my family.

More than 20 people were lazy and aggressive. All of them gathered under Lin Sicong's command. At the moment, all of them surrounded Chu Feng and laughed: "the boy who didn't know whether he was dead or alive would dare to offend Lin Shao and seek death."

Chu Feng pursed his lower lip, raised his thumb with one hand, then went down, and his voice was contemptuous: "move your mouth, I will also!"

"Shit, it's too arrogant!"

The man who began to speak didn't expect Chu Feng to despise himself like this. He hit Chu Feng's face with an angry fist. He was satisfied with his own strength. He felt that after one punch, Chu Feng must have lost several teeth.

However, what he imagined didn't happen. The fist was held by Chu Feng, and his spare hand stretched out and patted the man's fist with irresistible force. The tone of instruction was: "the fist is not held like this. Do you catch mosquitoes?"The man was flushed by Chu Feng and forgot how his fist could be caught. He raised his foot with a roar of anger. However, Chu Feng had already known that one foot met him. With a loud bang, the man broke out a pig like Scream: "my foot is broken, it hurts to death!"

Chu Feng didn't even look at it. When he twisted his hand, the man tumbled into the air and fell on the ground. For these people, he would be severely deterred. He raised his finger and gently hooked it in everyone's surprised eyes: "next one!"


Lin Sicong rubbed his eyes and cursed: "Damn, you are all idiots. You're all idiots. I'll kill you."

Zhang Siqi looked at the tall and straight figure, unconsciously lifted a smile on the corner of her mouth, and her eyes were obsessed. This is the man.

At the command of Lin Sicong, more than 20 people yelled out to increase their courage and then rushed to Chu Feng. Without any fluctuation, Chu Feng took a step forward and kicked it out like lightning. Four people flew out and bumped into their companions. After a short contact, seven or eight people fell on the ground, howling and painful.

A young man seems to be stimulated by the Chu wind. He picks up a chair and rushes towards the wind. The latter step forward quickly in the twilight, and his left foot is lifted up and pressed down. The stool is smashed and flies out with the young man.

Chu Feng's eyes sank and swept, and he didn't want to play games with these people. His voice was cold: "who else, come on!"

You look at me, I look at you, and the person standing at last looks at Lin Sicong and says: "Lin Shao, forget it, there is no need to hurt the harmony if there are many women."

"Damn it, get out of here!"

Lin Sicong originally wanted to be strong enough to make people beat up Chu Feng. He showed his style in front of Zhang Siqi. Unexpectedly, Chu Feng only deterred his companions with a few strokes. He kicked up a stool and yelled, "he's not Ultraman, is he still immortal, afraid of a hairline?"

When those people retreated to the two sides, Lin Sicong directly smashed the stool out. If he was hit, Chu Feng would be beaten to death.

There is a slight sigh, silly than every year, especially this year. He gently turns around and suddenly jumps up, kicks back on the attacking stool. His power is even stronger than when he starts to hit it. Lin Sicong's eyes are wide, and he forgets to respond.

Other people are also looking without blinking. The timid girl has covered her eyes. It seems that she doesn't want to see Lin Sicong's head broken and bleeding.

But at this time, a figure flashed out from the crowd, white hand stretched out and firmly grasped the chair, and a trace of helplessness passed over her gorgeous face. She put the stool on the ground and whispered: "you can't hurt him!"

Seeing the comer, it was Lin Yulin, but Chu Feng knew it was another one. He narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice: "why? Didn't you see that he was going to hurt me? "

Lin Yulin looked back at Lin Sicong, who was almost scared to be silly. Then she walked outside and said without looking back: "anyone can abuse him, but you can't, otherwise my aunt won't forgive you. His name is Lin Sicong, and his father's name is Lin Kai."

Stopping and looking back, Lin Yulin's eyes did not fluctuate: "that's Lin Wei's uncle, my brother!" With that, Lin Yulin left directly, leaving only a figure full of fantasy.

Chu Feng blinked his eyes, half a day before jumping out of a word: "rely on!"

Lin Yulin also has a brother. He knew about it two days ago. He didn't expect to bump into her brother's son so soon. She went up and looked at Lin Sicong, who was still a little sluggish. She shook her head and said, "it's really handsome. It's similar to my little aunt."

A word makes Lin Sicong come back to his senses. When he looks back, he can't see Lin Yulin's back. But he heard what he said just now, pointing to Chu Feng, he said, "are you the wild seed adopted by my aunt?"

Wild seed!

At first, Chu Feng's intention to continue to work because of Lin Yulin's appearance has been dispersed. At the moment, Lin Sicong's words have aroused the deepest pain in his heart. Although he already knows the reason in Murong Bing, others say it is the same thing.

His eyes were cold. He picked up the stool that Lin Yulin had just put down and directly hit Lin Sicong. The stool broke. Lin Sicong also broke out like a pig, and his arm was smashed and broken.

The whole scene was silent, and some of them could not accept the blood in front of them. Chu Feng did not know how to throw the rest of the broken stool on the ground and said in a deep voice: "remember, my name is Chu Feng. Next time I hear those two words, I will make you unable to stand up for life!"

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